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Created January 4, 2013 22:07
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Ankyll - a generic Ant script to build and publish Jekyll-based sites to Amazon S3
<project name="Ankyll" default="prepare" basedir=".">
Ankyll is a generic Ant script to build and publish Jekyll-based sites to Amazon S3.
It provides a number of independent targets that may be run in isolation, as well as a few "phase" targets that simply depend on sensible targets to achieve their goal. More details can be found in the description of each target.
Ankyll relies on a few external tools to be available on the PATH, namely Jekyll, curl and s3cmd. If you do not have all of these tools, certain targets will not work.
<!-- the Jekyll generated site directory -->
<property name="sitedir" value="_site/"/>
<!-- a directory to use for backing up the existing S3 bucket -->
<property name="backupdir" value="_backup/"/>
<!-- the S3 bucket to interact with - must be prefixed with "s3://" -->
<property name="s3bucket" value="s3://YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/"/>
<!-- the encoded URL to your sitemap (for submitting to search engines) -->
<property name="sitemap" value=""/>
<target name="clean"
description="Cleans the project by removing the site and backup directories">
<delete dir="${sitedir}"/>
<delete dir="${backupdir}"/>
<target name="build"
description="Builds the site using Jekyll">
<exec executable="jekyll">
<arg value="--no-auto"/>
<target name="deploy"
description="Deploys the site to the configured Amazon S3 bucket">
<exec executable="s3cmd">
<arg value="sync"/>
<arg value="--delete-removed"/>
<arg value="${sitedir}"/>
<arg value="${s3bucket}"/>
<arg value="--verbose"/>
<target name="publish-sitemap"
description="Publishes the sitemap to search engines (Google and Bing)">
<!-- Bing -->
<exec executable="curl">
<arg value="${sitemap}"/>
<!-- Google -->
<exec executable="curl">
<arg value="${sitemap}"/>
<target name="backup"
description="Backs up the current data in the Amazon S3 bucket (so we have something to restore if things go wrong)">
<delete dir="${backupdir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${backupdir}"/>
<exec executable="s3cmd">
<arg value="get"/>
<arg value="--recursive"/>
<arg value="${s3bucket}"/>
<arg value="${backupdir}"/>
<arg value="--verbose"/>
<target name="verify-backup"
description="Internal use only - just prevents us from unintentionally overwriting an existing backup.">
<available file="${backupdir}" property="backup.exists"/>
<target name="restore"
description="Restores the backup directory to the Amazon S3 bucket">
<exec executable="s3cmd">
<arg value="sync"/>
<arg value="--delete-removed"/>
<arg value="${backupdir}"/>
<arg value="${s3bucket}"/>
<arg value="--verbose"/>
<target name="prepare-phase"
description="Prepares the site for deployment for local testing prior to deployment.">
<target name="release-phase"
description="Releases the site live, taking a backup just before deploying the new site, and finally submitting the sitemap to search engines.">
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