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Last active January 19, 2023 04:34
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# License: public domain
class SimpleView(object):
Simple view-like object of an array-like object.
Slices taken with __getitem__ are combined and stored for later use,
but the actual data is not extracted from the underlying array-like
object until __array__ is called.
Warnings about the current implementation:
- Does NOT handle slice steppings.
- Does NOT handle numpy.newaxis or None, either.
- Does NOT support reducing the dimensionality of the data. (e.g. a[2:3] is okay, a[2] is not).
(In principle, all of the above could be fixed...)
def __init__( self, data, slicing=(slice(None),) ):
self._data = data
slicing = self._expand_slicing(slicing, data.shape)
slicing = self._explicit_slicing(slicing, data.shape)
self._slicing = slicing
def __array__(self):
return self._data[self._slicing]
def shape(self):
return tuple(s.stop - s.start for s in self._slicing)
def dtype(self):
return self._data.dtype
def __getitem__(self, slicing):
assert all( isinstance(s, slice) for s in slicing ), "Sorry, SimpleView doesn't support integer slicing args yet."
slicing = self._expand_slicing(slicing, self.shape)
slicing = self._explicit_slicing(slicing, self.shape)
combined_slicing = self._combine_slicings(self._slicing, slicing)
return SimpleView(self._data, combined_slicing)
def __setitem__(self, slicing, new_data):
slicing = self._expand_slicing(slicing, self.shape)
slicing = self._explicit_slicing(slicing, self.shape)
combined_slicing = self._combine_slicings(self._slicing, slicing)
self._data[combined_slicing] = new_data
def _combine_slicings(cls, slicing1, slicing2):
assert len(slicing1) == len(slicing2)
final_slicing = ()
for s1, s2 in zip(slicing1, slicing2):
# This code needs to be a little more complicated if we want to support steps other than 1.
# For now, we just disallow that case.
assert s1.step == None or s1.step == 1, "SimpleView does not support slice step sizes other than 1"
assert s2.step == None or s2.step == 1, "SimpleView does not support slice step sizes other than 1"
start = s1.start + s2.start
stop = s1.start + s2.stop
final_slicing += (slice(start, stop),)
return final_slicing
def _explicit_slicing(cls, slicing, shape):
Replace all slice(None) items in the given slicing with
explicit start/stop coordinates using the given shape.
Also, replace negative indexes with positive equivalents.
explicit_slicing = ()
for slc, maxstop in zip(slicing, shape):
if not isinstance(slc, slice):
explicit_slicing += (slc,)
start, stop, step = slc.start, slc.stop, slc.step
if start is None:
start = 0
if stop is None:
stop = maxstop
if start < 0:
start = maxstop + start
if stop < 0:
stop = maxstop + stop
explicit_slicing += ( slice(start, stop, step), )
return explicit_slicing
def _expand_slicing(cls, s, shape):
s: Anything that can be used as a numpy array index:
- int
- slice
- Ellipsis (i.e. ...)
- Some combo of the above as a tuple or list
shape: The shape of the array that will be accessed
NOTE: Does not handle numpy.newaxis or None
A tuple of length N where N=len(shape)
slice(None) is inserted in missing positions so as not to change the meaning of the slicing.
e.g. if shape=(1,2,3,4,5):
0 --> (0,:,:,:,:)
(0:1) --> (0:1,:,:,:,:)
: --> (:,:,:,:,:)
... --> (:,:,:,:,:)
(0,0,...,4) --> (0,0,:,:,4)
if type(s) == list:
s = tuple(s)
if type(s) != tuple:
# Convert : to (:,), or 5 to (5,)
s = (s,)
# Compute number of axes missing from the slicing
if len(shape) - len(s) < 0:
assert s == (Ellipsis,) or s == (slice(None),), \
"Slicing must not have more elements than the shape, except for [:] and [...] slices"
# Replace Ellipsis with (:,:,:)
if Ellipsis in s:
ei = s.index(Ellipsis)
s = s[0:ei] + (len(shape) - len(s) + 1)*(slice(None),) + s[ei+1:]
# Shouldn't be more than one Ellipsis
assert Ellipsis not in s, \
"illegal slicing: found more than one Ellipsis"
# Append (:,) until we get the right length
s += (len(shape) - len(s))*(slice(None),)
# Special case: we allow [:] and [...] for empty shapes ()
if shape == ():
s = ()
return s
# Quick test
if __name__ == "__main__":
import numpy
a = numpy.random.random((100,100,100)).astype(numpy.float32)
sv1 = SimpleView(a)
(sv1[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1] == a[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1]).all()
import h5py
f = h5py.File('foo.h5', driver='core', backing_store=False, mode='w')
f['dset'] = a
sv2 = SimpleView(f['dset'])
(sv2[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1] == a[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1]).all()
# Try writing
sv2[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1] = 1.0
assert (f['dset'][:] == sv2).all()
a[10:90, 20:80, 30:70][20:40, 40:60, :-1] = 1.0
assert (f['dset'][:] == a).all()
#print numpy.sum(sv1)
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