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The Nealder-Mead method for solving unconstrained non-linear optimization problems in Matlab. An additional test script `test.m` is added with test function Himmelblau. Use the space bar to compute a single iteration of Nelder-Mead.
function f = himmelblau(x)
%% HIMMELBLAU computes the Himmelblau function.
% Discussion:
% This function has 4 global minima:
% X* = ( 3, 2 ), F(X*) = 0.
% X* = ( 3.58439, -1.84813 ), F(X*) = 0.
% X* = ( -3.77934, -3.28317 ), F(X*) = 0.
% X* = ( -2.80512, 3.13134 ), F(X*) = 0.
% Suggested starting points are
% (+1,+1),
% (-1,+1),
% (-1,-1),
% (+1,-1),
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 01 January 2012
% Author:
% Jeff Borggaard
% Reference:
% David Himmelblau,
% Applied Nonlinear Programming,
% McGraw Hill, 1972,
% ISBN13: 978-0070289215,
% LC: T57.8.H55.
% Parameters:
% Input, real X(2), the argument of the function.
% Output, real F, the value of the function at X.
if (length (x) ~= 2)
error('Error: function expects a two dimensional input\n');
f = (x(1)^2 + x(2) - 11)^2 ...
+(x(1) + x(2)^2 - 7)^2;
function [x_opt, n_feval] = nelder_mead(x, function_handle, flag)
%% NELDER_MEAD performs the Nelder-Mead optimization search.
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 19 January 2009
% Author:
% Jeff Borggaard
% Reference:
% John Nelder, Roger Mead,
% A simplex method for function minimization,
% Computer Journal,
% Volume 7, Number 4, January 1965, pages 308-313.
% Parameters:
% Input, real X(M+1,M), contains a list of distinct points that serve as
% initial guesses for the solution. If the dimension of the space is M,
% then the matrix must contain exactly M+1 points. For instance,
% for a 2D space, you supply 3 points. Each row of the matrix contains
% one point; for a 2D space, this means that X would be a
% 3x2 matrix.
% Input, handle FUNCTION_HANDLE, a quoted expression for the function,
% or the name of an M-file that defines the function, preceded by an
% "@" sign;
% Input, logical FLAG, an optional argument; if present, and set to 1,
% it will cause the program to display a graphical image of the contours
% and solution procedure. Note that this option only makes sense for
% problems in 2D, that is, with N=2.
% Output, real X_OPT, the optimal value of X found by the algorithm.
% Define algorithm constants
rho = 1; % rho > 0
xi = 2; % xi > max(rho, 1)
gam = 0.5; % 0 < gam < 1
sig = 0.5; % 0 < sig < 1
tolerance = 1.0E-06;
max_feval = 250;
% Initialization
[temp, n_dim] = size(x);
if (temp ~= n_dim + 1)
fprintf(1, '\n');
fprintf(1, 'NELDER_MEAD - Fatal error!\n');
error(' Number of points must be = number of design variables + 1\n');
if (nargin == 2)
flag = 0;
if (flag)
xp = linspace(-5, 5, 101);
yp = xp;
for i = 1:101
for j = 1:101
fp(j, i) = feval(function_handle, [xp(i), yp(j)]);
hold on
contour(xp, yp, fp, linspace(0, 200, 25))
if (flag)
plot(x(1:2, 1), x(1:2, 2), 'r')
plot(x(2:3, 1), x(2:3, 2), 'r')
plot(x([1, 3], 1), x([1, 3], 2), 'r')
plot(x(1:2, 1), x(1:2, 2), 'b')
plot(x(2:3, 1), x(2:3, 2), 'b')
plot(x([1, 3], 1), x([1, 3], 2), 'b')
index = 1:n_dim + 1;
[f] = evaluate(x, function_handle);
n_feval = n_dim + 1;
[f, index] = sort(f);
x = x(index, :);
% Begin the Nelder Mead iteration
converged = 0;
diverged = 0;
while (~converged && ~diverged)
% Compute the midpoint of the simplex opposite the worst point
x_bar = sum(x(1:n_dim, :)) / n_dim;
% Compute the reflection point
x_r = (1 + rho) * x_bar ...
-rho * x(n_dim+1, :);
f_r = feval(function_handle, x_r);
n_feval = n_feval + 1;
% Accept the point
if (f(1) <= f_r && f_r <= f(n_dim))
x(n_dim+1, :) = x_r;
f(n_dim+1) = f_r;
if (flag)
% Test for possible expansion
elseif (f_r < f(1))
x_e = (1 + rho * xi) * x_bar ...
