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Created September 4, 2009 21:56
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Save stubbetje/181172 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
autorun.php: run a command on file modifications
#!/usr/bin/env php
/* original version can be found at */
if( ! function_exists( 'inotify_init' ) ) {
die_with_error( 'This script needs the inotify module' );
$excludePatterns = array(
'^\..*\.swp$' ,
'^.*~$' ,
'^.git$' ,
// usage: $0 path [path ...] -- command
$args = $_SERVER['argv'];
array_shift( $args );
$toWatch = array();
while( false !== ( $arg = array_shift( $args ) ) ) {
if( $arg === '--' ) {
} else {
if( ! file_exists( $arg ) ) {
die_with_error( 'Cannot watch "%s", file or directory doest not exist' , $arg );
if( ! isExcludedFile( $arg , $excludePatterns ) ) {
$toWatch[] = $arg;
echo 'will be watching: ' , $arg , PHP_EOL;
$command = implode( ' ' , array_map( 'escapeshellarg' , $args ) );
if( false === ( $fd = inotify_init() ) ) {
die_with_error( 'inotify_init() failed' );
$countFile = $countDir = 0;
foreach( $toWatch as $watchThis ) {
//echo 'watching: ' , $watchThis , PHP_EOL;
if( ! isExcludedFile( $watchThis , $excludePatterns ) ) {
inotify_add_watch( $fd , $watchThis , IN_MODIFY );
if( is_dir( $watchThis ) ) {
foreach( new RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDirectoryIterator( $watchThis ) , RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ) as $it ) {
if( $it->isDir() && ! isExcludedFile( $it->getPathName() , $excludePatterns ) ) {
//echo 'watching: ' , $it->getPathname() , PHP_EOL;
inotify_add_watch( $fd , $it->getPathname() , IN_MODIFY );
} else {
echo 'watching ' , ( $countDir ? $countDir . ' directories' : null ) , ( $countFile ? ( $countDir ? ' and ' : null ) . $countFile . ' files' : null ) , PHP_EOL;
echo 'waiting for changes...' , PHP_EOL;
while( false !== ( $events = inotify_read( $fd ) ) ) {
foreach( $events as $event ) {
$executedCommand = false;
if( ! isExcludedFile( $event['name'] , $excludePatterns ) ) {
// echo '[' , translate_inotify_constant( $event['mask'] ) , '] ' , $event['name'] , ' : ' , json_encode( $event ) , PHP_EOL;
// echo 'executing: ' , $command , PHP_EOL;
logPrint( '$[blue]File modified :$[normal] $[yellow]' . $event['name'] . '$[normal]' );
logPrint( '$[blue]Executing command:$[normal] $[yellow]' . $command . '$[normal]' );
system( $command );
$executedCommand = true;
/* eat up events that may have been triggered by the command */
while( inotify_queue_len( $fd ) > 0 ) {
$events = inotify_read( $fd );
if( $executedCommand ) {
logPrint( '$[blue]waiting for changes...' );
fclose( $fd );
function die_with_error( $msg )
$args = func_get_args();
array_shift( $args );
vprintf( $msg . PHP_EOL , $args );
exit -1;
function translate_inotify_constant( $value )
static $const = null;
if( null === $const ) {
$const = get_defined_constants( true );
$const = array_flip( $const['inotify'] );
return array_key_exists( $value , $const ) ? $const[ $value ] : $value;
function isExcludedFile( $filename , $excludePatterns )
$name = basename( $filename );
foreach( $excludePatterns as $pattern ) {
$pattern = '#' . str_replace( '#' , '\#' , $pattern ) . '#';
if( preg_match( $pattern , $name ) ) {
return true;
return false;
function logPrint( $message )
$replace = array(
'$[blue]' => chr(033) . '[0;30;44m' ,
'$[normal]' => chr(033) . '[0m' ,
'$[yellow]' => chr(033) . '[33;40m' ,
'$[red]' => chr(033) . '[31m' ,
echo str_replace( array_keys( $replace ) , array_values( $replace ) , $message ) , PHP_EOL;
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