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  1. Create local file geodatabase to hold data and attachments you want to download from ArcGIS Online (called data.gdb in script)

  2. Create feature class (called myLayer in script), enable attachments, add globalID's

  3. Add the following field to the feature class -GlobalID_str, text, length: 50

  4. Create table called MatchTable (called MatchTable in script).

  5. Add the following fields to the MatchTable table:

    • GlobalID_Str, text, length: 50
    • PhotoPath, text length: 255
  6. Enable "sync" on hosted feature service (

  7. Open AGOL_pullFeatures script in text editor and modify the following: -ArcGIS Online username/password -REST url to feature service to pull from -path to and name of local file geodatabase -fields to pull from the hosted feature service (must match local feature class) -name of local feature class (this will hold the data from the hosted service and the attachments)

import os, urllib, urllib2, datetime, arcpy, json
## ============================================================================== ##
## function to update a field - basically converts longs to dates for date fields ##
## since json has dates as a long (milliseconds since unix epoch) and geodb wants ##
## a proper date, not a long.
## ============================================================================== ##
def updateValue(row,field_to_update,value):
outputfield=next((f for f in fields if ==field_to_update),None) #find the output field
if outputfield == None or value == None: #exit if no field found or empty (null) value passed in
if outputfield.type == 'Date':
if value > 0 : # filter "zero" dates
value = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value/1000) # convert to date - this is local time, to use utc time
row.setValue(field_to_update,value) # change "fromtimestamp" to "utcfromtimestamp"
## ============================================================================== ##
### Generate Token ###
gtUrl = ''
gtValues = {'username' : 'agol_user',
'password' : 'agol_password',
'referer' : '',
'f' : 'json' }
gtData = urllib.urlencode(gtValues)
gtRequest = urllib2.Request(gtUrl, gtData)
gtResponse = urllib2.urlopen(gtRequest)
gtJson = json.load(gtResponse)
token = gtJson['token']
### Create Replica ###
### Update service url HERE ###
crUrl = ''
crValues = {'f' : 'json',
'layers' : '0',
'returnAttachments' : 'true',
'token' : token }
crData = urllib.urlencode(crValues)
crRequest = urllib2.Request(crUrl, crData)
crResponse = urllib2.urlopen(crRequest)
crJson = json.load(crResponse)
replicaUrl = crJson['URL']
urllib.urlretrieve(replicaUrl, 'myLayer.json')
### Get Attachment ###
cwd = os.getcwd()
with open('myLayer.json') as data_file:
data = json.load(data_file)
for x in data['layers'][0]['attachments']:
gaUrl = x['url']
gaFolder = cwd + '\\photos\\' + x['parentGlobalId']
if not os.path.exists(gaFolder):
gaName = x['name']
gaValues = {'token' : token }
gaData = urllib.urlencode(gaValues)
urllib.urlretrieve(url=gaUrl + '/' + gaName, filename=os.path.join(gaFolder, gaName),data=gaData)
### Create Features ###
rows = arcpy.InsertCursor(cwd + '/data.gdb/myLayer')
fields = arcpy.ListFields(cwd + '/data.gdb/myLayer')
for cfX in data['layers'][0]['features']:
pnt = arcpy.Point()
pnt.X = cfX['geometry']['x']
pnt.Y = cfX['geometry']['y']
row = rows.newRow()
row.shape = pnt
### Set Attribute columns HERE ###
## makes use of the "updatevalue function to deal with dates ##
updateValue(row,'Field1', cfX['attributes']['Field1'])
updateValue(row,'Field2', cfX['attributes']['Field2'])
updateValue(row,'Field3', cfX['attributes']['Field3'])
updateValue(row,'Field4', cfX['attributes']['Field4'])
# leave GlobalID out - you cannot edit this field in the destination geodb
#comment out below fields if you don't have them in your online or destination geodb (editor tracking)
updateValue(row,'CreationDate', cfX['attributes']['CreationDate'])
updateValue(row,'Creator', cfX['attributes']['Creator'])
updateValue(row,'EditDate', cfX['attributes']['EditDate'])
updateValue(row,'Editor', cfX['attributes']['Editor'])
updateValue(row,'GlobalID_str', cfX['attributes']['GlobalID'])
del row
del rows
### Add Attachments ###
### Create Match Table ###
rows = arcpy.InsertCursor(cwd + '/data.gdb/MatchTable')
for cmtX in data['layers'][0]['attachments']:
row = rows.newRow()
row.setValue('GlobalID_Str', cmtX['parentGlobalId'])
row.setValue('PhotoPath', cwd + '\\photos\\' + cmtX['parentGlobalId'] + '\\' + cmtX['name'])
del row
del rows
### Add Attachments ###
arcpy.AddAttachments_management(cwd + '/data.gdb/myLayer', 'GlobalID_Str', cwd + '/data.gdb/MatchTable', 'GlobalID_Str', 'PhotoPath')
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ESRI pointed me to an updated script that pulls down a fgd from our AGO account. Here is the link to this script

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