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Last active January 26, 2021 00:54
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bayesian a/b test empirics
from pylab import *
from scipy.stats import beta, norm, uniform
from random import random
from numpy import *
import numpy as np
import os
# Input data
prior_params = [ (1, 1), (1,1) ]
threshold_of_caring = 0.001
N = array([ 100, 104 ])
s = array([ 13, 8 ])
#N = [ 581, 583 ]
#s = [ 112, 75 ]
class ABTest(object):
def finish_test_index(self, data):
# return index of when test is finished
def finish_test_value(self, index, cumsum):
# return 0 or 1
def gen_data(ctr, size=1024*2):
ctr = array(ctr)
rnd = uniform(0,1).rvs((2,size))
data = zeros(shape=(2,size))
data[where(rnd < ctr[:,newaxis])] = 1.0
return data
def evaluate_test_procedure(ctr, data, proc):
ctr = array(ctr)
n = proc.finish_test_index(data)
choice = proc.finish_test_value(N=(n,n), s=sum(data[:,0:n-1], axis=1))
lift = ctr[choice] - ctr[1-choice]
return (n, lift)
class ComputesNormalDistPValue(object):
def p_value(self, N, s):
empirical_ctr = s.astype(float) / N
std_error = sqrt(empirical_ctr[0]*(1.0-empirical_ctr[0])/N[0] + (empirical_ctr[1]*(1-empirical_ctr[1]))/N[1])
if (std_error == 0):
return 1
z_value = (empirical_ctr[1]-empirical_ctr[0])/std_error
p_value = 1 - norm().cdf(abs(z_value))
return p_value
class GaussianFrequentistPValue(ABTest, ComputesNormalDistPValue):
def __init__(self, sample_size, cutoff):
self.sample_size = sample_size
self.cutoff = cutoff
def __str__(self):
return "GaussianFrequentistPValue(" + str(self.sample_size) + ", " + str(self.cutoff) + ")"
def finish_test_index(self, data):
return self.sample_size
def finish_test_value(self, N, s):
empirical_ctr = s.astype(float) / N
pv = self.p_value(N,s)
if (pv <= self.cutoff) and (empirical_ctr[1] > empirical_ctr[0]):
return 1
return 0
class BayesianBetaAB(ABTest):
def __init__(self, prior, threshold_of_caring, stride=25):
self.prior = prior
self.threshold_of_caring = threshold_of_caring
self.xgrid_size = 1024*2
self.stride = stride
self.x = mgrid[0:self.xgrid_size,0:self.xgrid_size] / float(self.xgrid_size)
self.x_1d = arange(0,1,1.0/self.xgrid_size)
#Precompute to avoid unnecessary work
self.loss = [maximum(self.x[0]-self.x[1],0.0), maximum(self.x[1]-self.x[0],0.0)]
# Pre-allocate to avoid GC
self.pdf = zeros(shape=(self.xgrid_size,self.xgrid_size), dtype=float)
self.work_arr = zeros(shape=(self.xgrid_size,self.xgrid_size), dtype=float) #Where loss * pdf is stored
def __str__(self):
return "BayesianBeta(" + str(self.prior) + ", " + str(self.threshold_of_caring) + ")"
def finish_test_value(self, N, s):
empirical_ctr = s.astype(float) / N
if s[1] > s[0]:
return 1
return 0
def finish_test_index(self, data):
s = array([0,0]).astype(float)
old_n = 0
sa = np.cumsum(data, axis=1)
for n in range(self.stride,data.shape[1],self.stride):
N = array([n,n])
s = sa[:,n]
old_n = n
empirical_ctr = s.astype(float) / N.astype(float)
posteriors = []
for i in range(2):
posteriors.append(beta(self.prior[0] + s[i] - 1, self.prior[1] + N[i] - s[i] - 1))
self.pdf[:] = 1.0
self.pdf[:] *= posteriors[0].pdf(self.x_1d)[newaxis,:]
self.pdf[:] *= posteriors[1].pdf(self.x_1d)[:,newaxis]
# The above 3 lines should be equivalent to (posteriors[0].pdf(self.x[0]) * posteriors[1].pdf(self.x[1]))
#print "delta: " + str(((posteriors[0].pdf(self.x[0]) * posteriors[1].pdf(self.x[1])) - self.pdf).sum())
#self.pdf[:] = posteriors[0].pdf(self.x[0]) * posteriors[1].pdf(self.x[1])
# Normalize at end
# self.pdf[:] /= self.pdf.sum() #We don't normalize until computing expected_loss as performance hack
if (empirical_ctr[0] > empirical_ctr[1]):
loss = self.loss[0]
loss = self.loss[1]
self.work_arr[:] = 0.0
self.work_arr[:] = loss[:]
self.work_arr[:] *= self.pdf
expected_loss = (self.work_arr).sum() / self.pdf.sum()
if (expected_loss < self.threshold_of_caring):
return n
return n
procedures = [BayesianBetaAB( (1,1), 0.01),
BayesianBetaAB( (1,1), 0.005),
BayesianBetaAB( (1,1), 0.001),
BayesianBetaAB( (1,1), 0.0001),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(500, 0.1),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(1000, 0.1),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(1500, 0.1),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(2000, 0.1),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(4000, 0.1),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(500, 0.05),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(1000, 0.05),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(1500, 0.05),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(2000, 0.05),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(4000, 0.05),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(500, 0.01),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(1000, 0.01),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(2000, 0.01),
GaussianFrequentistPValue(4000, 0.01),
procedure_lift = zeros(shape=(len(procedures),), dtype=float)
procedure_samples = zeros(shape=(len(procedures),), dtype=float)
ctr_dist = beta(0.5, 50)
#ctr_dist = beta(5, 100)
def print_table(oracle_lift, procedure_lift, procedure_samples, n):
print "<table>"
print "<tr><th>Method</th><th>Samples</th><th>Lift</th></tr>"
for j in range(len(procedure_samples)):
print "<tr><td>" + str(procedures[j]) + "</td><td>" + str(int(procedure_samples[j] / float(n))) + "</td><td>" + str((procedure_lift[j] / float(n)) / oracle_lift) + "</td></tr>"
print "</table>"
num_tests = 250
absolute_lift = 0.0
for i in range(num_tests):
ctr = ctr_dist.rvs(2)
absolute_lift += abs(ctr[1]-ctr[0])
data = gen_data(ctr, size=1024*4)
print "Outer iteration: " + str(i) + ", ctr="+str(ctr)
for (j, proc) in enumerate(procedures):
nsamples, lift = evaluate_test_procedure(ctr, data, proc)
procedure_lift[j] += lift
procedure_samples[j] += nsamples
if (i % 10 == 0) and (i > 0):
oracle_lift = absolute_lift / float(i)
print_table(oracle_lift, procedure_lift, procedure_samples, i+1)
oracle_lift = absolute_lift / float(num_tests)
print_table(oracle_lift, procedure_lift, procedure_samples, num_tests)
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