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Last active December 30, 2021 12:35
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Save studentutu/714d78ad6cebfe147bfa852fb7046a90 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unity Custom caret, set caret position from world position, from raycast. A script for Unity3D to customize the caret of a Text Mesh Pro Input Field game object.
using TMPro;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.Scripting;
/// Should be Used in combination with the Second Transparent text ( substring of the inputfield text based on inputfield caret position)
/// This transparent text should use ContentSizeFitter + Horizontal Layout Group. Add Text Caret as child to the transparent text.
/// This way you will always have the same alighment as the original text.
/// Be sure to use Update function to set custom transparent text acording to new InputField caret Position (update function)
/// Add Separate Event Trigger with some UI Image Element On Top Of the Input Field.
/// Make sure anchors are the same for it as well as InputField Text.
/// Invoke OnClickMovePointerByEvenData from OnClick event
public class CustomUICaret : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private TMP_InputField _inputField;
public static Vector2 SetX(Vector2 vector, float value)
return new Vector2(value, vector.y);
public static Vector2 SetY(Vector2 vector, float value)
return new Vector2(vector.x, value);
public static Vector2 GetSize(RectTransform trans)
return trans.rect.size;
public static Vector2 GetPixelFromWorldPoint(RectTransform rectTransform, Vector3 worldPoint)
Vector3[] v = new Vector3[4];
var loverLeft = v[0];
var upperLeft = v[1];
var upperRight = v[2];
var worldDistanceWidth = (upperLeft - upperRight).magnitude;
var worldDistanceHeight = (upperLeft - loverLeft).magnitude;
Vector2 imagePos = * -1;
var size = GetSize(rectTransform);
// Assume lover left is (0,0) pixel
// Project on worldHeight
var vectorToWorldPoint = loverLeft - worldPoint;
var upperLeftPosition = upperLeft;
var projectOnHeight = Vector3.Project(
loverLeft - upperLeftPosition
// Project on worldWidth
var projectOnWidth = Vector3.Project(
upperLeftPosition - upperRight
// if using sqrt - we will not know if it is inside
var percentWidth = projectOnWidth.magnitude / worldDistanceWidth;
var percentHeight = projectOnHeight.magnitude / worldDistanceHeight;
if (percentWidth >= 0 && percentWidth <= 1)
imagePos = SetX(imagePos,percentWidth * size.x);
if (percentHeight >= 0 && percentHeight <= 1)
imagePos = SetY(imagePos,percentHeight * size.y);
return imagePos;
/// Invoke this method from OnClick on the event trigger
public void OnClickMovePointerByEvenData(BaseEventData eventData)
// Get World Point
var asPointerEventData = eventData as PointerEventData;
if (asPointerEventData == null)
// Transform Into Local Anchored Position
var positionWorld = asPointerEventData.pointerCurrentRaycast.worldPosition;
var fromExtension = GetPixelFromWorldPoint(_inputField.textViewport, positionWorld);
// find nearest
float currentX = 0;
int maxNumber = _inputField.text.Length;
var TextObject = _inputField.textComponent;
float constantValue = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxNumber; i++)
if (i == 1)
constantValue = TextObject.textInfo.characterInfo[i].xAdvance;
if (currentX >= fromExtension.x)
_inputField.caretPosition = Mathf.Clamp(i - 1, 0, maxNumber);
if (TextObject.textInfo.characterInfo.Length > i)
currentX = TextObject.textInfo.characterInfo[i].xAdvance;
currentX += constantValue;
_inputField.caretPosition = maxNumber;
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this will set your caret into target world position ( raycast position)

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