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Last active July 13, 2022 15:29
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Split polymorphic ctype objects into groups by type.
def group_by_type(models):
Yield a sequence of query sets, where each one only has one Polymorphic ctype, this
makes it possible to use prefetch and select_related with the resulting querysets.
pks = models.values_list("pk", flat=True)
polymorphic_ctypes = models.non_polymorphic().distinct("polymorphic_ctype_id").values_list("polymorphic_ctype", flat=True)
for polymorphic_ctype in polymorphic_ctypes:
# Query contenttypes to get the concrete class instance
klass = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(polymorphic_ctype).model_class()
yield klass.objects.filter(pk__in=pks)
def select_related_copyable_fields(self):
Split models into separate querysets, using group_by_type and call select_related on any related fields
found in the `copyable_fields` attribute.
pks = models.values_list("pk", flat=True)
for qs in group_by_type(models):
# Work out which fields to use in select_related
related_fields = [ for field in qs.model.copyable_fields if hasattr(field, "related_query_name")]
yield qs.select_related(*related_fields).filter(pk__in=pks)
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