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Forked from anonymous/cljsfiddlefilesave.edn
Created May 9, 2016 12:09
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(defonce red-amount (atom 0))
(defonce green-amount (atom 0))
(defonce blue-amount (atom 0))
(defn rgb [r, g, b]
(str "rgb(" r ", " g ", " b ")"))
(defn rgb->hex [r g b]
(.toString r 16)
(.toString g 16)
(.toString b 16)))
(defn color-swatch []
{:background-color (rgb @red-amount @green-amount @blue-amount)
:height 50 :width "100%" :margin-bottom 20}}])
(defn color-rgb []
[:p "RGB Color: " (rgb @red-amount @green-amount @blue-amount)])
(defn color-hex []
[:p "Hex Color: " (rgb->hex @red-amount @green-amount @blue-amount)])
(defn slider [value-atom min max label]
[:label (str label " " (.toString @value-atom 16))]
[:input {:type "range" :value @value-atom :min min :max max
:style {:width "100%" :margin-bottom 10}
:on-change #(reset! value-atom (js/parseInt (-> % .-target .-value)))}]])
(defn rgb-picker []
[slider red-amount 0 255 "red"]
[slider green-amount 0 255 "green"]
[slider blue-amount 0 255 "blue"]])
(defn color-example []
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