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Created October 17, 2014 17:18
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#Due Monday

P 5-9 Due Monday along with P10 MVP Outline as Issue On Challenge P10 Presented on Friday

P7 Reviews

#Jasmine - Unit Testing for JavaScript


  • Demonstrate Jasmine for testing JavaScript


  • Jasmine for Simple MVC
  • Considerations for Testing Components
  • Using Spies (a.k.a. mocks, doubles)
  • Optional: Using Karma (Testacular) to run JavaScript Unit Tests

#Jasmine for Simple MVC

  • Unit testing Model
  • cat_simple_mvc/test/spec/CatModelSpec.js
    • beforeEach
    • it
    • describe

#Considerations for Testing Components

  • Loose binding
  • Pass in Objects to your constructors / factories

#Using Spies (a.k.a. mocks, doubles)

  • Some object rely on other
  • Unit testing Controller
  • cat_simple_mvc/test/spec/CatControllerSpec.js


  • Jasmine for Simple MVC
  • Considerations for Testing Components
  • Using Spies (a.k.a. mocks, doubles)

#Optional Bonus

  • Leave if you want
  • Karma node based javascript test running

#Using Karma to run JavaScript Unit Tests

  • From the angular team
  • Used to be called Testacular renamed for unknown reason
  • karma start
  • Launches browser
  • Watches Filesystem
  • Runs tests on changes
    • ddescribe - run single suite
    • iit - run single test
    • console.log('xyz');
    • debugger;
  • Multi Browser Support
  • Code Coverage? - Go Explore


  • Requires node
$ node -v
# v0.10.29
$ brew install npm
$ cd my_project
$ npm install -g karma-cli
$ npm install -g phantomjs
$ npm install karma-jasmine@2_0 --save-dev
$ npm install karma-phantomjs-launcher --save-dev
$ karma init karma.conf.js
  • Use Chrome

  • Use PhantomJS instead

  • --browsers: ['Chrome'],--

  • browsers: ['PhantomJS'],

  • Coverage npm install karma-coverage --save-dev

  • Adding View Tests

  • Use karma-jasmine-jquery for fixtures

  • Requires jquery on tests :(

  • cat_simple_mvc/test/spec/CatViewSpec.js


#More Links

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