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Last active December 4, 2020 14:36
aoc 2020 - day 4
;; -------------------------- part 1
(defn valid? [passport]
(let [required-fields [:hgt :byr :eyr :ecl :iyr :pid :hcl]]
(every? #(passport %) required-fields)))
;; -------------------------- part 2
(defn valid-year [min max byr]
(and byr (= 4 (count byr)) (re-matches #"\d+" byr) (<= min (Integer/parseInt byr) max)))
(defn valid-height [height]
(and height
(re-matches #"(\d+)cm|(\d+)in" height)
(let [h (Integer/parseInt (subs height 0 (- (count height) 2)))
unit (subs height (- (count height) 2))]
(if (= unit "in")
(<= 59 h 76)
(<= 150 h 193)))))
(defn valid? [{:keys [hgt byr eyr ecl iyr pid hcl]}]
(and ((partial valid-year 1920 2002) byr)
((partial valid-year 2010 2020) iyr)
((partial valid-year 2020 2030) eyr)
(valid-height hgt)
hcl (re-matches #"#([0-9]|[a-f]){6}" hcl)
(#{"amb" "blu" "brn" "gry" "grn" "hzl" "oth"} ecl)
pid (re-matches #"[0-9]{9}" pid)))
;; ---------------------- shared
(defn parse [entry]
(->> (str/split entry #"\r\n|\s")
(map (fn [e]
(let [[k v] (str/split e #":")]
{(keyword k) v})))
(apply merge)))
(as-> (slurp "input.txt") o
(str/split o #"\r\n\r\n")
(map parse o)
(filter valid? o)
(count o))
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