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Created March 12, 2022 14:42
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Can I not hot reload the graph?
(:require [reagent.dom :as dom]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
["cytoscape" :as cytoscape]))
(defn cytoscape-clj [graph-options elements container-id]
(clj->js (merge graph-options
{:container (js/document.getElementById container-id)
:elements elements})))
;;-- Events and Effects --------------------------------------------------------------------------
(fn [_ _]
{:graph-options {:style [{:selector "node"
:style {:background-color "#666"
:label "data(label)"}}
{:selector "edge"
:style {"width" 3
:line-color "#000"
:target-arrow-color "#000"
:curve-style "bezier"
:target-arrow-shape "triangle"
:label "data(label)"}}]
:layout {:name "circle"}
:userZoomingEnabled false
:userPanningEnabled false
:boxSelectionEnabled false}
:elements [{:data {:id "a" :label "a"}}
{:data {:id "b" :label "b"}}
{:data {:id "c" :label "c"}}
{:data {:id "d" :label "d"}}
{:data {:id "e" :label "e"}}
{:data {:id "ab" :source "a" :target "b"}}
{:data {:id "ad" :source "a" :target "d"}}
{:data {:id "be" :source "b" :target "e"}}
{:data {:id "cb" :source "c" :target "b"}}
{:data {:id "de" :source "d" :target "e"}}]
:foo 1}))
(fn [[graph-options elements]]
(cytoscape-clj graph-options elements "cy")))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
{:db db
:render-graph [(:graph-options db) (:elements db)]}))
(fn [{:keys [db]} _]
(let [elements-with-f (conj (:elements db) {:data {:id "f" :label "f"}})
db (assoc db :elements elements-with-f)]
{:db db
:render-graph [(:graph-options db) (:elements db)]})))
;; event behind as no subcription!
;; -- Subs ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(fn [db _]
(:graph-options db)))
;; -- App -------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn app []
(let [graph-options @(rf/subscribe [:graph-options])]
[:h1 "Cytoscape Testing"]
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:render graph-options])}
"Render graph"]
{:on-click #(rf/dispatch [:add-f])}
"Add F"]
;; -- After-Load --------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Do this after the page has loaded.
;; Initialize the initial db state.
(defn ^:dev/after-load start
(dom/render [app]
(.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn ^:export init []
; dispatch the event which will create the initial state.
(defonce initialize (rf/dispatch-sync [:initialize]))
(rf/dispatch-sync [:initialize])
(let [graph-options @(rf/subscribe [:graph-options])]
(rf/dispatch [:render graph-options]))
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