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Created March 4, 2011 20:32
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Automatic Resource Cleanup with PhantomReferences
(ns resource
"Automatic resource cleanup."
(:import (java.lang.ref ReferenceQueue PhantomReference)))
(def ^:private queue (ReferenceQueue.))
(def ^:private cleanup-fns {})
(defn resource
"Returns a reference to x. At some point after the reference is
garbage-collected, invokes (f x)."
[x f]
(let [r (reify clojure.lang.IDeref (deref [this] x))
p (PhantomReference. r queue)]
(alter-var-root #'cleanup-fns assoc p #(f x))
;; The cleanup thread.
(doto (Thread.
(fn []
(loop [ref (.remove queue)]
((get cleanup-fns ref)) ; TODO: handle exceptions
(alter-var-root #'cleanup-fns dissoc ref)
(recur (.remove queue))))
(.setDaemon true)
(use 'resource)
;;=> nil
(def r (resource "hello" #(prn "Cleaning up" %)))
;;=> #'user/r
;;=> #<resource$resource$reify__11@5abd09e8: "hello">
;;=> "hello"
;;=> nil
;;=> "hello"
(def r nil)
;;=> #'user/r
;;=> nil
;; "Cleaning up" "hello"
;;=> nil
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