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Last active January 10, 2018 08:44
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English Translation "Rückbaupause in Manheim-alt"
Demolition break in Manheim-alt
To: RWE, Bundestag, State of North Rhine-Westphalia, City of Kerpen
Started by: Manuel Carrasco Molina
We call on RWE to hold talks about a possible break in the dismantling of Manheim-alt so that we can discuss the future of this place together.
A working group consisting of politicians, business and administration could be formed for this purpose. Alternatively (or in addition) the Council calls on RWE to explain this break of its own accord.
It is generally known that the Hambach open-cast mine may not be as large as originally planned. This is currently supported by many indications, such as the clearance stop in the Hambach forest, the conflict over the BUND property between open-cast mining and Manheim-alt, as well as the current various government formation talks on an early exit from coal production (example 7GW by Angela Merkel or statements of the SPD leaders, e.g. "Climate targets go hand in hand with the end of coal-fired power generation"). (Martin Schulz)).
At the end of 2017 there was already a clearance stop. The district government of Arnsberg has now announced that the clearance can now be continued in October 2018 at the earliest, so that all questions of nature and species protection can be thoroughly examined. At the same time, the lignite-fired power plants will be supplied in the coming months.
Another indication of climate protection comes from RWE itself, which has withdrawn from the lignite business in Hungary (
Manheim-alt itself is unlikely to be used until at least 2020 (rather than 2022), so that there are no solid arguments for the energy company to hurry up and destroy it - unless it is merely a matter of creating facts.
For Kolping town Kerpen, the loss of a treasure such as Manheim-alt, which has existed for at least 1100 years, with its approx. 650-year-old church and its mostly intact buildings, such as most of the houses and the old primary school, is very sad. It would be possible to explain everything if we could assume - as we did until recently - that Manheim was actually sacrificed to open-cast mining. But in 2018, however, we are facing a different, new situation.
In addition, the argument that will be discussed on 24 January 2018 is that more buildings may be needed for refugees in the event of more refugees arriving, and that no permanent shelters should be in place (which would not arrive before 2019). A flat in a small village on the edge of the open pit would certainly be more advantageous than no flat at all for the local population with less financial resources.
For many residents of the Rhine-Erft district, the Michael-Schumacher-Kartbahn near Manheim-alt is still a subject that is close to their hearts. They would like the kart track to remain - but no suitable area has yet been found to replace it.
One year ago, the "Buirer für Buir" initiative presented ideas for the alternative development of the lignite area of Hambach, which is still in use. It is a lighthouse project that offers the possibility of developing a new limited area socially, politically, culturally, economically and ecologically by avoiding further lignite mining. The aim is to preserve the existing, to integrate new ideas and to create new perspectives in the area. This is to be achieved through the projects Solar Motorway, Kartbahn, Hambacher Wald, possible residual lake, land-economical use, residential development, commercial development and networking of nature conservation areas. This should all be interwoven and form a coherent whole.
With this development, Kerpen could participate in the BWMI competition for structural change "Manheim im Wandel: Retaining the old - creating new things".
For these reasons and with these ideas in mind, we must seek dialogue with RWE to discuss the various options. In addition, we have many options that we can discuss, such as a partial repurchase from the town. Or a direct purchase of properties to private people (without city participation).
Of course, it may also be possible that Manheim-alt is claimed in the end, but this cannot be considered at all at the moment.
It is important for us that what exists at the moment remains - until further notice.
For example, we can imagine a 1 year break, i. e. until the end of 2018, which would give us time - all together - without hurrying to plan our common future.
Why is this important? It is important because we all have no interest in having a complete village with church and infrastructure (KiTa, Juze, meeting centre or school) completely destroyed before it is even clear that this area is being used. For RWE itself, it is also financially pointless to commission the dismantling companies without being sure that it is worthwhile. Similarly, it is not necessary to pump water from regions that may not be used at all.
Translated in cooperation with
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