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Created December 12, 2021 01:40
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AOC 2021 Day 11 in Clojure
(ns stuartstein777.2021.day11
(:require [stuartstein777.file :as f]
[stuartstein777.utils :as u]
[clojure.string :as str]))
(defn xy->idx
[width [x y]]
(+ y (* x width)))
(defn parser [line]
(->> line
(u/str-split #"")
(map identity)
(mapv #(Integer/parseInt %))))
(defn build-coords [w h]
(for [x (range 0 w)
y (range 0 h)]
[x y]))
(defn get-adjacent-cells [[x y] w h]
(for [Δx [-1 0 1]
Δy [-1 0 1]
:let [x' (+ x Δx)
y' (+ y Δy)]
:when (and (not= [x y] [x' y'])
(<= 0 x' (dec w))
(<= 0 y' (dec h)))]
[x' y']))
(defn increment-cell [inc-zeros? cell]
(update cell :n (fn [n]
(case n
0 (if inc-zeros? 1 0)
(-> n inc (mod 10))))))
(defn flash-cell [{:keys [flashed] :as cell}]
(if flashed
(-> cell
(assoc :flashed true)
(update :flashes inc))))
(defn print-grid [w grid]
(let [grid (->> (map :n grid)
(partition w))]
(println (str/join "\n" (map (partial str/join " ") grid)))
(defn flash [w h grid]
(let [{:keys [xy i] :as z} (first (filter (fn [{:keys [n flashed]}] (and (= 0 n) (not flashed))) grid))]
(if z
(let [adjacent-cells (map (partial xy->idx w) (get-adjacent-cells xy w h))]
(recur w h
(-> (reduce (fn [acc i] (update acc i (partial increment-cell false))) grid adjacent-cells)
(update i flash-cell))))
(defn increment-all [grid]
(mapv (partial increment-cell true) grid ))
(defn build [xs width height]
(map (fn [n xy i] {:n n, :flashes 0, :flashed false :xy xy :i i})
(build-coords width height)
(range (* width height))))
(defn reset-flashed [grid]
(map (fn [g] (assoc g :flashed false)) grid))
(defn round [width height grid]
(-> grid
((partial flash width height))
(defn count-flashes [grid]
(reduce + (map :flashes grid)))
(let [input (f/read-all-lines-and-parse "puzzle-inputs/2021/day11" parser)
width (count (first input))
height (count input)
rounds (apply comp (repeat 100 (partial round width height)))]
(-> (build (apply concat input) width height)
(count-flashes))) ; 1719
; part 2
(let [input (f/read-all-lines-and-parse "puzzle-inputs/2021/day11" parser)
width (count (first input))
height (count input)]
(loop [grid (build (apply concat input) width height)
total-flashes 0
n 1]
(let [after-round (round width height grid)
flashes (count-flashes after-round)]
(if (= (- flashes total-flashes) 100)
(recur after-round flashes (inc n)))))) ; 232
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