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Last active March 7, 2016 23:25
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-- PostGIS functions which will create an pollygon representing an ellipse using the "Pins and String" method
-- Usage: ST_Ellipse(LINESTRING, DISTANCE); -- defaults to 8 nodes
-- Args:
-- LINESTRING -- A two point linestring. Use ST_MakeLine(p1,p2) if you have two points
-- DISTANCE -- The sum of the distance from both foci to a single point on the ellipse
-- NUMBER OF NODES -- How many points to render in each quarter of the ellipse
-- Notes:
-- * If the distance requested is less than the distance between the two nodes, an exception is raised
-- * If the start and end points are the same, then ST_Buffer is called instead
-- * Only tested with UTM-15N data. Will maybe work with anything as long as your geometry and distance use the same units.
-- * YMMV, no guarantees, etc.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Ellipse(g geometry, dist float8) RETURNS geometry AS
RETURN ST_Ellipse(g,dist,8);
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_Ellipse(g geometry,dist float8,nodes integer) RETURNS geometry AS
-- Some info about our input linestring
srid integer;
startpoint geometry;
endpoint geometry;
radians float8;
length float8;
-- Some info about our centroid
center geometry;
centerX float8;
centerY float8;
-- Temp variables used in the loop as we create points
angle float8;
x float8;
y float8;
-- Some info about our ellipse
xRadius float8;
yRadius float8;
-- Some working variables for data we generate
newpoint geometry;
points geometry[];
poly geometry;
-- Bail if we're going to have a bad time
IF ST_Length(g) >= dist THEN
RAISE EXCEPTION 'The length of this linestring (%) is shorter than or equal to the requested string distance (%)', ST_Length(g), dist;
IF ST_Length(g) = 0 THEN
return ST_BUFFER(g,dist,nodes);
-- Calculate the center of the line string
center := ST_Centroid(g);
centerX := ST_X(center);
centerY := ST_Y(center);
srid := ST_Srid(center);
length := ST_Length(g);
-- Calculate the radiuses
xRadius := ((length/2) + ((dist - length)/2));
yRadius := sqrt(( dist / 2 )^2 - ( ST_Length(g) / 2 )^2);
RAISE NOTICE 'For length %, distance % I got x=%,y=%', length, dist, xRadius, yRadius;
-- And the slope of the string, in radians
startpoint = ST_StartPoint(g);
endpoint = ST_EndPoint(g);
radians := atan( (ST_Y(endpoint) - ST_Y(startpoint)) / (ST_X(endpoint) - ST_X(startpoint)) );
-- How many nodes? We ask for nodes in a quarter segment to be more similar to st_buffer
nodes := nodes * 4;
-- Our point accumulator
points = '{}'::geometry[];
FOR node IN 1..nodes LOOP
angle := node * ( 2 * Pi() / nodes );
x := xRadius * cos(angle) + centerX;
y := yRadius * sin(angle) + centerY;
newpoint = ST_SetSrid(ST_Point(x,y),srid);
points = array_append(points,newpoint);
-- Close the linestring
points = array_append(points,points[1]);
poly = ST_MakePolygon(ST_MakeLine(points));
-- Rotate our ellipse around the centroid
poly = ST_Rotate(poly, radians, center);
RETURN poly;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
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