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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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PowerShell-friendly docker ps parsing
function PascalName($name){
$parts = $name.Split(" ")
for($i = 0 ; $i -lt $parts.Length ; $i++){
$parts[$i] = [char]::ToUpper($parts[$i][0]) + $parts[$i].SubString(1).ToLower();
$parts -join ""
function GetColumnInfo($headerRow, $propertyNames){
$lastIndex = 0
$lastName = $null
$propertyNames | %{
$nextIndex = $headerRow.IndexOf($_, $lastIndex)
if ($lastName -ne $null) {
New-Object PSObject -Property @{ HeaderName = $lastName; Name = PascalName $lastName; Start=$lastIndex; End=$nextIndex}
$lastIndex = $nextIndex
$lastName = $_
New-Object PSObject -Property @{ HeaderName = $lastName; Name = PascalName $lastName; Start=$lastIndex; End=-1}
function ParseRow($row, $columnInfo) {
$values = @{}
$columnInfo | % {
if ($_.End -lt 0) {
$len = $row.Length - $_.Start
} else {
$len = $_.End - $_.Start
$values[$_.Name] = $row.SubString($_.Start, $len)
New-Object PSObject -Property $values
function ExtractPsInfo(){
$positions = $null;
process {
if($positions -eq $null) {
# header row => determine column positions
$positions = GetColumnInfo -headerRow $_ -propertyNames $propertyNames
} else {
# data row => output!
ParseRow -row $_ -columnInfo $positions
end {
## TODO - move to generic version
#function DockerParse($propertyNames){
# begin{
# $positions = $null;
# }
# process {
# if($positions -eq $null) {
# # header row => determine column positions
# $positions = GetColumnInfo -headerRow $_ -propertyNames $propertyNames
# } else {
# # data row => output!
# ParseRow -row $_ -columnInfo $positions
# }
# }
# end {
# }
# e.g. :
# docker --tls ps -a --no-trunc | ExtractPsInfo | ft
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