I hereby claim:
- I am stupidpupil on github.
- I am stupidpupil (https://keybase.io/stupidpupil) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASDrdrqkxDCuh0QfHB9aKB6FAFsbD7XGnwoauKin2JGNego
To claim this, I am signing this object:
python manage.py create_foreign_keys | |
python manage.py create_indexes | |
python manage.py create_matviews | |
python manage.py import_ccg_boundaries --filename data/org_codes/welsh_localities.kml | |
python manage.py import_welsh_local_health_board_names | |
python manage.py import_welsh_locality_names | |
python manage.py fetch_nwssp_prescribing | |
python manage.py import_nwssp_practices |
require 'nokogiri' | |
wales = Nokogiri::XML(File.read('GB.kml')) ; 1 | |
las = {'6B1' => 'Anglesey', | |
'6C2' => 'Blaenau Gwent', | |
'6B3' => 'Bridgend', | |
'6B2' => 'Caerphilly', | |
'6A8' => 'Cardiff', | |
'6B7' => 'Carmarthenshire', |
#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <krb5.h> | |
int main() | |
{ | |
printf("krb5_principal: %zu chars\n", sizeof(krb5_principal)/sizeof(char)); | |
printf("krb5_creds: %zu chars\n", sizeof(krb5_creds)/sizeof(char)); | |
printf("krb5_verify_init_creds_opt: %zu ints\n", sizeof(krb5_verify_init_creds_opt)/sizeof(int)); | |
return 0; |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#!/bin/sh | |
git stash --quiet --keep-index --include-untracked | |
bean_check_err=`bean-check main.beancount 2>&1 >/dev/null` | |
git stash pop --quiet --index | |
error_lines=`printf "$bean_check_err" | wc -l | awk {'print $1'}` | |
if [ $error_lines -eq 0 ]; then | |
echo "\\033[32mBean-check passed! 💰\\033[0;39m" |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
# A script for spelling out strings using macOS's `say` command. | |
# Uses the NATO/ICAO spelling alphabet, mostly. | |
# Mapped to spellings that produce the desired effect, specifically with the Fiona voice. | |
# Didn't use phonemes as these are not reliably available for recent (Nuance) voices. | |
# TODO: Use ICU to get Unicode character names | |
mapping = { | |
'a' => 'alfa', |
function plotIsOnAnIsland(pPlot) | |
local canGoOnLand | |
canGoOnLand = function (pStartingPlot, iDirection, iDistance, iDirectionConstraint) | |
if iDirectionConstraint == nil then | |
iDirectionConstraint = iDirection | |
end | |
local directionMeetsConstraint = function(dir) |
#include <tunables/global> | |
/usr/sbin/hostapd { | |
#include <abstractions/base> | |
#include <abstractions/nameservice> | |
capability net_admin, | |
capability net_raw, | |
network packet, | |
network raw, |
#!/usr/bin/env ruby | |
module GoogleBase32 | |
Digits = Alphabet.chars | |
Mask = Digits.length - 1 | |
Shift = Digits.length.to_s(2).match(/0*\Z/)[0].length | |
def self.encode_array(array) |
bnf_name <- | |
("Gppe " form "_" product_name_word (" "* (ratio / quantity / modifier / product_name_word))*) / | |
((product_name_word " "?)+ "_" (" "* (!form product_name_word))* " "* form (" "* (ratio / quantity / modifier))*) | |
; | |
product_name_word <- r'[^\s_]+' ; | |
ratio <- (quantity / number) ("/" / ";") (ratio / quantity / unit / number); |