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Created July 8, 2009 20:51
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Save stubbetje/143182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* simpele gradient image adhv GET parameters
* @author Stefan Stubbe
// default settings definiëren
$defaults = array(
'height' => 100 ,
'width' => 220 ,
'from' => '8ae234' ,
'to' => '4e9a06' ,
// samenvoegen van default settings met parameters meegegeven in $_GET.
// => GET parameters overschrijven dus de default settings
$options = array_merge( $defaults , $_GET );
// controleren of GD library beschikbaar is
if( ! function_exists( 'imagecreate' ) ) {
die_with_error( 'GD library is missing' );
// valideren van de settings
$options = array_map( 'trim' , $options );
$height = (int) $options['height'];
if( $height <= 0 || $height > 200 ) {
die_with_error( 'Invalid height given, must be between 1 and 200' );
$width = (int) $options['width'];
if( $width <= 0 || $width > 1000 ) {
die_with_error( 'Invalid width given, must be between 1 and 1000' );
if( ! preg_match( '#^[a-z0-9]{6}$#i' , $options['from'] ) ) {
die_with_error( 'Invalid start color, must be a hexadecimal RGB color' );
if( ! preg_match( '#^[a-z0-9]{6}$#i' , $options['to'] ) ) {
die_with_error( 'Invalid end color, must be a hexadecimal RGB color' );
// afbeelding alloceren
if( false === ( $gd = imagecreate( $width , $height ) ) ) {
die_with_error( 'Could not create image' );
// twee manieren om RGB op te splitsen in R, G en B
if( true ) {
// een eerste manier om het hexadecimaal RGB kleur (RRGGBB) op te splitsen in rood, groen en blauw
$redStart = hexdec( substr( $options['from'] , 0 , 2 ) );
$greenStart = hexdec( substr( $options['from'] , 2 , 2 ) );
$blueStart = hexdec( substr( $options['from'] , 4 , 2 ) );
$redEnd = hexdec( substr( $options['to'] , 0 , 2 ) );
$greenEnd = hexdec( substr( $options['to'] , 2 , 2 ) );
$blueEnd = hexdec( substr( $options['to'] , 4 , 2 ) );
} else {
// de tweede manier: binair
$start = hexdec( $options['from'] );
$end = hexdec( $options['to'] );
$redStart = ( $start >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
$greenStart = ( $start >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
$blueStart = $start & 0xFF;
$redEnd = ( $end >> 16 ) & 0xFF;
$greenEnd = ( $end >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
$blueEnd = $end & 0xFF;
// stappen tussen 'from' kleur en 'to' kleur bepalen
$redStep = ( $redEnd - $redStart ) / $height;
$greenStep = ( $greenEnd - $greenStart ) / $height;
$blueStep = ( $blueEnd - $blueStart ) / $height;
// gradient maken
$red = $redStart;
$green = $greenStart;
$blue = $blueStart;
for( $y = 0 ; $y < $height ; $y++ ) {
// kleur alloceren om te gebruiken in de afbeelding
$color = imagecolorallocate( $gd , (int) $red , (int) $green , (int) $blue );
// horizontale lijn tekenen in dit kleur
imageline( $gd , 0 , $y , $width , $y , $color );
// kleuren aanpassen
$red += $redStep;
$green += $greenStep;
$blue += $blueStep;
// output van afbeelding
header( 'Content-Type: image/png' );
imagepng( $gd );
// ==================================================================
function die_with_error( $msg )
header( 'HTTP/1.0 500 Server error' );
echo 'error: ' , $msg;
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