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Last active March 14, 2019 22:07
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Escrow Smart Contract Example
pragma solidity 0.5.2;
contract Escrow {
//state variables
address payable buyer;
address payable seller;
address arbiter;
uint public amountInWei;
//solidity events
event FundingReceived(uint _timestamp);
event SellerPaid(uint _timestamp);
event BuyerRefunded(uint _timestamp);
//constructor function; used to set initial state of contract
constructor(address payable _buyer, address _arbiter, uint _amountInWei) public {
seller = msg.sender;
buyer = _buyer;
arbiter = _arbiter;
amountInWei = _amountInWei;
//function for buyer to fund; payable keyword must be used
function fund() public payable {
require(msg.sender == buyer && //conditional checks to make sure only the buyer's address
msg.value == amountInWei//can send the correcr amount to the contract
emit FundingReceived(now); //emit FundingReceived() event
//function for buyer to payout seller
function payoutToSeller() public {
require(msg.sender == buyer || msg.sender == arbiter); //only buyer or arbiter can execute this function
seller.transfer(address(this).balance); //using the solidity's built in transfer function, the funds are sent to the seller
emit SellerPaid(now); //emit SellerPaid() event
//function for seller to refund the buyer
function refundBuyer() public {
require(msg.sender == seller || msg.sender == arbiter);//only buyer or arbiter can execute this function
buyer.transfer(address(this).balance); //using the solidity's built in transfer function, the funds are returned to the buyer
emit BuyerRefunded(now);//emit BuyerRefunded() event
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