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Stuart P. Bentley stuartpb

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mbostock / .block
Last active February 9, 2016 01:58 — forked from mbostock/.block
Now + Solar Terminator
license: gpl-3.0
kopasetik /
Last active April 9, 2016 19:48
Vernacular Spectacular

Mr Walé’s Inclusion Fusion Vernacular Spectacular!
or Decoupling from (Bad) Shibboleths in the Developer Community
Link to Slides

A problem with developers is that we often say and do things that are esoteric and treat them as criteria for being a “developer.” This conflicts with the fact that a developer can come any background.

Today I’m going to talk about shibboleths. What’s a shibboleth? A shibboleth is a proverbial line in the sand that determines who belongs and who is an outsider. Many are in programming. Text editors, paradigms, languages, type systems, are all topics of… um…, “vigorous conversation.”

If you want to think about it in terms of middle school Venn Diagrams, the developer community does not do enough to encourage seeing different developer groups as unions instead of as intersections. This can have a lot of different manifestations. Say you're working on a pr

'use strict';
const x = (() => {
// This is always >= 0
let nonNegative = 0;
return {
// Return the value

Best thing about Docker

To run something messy with complicated dependencies that was designed for a big distro like Ubuntu and doesn't have a Nix package built for it yet, Docker provides a sledgehammer approach that is simple and reliable.

For things like CI servers, it seems like a good lightweight alternative to VMs.

Worst thing about Docker

stuartpb /
Created October 2, 2015 23:56
Script to make a new Arch Linux for Raspberry Pi image
# Packages required
# dosfstools parted
# Can be run on any Linux system
echo "creating image to fit on 1Gb card"
dd if=/dev/zero of=arch-rpi.img bs=1M count=925
echo "Partitioning"
kig / gzip.js
Last active August 1, 2019 08:59
TarGZ = function(){};
// Load and parse archive, calls onload after loading all files.
TarGZ.load = function(url, onload, onstream, onerror) {
var o = new TarGZ();
o.onload = onload;
o.onerror = onerror;
o.onstream = onstream;
return o;
sunaku / shed
Last active July 30, 2020 02:16
POSIX shell script equivalent of
#!/bin/sh -e
# POSIX shell script equivalent of:
# <>
# Usage: shed [SHELL_ARGUMENTS...]
# Executes stdin after you edit it.
# If $EDITOR is unset, uses $PAGER.
# If $PAGER is unset, uses cat(1).
id: exapunks_solution
file-extension: exapunks_solution
endian: le
- id: magic
contents: [0xEF, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00]
- id: file_id
type: pstr
- id: name
nolanlawson /
Last active September 12, 2022 19:40
What's missing in Microsoft's implementation of IndexedDB

What's missing in Microsoft's implementation of IndexedDB

Per a discussion with Christian Heilmann, I've put together a little doc outlining the current IndexedDB issues in IE 10-11 and Edge.

Major blockers

The biggest issue with IE's implementation is the lack of multiEntry, complex keys, or compound keypaths. Kyaw Tun (creator of YDN-DB) has grumbled a lot about this, and David Fahlander (Dexie.js creator) has written a heroic polyfill called IEGap that adds the missing behavior. (Although per David, it passes the W3C tests but not all the Dexie tests due to some tricky edge cases.)

Lost from

When I switched over the C# compiler team, I had hoped that I would be able to give some insight into how the design team works, what decisions we make, etc. Language design is a very esoteric field, and there's not a lot written about it (though “Design and evolution of C++“ is a pretty good read). I had hoped that I would be able to do this with concrete examples, as that makes it much easier.

I've been watching for candidate topics to write about, but haven't yet come up with any good ones. One of the problems is that features have a tendency to morph in design (and in whether they'll make it into Whidbey) as time goes by, and it would be bad for me to say, “we're talking about doing“ and then have us decide it wasn't a good idea. Or, for us to decide that doesn't fit into our schedule, or it would break existing code, or any of the other reasons that might cause us to pull a feature. We're generally not comfortable re