-rho * xi * x(n_dim+1, :);
f_e = feval(function_handle, x_e);
n_feval = n_feval + 1;
% Can we accept the expanded point?
if (f_e < f_r)
x(n_dim+1, :) = x_e;
f(n_dim+1) = f_e;
if (flag), title('expansion'), end
x(n_dim+1, :) = x_r;
f(n_dim+1) = f_r;
if (flag), title('eventual reflection'), end
% Outside contraction
elseif (f(n_dim) <= f_r && f_r < f(n_dim + 1))
x_c = (1 + rho * gam) * x_bar - rho * gam * x(n_dim+1, :);
f_c = feval(function_handle, x_c);
n_feval = n_feval + 1;
if (f_c <= f_r) % Accept the contracted point
x(n_dim+1, :) = x_c;
f(n_dim+1) = f_c;
if (flag), title('outside contraction'), end
[x, f] = shrink(x, function_handle, sig);
n_feval = n_feval + n_dim;
if (flag), title('shrink'), end
% F_R must be >= F(N_DIM + 1)
% Try an inside contraction
x_c = (1 - gam) * x_bar ...
+gam * x(n_dim+1, :);
f_c = feval(function_handle, x_c);
n_feval = n_feval + 1;
% Can we accept the contracted point?
if (f_c < f(n_dim + 1))
x(n_dim+1, :) = x_c;
f(n_dim+1) = f_c;
if (flag), title('inside contraction'), end
[x, f] = shrink(x, function_handle, sig);
n_feval = n_feval + n_dim;
if (flag), title('shrink'), end
% Resort the points
% Note that we are not implementing the usual
% Nelder-Mead tie-breaking rules (when f(1) = f(2) or f(n_dim) =
% f(n_dim + 1)...
[f, index] = sort(f);
x = x(index, :);
% Test for convergence
converged = f(n_dim+1) - f(1) < tolerance;
% Test for divergence
diverged = (max_feval < n_feval);
if (flag)
plot(x(1:2, 1), x(1:2, 2), 'r')
plot(x(2:3, 1), x(2:3, 2), 'r')
plot(x([1, 3], 1), x([1, 3], 2), 'r')
plot(x(1:2, 1), x(1:2, 2), 'b')
plot(x(2:3, 1), x(2:3, 2), 'b')
plot(x([1, 3], 1), x([1, 3], 2), 'b')
if (0)
fprintf('The best point x^* was: %d %d\n', x(1, :));
fprintf('f(x^*) = %d\n', f(1));
x_opt = x(1, :);
if (diverged)
fprintf(1, '\n');
fprintf(1, 'NELDER_MEAD - Warning!\n');
fprintf(1, ' The maximum number of function evaluations was exceeded\n')
fprintf(1, ' without convergence being achieved.\n');
function f = evaluate(x, function_handle)
%% EVALUATE handles the evaluation of the function at each point.
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 19 January 2009
% Author:
% Jeff Borggaard
% Reference:
% John Nelder, Roger Mead,
% A simplex method for function minimization,
% Computer Journal,
% Volume 7, Number 4, January 1965, pages 308-313.
% Parameters:
% Input, real X(N_DIM+1,N_DIM), the points.
% Input, real FUNCTION_HANDLE ( X ), the handle of a MATLAB procedure
% to evaluate the function.
% Output, real F(1,NDIM+1), the value of the function at each point.
[temp, n_dim] = size(x);
f = zeros(1, n_dim+1);
for i = 1:n_dim + 1
f(i) = feval(function_handle, x(i, :));
function [x, f] = shrink(x, function_handle, sig)
%% SHRINK shrinks the simplex towards the best point.
% Discussion:
% In the worst case, we need to shrink the simplex along each edge towards
% the current "best" point. This is quite expensive, requiring n_dim new
% function evaluations.
% Licensing:
% This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license.
% Modified:
% 19 January 2009
% Author:
% Jeff Borggaard
% Reference:
% John Nelder, Roger Mead,
% A simplex method for function minimization,
% Computer Journal,
% Volume 7, Number 4, January 1965, pages 308-313.
% Parameters:
% Input, real X(N_DIM+1,N_DIM), the points.
% Input, real FUNCTION_HANDLE ( X ), the handle of a MATLAB procedure
% to evaluate the function.
% Input, real SIG, ?
% Output, real X(N_DIM+1,N_DIM), the points after shrinking was applied.
% Output, real F(1,NDIM+1), the value of the function at each point.
[temp, n_dim] = size(x);
x1 = x(1, :);
f(1) = feval(function_handle, x1);
for i = 2:n_dim + 1
x(i, :) = sig * x(i, :) + (1.0 - sig) * x(1, :);
f(i) = feval(function_handle, x(i, :));
X = [0 0; 0 1; 1 0];
nelder_mead(X, @himmelblau, 1);
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