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Last active June 3, 2022 19:53
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Save stuartleeks/8bebe1043a1f1b39bdce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
PowerShell script to create a Remote Desktop Connection Manager configuration file for all Windows Azure Virtual Machines and PaaS role instances in a subscription.Requires Azure PowerShell cmdlets: See this blog post for more information: http://blogs.msdn.c…
$rdcmanName = "Azure VMs"
$outputFileName = Get-Location | Join-Path -ChildPath "AzureVMs.rdg"
$xml = [xml]'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RDCMan programVersion="2.7" schemaVersion="3">
<credentialsProfiles />
<name>Azure VMs</name>
<encryptionSettings inherit="None">
<credentialData />
<connectionSettings inherit="None">
<startProgram />
<workingDir />
<connected />
<favorites />
<recentlyUsed />
$fileElement =$xml.RDCMan.file
$groupTemplateElement =$
$serverTemplateElement = $groupTemplateElement.server
$ = $rdcmanName
function getDisplayName($name){
$name.Replace("http://", "").Replace("https://","").TrimEnd('/')
function addServerElementToGroup($group, $name, $displayName, $port, $loadBalanceInfo){
$serverElement = $serverTemplateElement.Clone()
$ = getDisplayName $name
$ = $displayName
$serverElement.connectionSettings.port = $port.ToString()
if ($loadBalanceInfo -ne $null){
$serverElement.connectionSettings.loadBalanceInfo = $loadBalanceInfo
$group.AppendChild($serverElement) | out-null
function getGroup($element, $groupName){
$group = $ | ?{ $ -eq $groupName} | Select-Object -First 1
if ($group -eq $null){
$group = $groupTemplateElement.Clone()
$ = $groupName
$element.AppendChild($group) | out-null
return $group
function addServer(){
$group = getGroup $fileElement $info.ServiceName
if ($info.RoleName -ne $null) {
$group = getGroup $group $info.RoleName
if ($info.Slot -ne $null) {
$group = getGroup $group $info.Slot
addServerElementToGroup $group $info.Name $info.DisplayName $info.Port $info.LoadBalanceInfo
Get-AzureService | %{
$service = $_
$serviceName = $service.ServiceName
Get-AzureVM -ServiceName $serviceName -ErrorAction Ignore | %{
$vm = $_
$rdpEndpoints = @($vm.VM.ConfigurationSets.InputEndpoints | ?{$_.LocalPort -eq 3389})
if($rdpEndpoints.Length -gt 0){
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ServiceName = $serviceName
Name = $vm.DNSName
DisplayName = $vm.Name
Port = $rdpEndpoints[0].Port
$production = @(Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot Production -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$staging = @(Get-AzureDeployment -ServiceName $serviceName -Slot Staging -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$combined = $production + $staging
$combined | %{
$deployment = $_
$deployment.RoleInstanceList | ?{
($_.InstanceEndpoints | ?{$_.Port -eq 3389}).Count -gt 0
} | %{
$roleInstance = $_
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
ServiceName = $serviceName
Name = $deployment.Url.ToString()
RoleName = $roleInstance.RoleName
Slot = $deployment.Slot
DisplayName = $roleInstance.InstanceName
Port = 3389
LoadBalanceInfo = "Cookie: mstshash=" + $roleInstance.RoleName + "#" + $roleInstance.InstanceName
} | addServer # add to the tree
$fileElement.RemoveChild($groupTemplateElement) | out-null
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Nice script! Generated the XML file with all of my VMs!
How do you get the right endpoint for RDP if there are two or more? Most of my VMs have PowerShell and Remote Desktop (or some are called RDP) for the endpoints.

I ended up using Remote Desktop Manager to import my VMs from Azure and chose each VMs endpoint (This tool costs $)

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