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Last active January 30, 2021 12:32
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  • Save stuntguy3000/5dd33162c29b41922e2e6dddb6eb770d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save stuntguy3000/5dd33162c29b41922e2e6dddb6eb770d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SubZero 1.2.0 PGM XML
<map proto="1.4.0">
<!-- Map Metadata-->
<objective>Capture the other team's wool blocks to win the game!</objective>
<author uuid="25ad04a4-b467-42d6-889a-7d2b2a933fdd" contribution="Builder" /> <!-- ICE__MAN -->
<author uuid="2d762d9c-2a1a-4d99-9821-8f6b5e11a51a" contribution="Map Programmer" /> <!-- stuntguy3000 -->
<contributor uuid="9ec46677-318d-411a-b64b-6bf6d4c80800" contribution="Map Tester" /> <!-- 28Lachie -->
<contributor uuid="85acd496-8d0d-43f3-8e4b-3d5d7ab1578f" contribution="Map Tester" /> <!-- xSydney -->
<contributor uuid="b254a44c-31b8-4705-91de-28b698a88a8b" contribution="Map Tester" /> <!-- FestiveHoe -->
<contributor uuid="959c161a-ee29-4888-9503-06e992c853bd" contribution="Map Tester" /> <!-- AUFordFalcon -->
<!-- Basic map settings -->
<team id="white" color="white" max="16">White</team>
<team id="black" color="dark gray" max="16">Black</team>
<time result="objectives">30m</time>
<!-- Broadcasts -->
<tip after="30s">TNT can be used to kill players, but, it does not damage the environment.</tip>
<tip after="90s">Be sure to look out for the hidden loot chests and rare resource blocks!</tip>
<!-- Spawn points -->
<spawn team="black" yaw="-90" kit="black-kit">
<spawn team="white" yaw="90" kit="white-kit">
<default yaw="180">
<!-- Kits -->
<kit id="all-players" force="true">
<item slot="0" material="stone sword"/>
<item slot="1" material="bow"/>
<item slot="2" material="diamond pickaxe"/>
<item slot="3" material="stone spade"/>
<item slot="4" material="stone axe"/>
<item slot="5" material="arrow" amount="64"/>
<item slot="6" material="golden apple" amount="5"/>
<item slot="7" material="log" damage="2" amount="32"/>
<potion amplifier="10" duration="15">damage resistance</potion>
<kit id="black-kit" parents="all-players">
<item slot="8" amount="64" damage="7">stained glass</item>
<helmet color="3f3f3f" material="leather helmet"/>
<chestplate color="3f3f3f" material="leather chestplate"/>
<leggings color="3f3f3f" material="leather leggings"/>
<boots color="3f3f3f" material="leather boots"/>
<kit id="white-kit" parents="all-players">
<item slot="8" amount="64">stained glass</item>
<helmet color="ffffff" material="leather helmet"/>
<chestplate color="ffffff" material="leather chestplate"/>
<leggings color="ffffff" material="leather leggings"/>
<boots color="ffffff" material="leather boots"/>
<!-- Filters -->
<not id="only-white">
<not id="only-black">
<any id="only-ironblock">
<material>iron block</material>
<!-- Regions -->
<!-- Orange Wool Room -->
<cylinder id="orange-wool-room" base="143.5,0,-50.5" radius="7.5" height="oo" />
<apply region="orange-wool-room" enter="only-black" message="You cannot enter this wool room!" />
<apply region="orange-wool-room" block="never" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
<!-- Purple Wool Room -->
<cylinder id="purple-wool-room" base="143.5,0,51.5" radius="7.5" height="oo" />
<apply region="purple-wool-room" enter="only-black" message="You cannot enter this wool room!" />
<apply region="purple-wool-room" block="never" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
<!-- Light Blue Wool Room -->
<cylinder id="light-blue-wool-room" base="13.5,0,51.5" radius="7.5" height="oo" />
<apply region="light-blue-wool-room" enter="only-white" message="You cannot enter this wool room!" />
<apply region="light-blue-wool-room" block="never" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
<!-- Pink Wool Room -->
<cylinder id="pink-wool-room" base="13.5,0,-50.5" radius="7.5" height="oo" />
<apply region="pink-wool-room" enter="only-white" message="You cannot enter this wool room!" />
<apply region="pink-wool-room" block="never" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
White Spawn
- Allows breaking of Iron Blocks by in the region
- Restricts entry to region to White Team only
<cuboid id="white-spawn" min="147,0,-11" max="167,oo,10" />
<apply region="white-spawn" block-break="only-ironblock" message="You can only break Iron Blocks in this area!" />
<apply region="white-spawn" block-place="only-ironblock" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
<apply region="white-spawn" enter="only-white" message="You cannot enter this team's base!" />
Black Spawn
- Allows breaking of Iron Blocks by in the region
- Restricts entry to region to Black Team only
<cuboid id="black-spawn" min="10,0,11" max="-10,oo,-10" />
<apply region="black-spawn" block-break="only-ironblock" message="You can only break Iron Blocks in this area!" />
<apply region="black-spawn" block-place="only-ironblock" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
<apply region="black-spawn" enter="only-black" message="You cannot enter this team's base!" />
<!-- Playspace -->
<cylinder id="playspace" base="77.5,-300,0.5" radius="100" height="500" />
<apply region="playspace" leave="never" message="You cannot exit the map." />
<!-- World Spawn -->
<cuboid id="world-spawn" min="75,183,-3" max="81,187,3" />
<apply region="world-spawn" block="never" message="You cannot modify this area!" />
Shoutout to ¡Simon!#7360 on PGM Discord for fixing an issue with this
<renewable region="playspace" renew-filter="only-ironblock" interval="15s" avoid-players="1" />
<!-- Wools -->
<wool team="white" color="pink" craftable="false" location="13.5,0,-50.5">
<wool team="white" color="light blue" craftable="false" location="13.5,0,51.5">
<wool team="black" color="purple" craftable="false" location="143.5,0,51.5">
<wool team="black" color="orange" craftable="false" location="143.5,0,-50.5">
<!-- Block Drop Rules -->
<!-- Prevent dropping of wool -->
<drops />
<!-- Allow the dropping of sea lanterns using any tool -->
<material>sea lantern</material>
<item material="sea lantern"/>
<!-- Allow the dropping of packed ice using any tool -->
<material>packed ice</material>
<item material="packed ice"/>
<!-- Allow the dropping of snow block using any tool -->
<material>snow block</material>
<item material="snow block"/>
<!-- Allow the dropping of stone using any tool -->
<item material="stone"/>
<!-- Replace iron blocks with iron ingots -->
<material>iron block</material>
<item material="iron ingot" amount="9"/>
<!-- Items to Removal -->
<item>leather helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>leather leggings</item>
<item>leather boots</item>
<item>diamond pickaxe</item>
<item>stone sword</item>
<item>stone spade</item>
<item>stone axe</item>
<!-- Hunger -->
<!-- Crafting -->
<disable>iron block</disable>
<!-- TNT -->
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