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Created October 25, 2013 15:52
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Non-blocking gen_server for erlang
% non-blocking gen_server erlang
% By default handle_call is blocks the gen_server.
% Using a dispatcher-worker style, we can make
% handle_call non blocking
% The call below blocks
handle_call({get, Param}, From, State = #state{sock = Sock}) ->
Reply = do_time_consuming_remote_operation(Param, Sock),
{reply, Reply, State};
% The call below doesnt block
handle_call({get, Param}, From, State = #state{sock = Sock}) ->
proc_lib:spawn_link(fun () -> do_time_consuming_remote_operation(Param, Sock) end),
{noreply, State};
do_time_consuming_remote_operation(Param, Sock) ->
Results = do_some_work(Param, Sock),
gen_server:reply(From, Results).
% Special note on why we use annonymous function for proc_lib:spawn_link.
% If we dont use annonymous function, we need to call the function with
% a format like proc_lib:spawn_link(Module, Function, Arguments).
% The problem is, we dont want to export do_time_consuming_remote_operation/2 function,
% Thus, using an annonymous function to call do_time_consuming_remote_operation
% is better.
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