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Created July 17, 2014 15:50
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Processing for PH2 site
import kplr
import json
import csv
import code
import numpy as np
import sys
from itertools import izip
client = kplr.API()
stars = []
with open('Mdwarfs_keplerstellar_without_head.csv', 'r') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='#')
for row in reader:
lookup = json.load(open("zooniverse_id_lookup.json"))
quarter={0:"2009131105131", 1: '2009166043257', 2: "2009259160929", 3: "2009350155506", 4: "2010078095331", 5:"2010174085026", 6:"2010265121752", 7:"2010355172524", 8:"2011073133259", 9: "2011177032512", 10:"2011271113734", 11:"2012004120508", 12:"2012088054726", 13: "2012179063303" , 14:"2012277125453", 15: "2013011073258", 16:"2013098041711", 17:"2013131215648"}
inv_map = {v:k for k, v in quarter.items()}
manifest = []
count = 0
to_do = 100
for star_meta in stars:
kepler_id = star_meta[2]
star =
lcs = star.get_light_curves(short_cadence=False)
metadata = {"star_kepler_id": kepler_id, "kepmag" : star_meta [3], "teff": star_meta [4], "logg" : star_meta [5], "feh":star_meta [6], "radius" : star_meta [7], "mass": star_meta [8], "nconfp": star_meta [9], "ra": star.kic_ra , "dec" : star.kic_dec, "lc_count" : len(lcs), "lcs": [] }
count +=1
if count == to_do:
print "doing " + kepler_id
for lc in lcs:
# import code
# code.interact(local=locals())
quarter = inv_map[lc.filename.split("-")[1].split("_")[0]]
kid = "kplr" + kepler_id.zfill(9)
with as f:
hdu_data = f[1].data
flux = hdu_data["sap_flux"]
time = hdu_data["time"]
ferr = hdu_data["sap_flux_err"]
mask = np.invert( np.isnan(flux))
flux = flux[mask]
time = time[mask]
ferr = ferr[mask]
total = len(flux)
chunk = total/3
time_range = time[-1] - time[0]
t_chunk = time_range/3.0
t_start = time[0]
time_mask1 = [t < t_chunk + t_start for t in time]
time_mask2 = [t > t_chunk + t_start and t < t_chunk*2 + t_start for t in time]
time_mask3 = [t > t_chunk*2 + t_start for t in time]
flux_1 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(flux, time_mask1) if s]
flux_2 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(flux, time_mask2) if s]
flux_3 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(flux, time_mask3) if s]
time_1 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(time, time_mask1) if s]
time_2 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(time, time_mask2) if s]
time_3 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(time, time_mask3) if s]
ferr_1 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(ferr, time_mask1) if s]
ferr_2 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(ferr, time_mask2) if s]
ferr_3 = [float(t) for t, s in izip(ferr, time_mask3) if s]
zooniverse_id_lu = lookup[kid]
q_key = str(quarter)+'.1'
if q_key in zooniverse_id_lu:
zoo_id1 = zooniverse_id_lu[q_key]
zoo_id1 = "unknown"
q_key = str(quarter)+'.2'
if q_key in zooniverse_id_lu:
zoo_id2 = zooniverse_id_lu[q_key]
zoo_id2 = "unknown"
q_key = str(quarter)+'.3'
if q_key in zooniverse_id_lu:
zoo_id3 = zooniverse_id_lu[q_key]
zoo_id3 = "unknown"
q_metadata_1 = {"start_time": time_1[0] , "quarter": quarter , "chunk": 1, "star_kepler_id": kepler_id, "old_zoonivers_id": zoo_id1 , "location" : ""+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-1.json" }
q_metadata_2 = {"start_time": time_2[0] , "quarter": quarter , "chunk": 2, "star_kepler_id": kepler_id, "old_zoonivers_id": zoo_id2 , "location" : ""+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-2.json" }
q_metadata_3 = {"start_time": time_3[0] , "quarter": quarter , "chunk": 3, "star_kepler_id": kepler_id, "old_zoonivers_id": zoo_id3 , "location" : ""+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-3.json" }
jdata1 = {"x": time_1, "y": flux_1, "dy": ferr_1, "metadata": q_metadata_1 }
jdata2 = {"x": time_2, "y": flux_2, "dy": ferr_2, "metadata": q_metadata_2 }
jdata3 = {"x": time_3, "y": flux_3, "dy": ferr_3, "metadata": q_metadata_3 }
with open("data_files/"+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-1.json","w") as outfile:
json.dump(jdata1, outfile)
with open("data_files/"+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-2.json","w") as outfile:
json.dump(jdata2, outfile)
with open("data_files/"+kepler_id+"_"+str(quarter)+"-3.json","w") as outfile:
json.dump(jdata3, outfile)
print "error with "+ kepler_id
with open("manifest.json","w") as outfile:
json.dump(manifest, outfile)
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