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Created June 8, 2014 06:22
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for equal weights post
from pylab import *
from numpy.random import dirichlet, rand
def _unit_weight(dim):
return ones(dim) / float(dim)
def _feature_vec(dim, storage = None):
result = rand(dim)
result[where(result > 0.5)] = 1.0
result[where(result <= 0.5)] = 0.0
return result
def test_ranking(dim, nsamples=10000):
u = _unit_weight(dim)
h = dirichlet(ones(dim))
diff_count = 0
for i in range(nsamples):
v = _feature_vec(dim)
w = _feature_vec(dim)
u_delta = dot(u, v-w)
h_delta = dot(h, v-w)
if sign(u_delta * h_delta) < 0:
diff_count += 1
return float(diff_count) / nsamples
def ranking(dim, vec_samples=1000, h_samples=1000):
data = zeros(h_samples)
for i in range(h_samples):
data[i] = test_ranking(dim, vec_samples)
return (mean(data), std(data))
if __name__=="__main__":
n_dim = 250
d = arange(n_dim)
m = zeros(n_dim)
s = zeros(n_dim)
for n in range(n_dim):
m[n], s[n] = ranking(n)
print "Up to " + str(n) + " dimensions"
errorbar(d, m, yerr=s)
xlabel("number of dimensions")
ylabel("Error fraction")
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