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# The name of the application.
# If not set, defaults to the name of the project.
# The version of the application.
# If not set, defaults to the version of the project
# If set to true '@Inject' is automatically added to all non-static fields that are annotated with
# one of the annotations defined by {@link AutoInjectAnnotationBuildItem}.
# If set to all (or true) the container will attempt to remove all unused beans.
# An unused bean:
# - is not a built-in bean or interceptor,
# - is not eligible for injection to any injection point,
# - is not excluded by any extension,
# - does not have a name,
# - does not declare an observer,
# - does not declare any producer which is eligible for injection to any injection point,
# - is not directly eligible for injection into any {@link javax.enterprise.inject.Instance} injection point
# If set to none (or false) no beans will ever be removed even if they are unused (according to the criteria
# set out above)
# If set to fwk, then all unused beans will be removed, except the unused beans whose classes are declared
# in the application code
# @see UnremovableBeanBuildItem
# HTTP headers exposed in CORS
# Comma separated list of valid headers. ex: X-Custom,Content-Disposition
# default: <empty>
# HTTP headers allowed for CORS
# Comma separated list of valid headers. ex: X-Custom,Content-Disposition
# The filter allows any header if this is not set.
# default: returns any requested header as valid
# HTTP methods allowed for CORS
# Comma separated list of valid methods. ex: GET,PUT,POST
# The filter allows any method if this is not set.
# default: returns any requested method as valid
# Origins allowed for CORS
# Comma separated list of valid URLs. ex:,http://localhost:3000
# The filter allows any origin if this is not set.
# default: returns any requested origin as valid
# The HTTP host
# The number if IO threads used to perform IO. This will be automatically set to a reasonable value based on
# the number of CPU cores if it is not provided
# The HTTP port
# The HTTPS port
# The file path to a server certificate or certificate chain in PEM format.
# The file path to the corresponding certificate private key file in PEM format.
# An optional key store which holds the certificate information instead of specifying separate files.
# An optional parameter to specify type of the key store file. If not given, the type is automatically detected
# based on the file name.
# A parameter to specify the password of the key store file. If not given, the default ("password") is used.
# The cipher suites to use. If none is given, a reasonable default is selected.
# The list of protocols to explicitly enable.
# The SSL provider name to use. If none is given, the platform default is used.
# The SSL session cache size. If not given, the platform default is used.
# The SSL session cache timeout. If not given, the platform default is used.
# The HTTP port used to run tests
# The HTTPS port used to run tests
# The maven artifactId of the artifact to index
# The maven classifier of the artifact to index
# The maven groupId of the artifact to index
# The log level level for this category
# The minimum level that this category can be set to
# Indicates whether to log asynchronously
# Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full
# The queue length to use before flushing writing
# If the console logging should be in color
# Specify how much the colors should be darkened
# If console logging should be enabled
# The log format
#quarkus.log.console.format=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n
# The console log level
# Indicates whether to log asynchronously
# Determine whether to block the publisher (rather than drop the message) when the queue is full
# The queue length to use before flushing writing
# If file logging should be enabled
# The log format
#quarkus.log.file.format=%d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} %h %N[%i] %-5p [%c{3.}] (%t) %s%e%n
# The file log level
# The file logging log level
# File handler rotation file suffix.
# Example fileSuffix: .yyyy-MM-dd
# The maximum number of backups to keep.
# The maximum file size of the log file after which a rotation is executed.
# Indicates whether to rotate log files on server initialization.
# The message starts to match
# The default log level
# The default minimum log level
# If gzip is enabled
# Maximum deflated file bytes size
# If the limit is exceeded, Resteasy will return Response
# with status 413("Request Entity Too Large")
# Set this to override the default path for JAX-RS resources if there are no
# annotated application classes.
# If this is true then JAX-RS will use only a single instance of a resource
# class to service all requests.
# If this is false then it will create a new instance of the resource per
# request.
# If the resource class has an explicit CDI scope annotation then the value of
# this annotation will always be used to control the lifecycle of the resource
# class.
# IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: '' turns into a CDI stereotype
# with singleton scope. As a result, if a user annotates a JAX-RS resource with
# a stereotype which has a different default scope the deployment fails with
# IllegalStateException.
# Enable native SSL support.
# The core thread pool size. This number of threads will always be kept alive.
# The executor growth resistance.
# A resistance factor applied after the core pool is full; values applied here will cause that fraction
# of submissions to create new threads when no idle thread is available. A value of '0.0f' implies that
# threads beyond the core size should be created as aggressively as threads within it; a value of '1.0f'
# implies that threads beyond the core size should never be created.
# The amount of time a thread will stay alive with no work.
# The maximum number of threads. If this is not specified then
# it will be automatically sized to 4 * the number of available processors
# The queue size. For most applications this should be unbounded
# The frequency at which the status of the thread pool should be checked during shutdown. Information about
# waiting tasks and threads will be checked and possibly logged at this interval. Setting this key to an empty
# value disables the shutdown check interval.
# The amount of time to wait for thread pool shutdown before tasks should be interrupted. If this value is
# greater than or equal to the value for 'shutdown-timeout', then tasks will not be interrupted before
# the shutdown timeout occurs.
# The shutdown timeout. If all pending work has not been completed by this time
# then additional threads will be spawned to attempt to finish any pending tasks, and the shutdown process will
# continue
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