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Created July 7, 2023 14:28
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Generated by
$colors: (
red: #ff0000,
blue: #00ff00,
green: #00ffff,
yellow: #ffff00,
purple: #ff00ff,
pink: #ff0080,
orange: #ff8000
$white: #ffffff;
$black: #000000;
$color-percentages: (
red: (10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%),
green: (20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 90%, 100%)
$colors-map: ();
@each $color, $value in $colors {
$color-shades: ();
@for $i from 1 through 9 {
$percentage: if(map-has-key($color-percentages, $color), nth(map-get($color-percentages, $color), $i), $i * 10%);
$shade: mix($white, $value, $percentage);
$color-shades: map-merge($color-shades, (#{$i}00: $shade));
$colors-map: map-merge($colors-map, ($color: $color-shades));
$neutral-map: ();
@for $i from 1 through 9 {
$shade: $i * 100;
$percentage: $i * 10%;
$color: mix($white, $black, $percentage);
$neutral-map: map-merge($neutral-map, ($shade: $color));
// define your use cases
$primary: map-get($colors-map, red);
$secondary: map-get($colors-map, blue);
$tertiary: map-get($colors-map, green);
// the map of the colours for your use case
$decision-map: (
primary: $primary,
secondary: $secondary,
tertiary: $tertiary
// make a selection of colours
$desired-color: "primary"; // Specify the desired color here
$desired-shades: (200, 300, 400, 600, 800);
$selected-color-map: map-get($decision-map, $desired-color); // Select the desired color map using map-get
// Mixin to apply a specific color shade to an element
@mixin apply-color-shade($color, $shade, $property: color) {
$color-map: map-get($colors-map, $color);
$value: map-get($color-map, '#{$shade}');
#{$property}: $value;
// Mixin to apply a specific neutral shade to an element
@mixin apply-neutral-shade($shade, $property: color) {
$value: map-get($neutral-map, $shade);
#{$property}: $value;
@mixin decision($color, $shade, $property: color) {
$color-map: map-get($decision-map, $color);
$value: map-get($color-map, '#{$shade}');
#{$property}: $value;
.thing {
@include decision(primary, 200);
@include apply-color-shade(red, 100);
@include apply-neutral-shade(100);
// all colours
:root {
@each $color, $shades in $colors-map {
@each $shade, $value in $shades {
--#{$color}--#{$shade}: #{$value};
// neutrals
:root {
@each $shade, $value in $neutral-map {
--neutral--#{$shade}: #{$value};
// print the selection and everything else
:root {
@each $color, $shades in $decision-map {
// Print tertiary and secondary colors in full
@if $color != $desired-color {
@each $shade, $value in $shades {
--#{$color}--#{$shade}: #{$value};
// Print desired shades for the desired color
@if $color == $desired-color and $desired-shades {
@each $shade in $desired-shades {
$shade-str: unquote('#{$shade}'); // Convert the shade to a string
$value: map-get($selected-color-map, $shade-str);
--#{$desired-color}--#{$shade-str}: #{$value};
:root {
@each $shade in $desired-shades {
$shade-str: unquote('#{$shade}'); // Convert the shade to a string
$value: map-get($selected-color-map, $shade-str);
--#{$desired-color}--#{$shade-str}: #{$value};
// create utility classes
@each $color, $shades in $decision-map {
@each $shade, $value in $shades {
.text-#{$color}--#{$shade} {
color: #{$value};
$generate-text-css: true;
@if global-variable-exists(generate-text-css) {
@each $color, $shades in $decision-map {
@each $shade, $value in $shades {
.text-#{$color}--#{$shade} {
color: --#{$color}--#{$shade};
// @each $color, $shades in $decision-map {
// @each $shade, $value in $shades {
// .background-#{$color}--#{$shade} {
// background-color: #{$value};
// }
// }
// }
// @each $color, $shades in $decision-map {
// @each $shade, $value in $shades {
// .border-#{$color}--#{$shade} {
// border-color: #{$value};
// }
// }
// }
.thing {
color: #ff3333;
color: #ff1a1a;
color: #1a1a1a;
:root {
--red--100: #ff1a1a;
--red--200: #ff3333;
--red--300: #ff4d4d;
--red--400: #ff6666;
--red--500: #ff8080;
--red--600: #ff9999;
--red--700: #ffb3b3;
--red--800: #ffcccc;
--red--900: #ffe6e6;
--blue--100: #1aff1a;
--blue--200: #33ff33;
--blue--300: #4dff4d;
--blue--400: #66ff66;
--blue--500: #80ff80;
--blue--600: #99ff99;
--blue--700: #b3ffb3;
--blue--800: #ccffcc;
--blue--900: #e6ffe6;
--green--100: #33ffff;
--green--200: #4dffff;
--green--300: #66ffff;
--green--400: #80ffff;
--green--500: #99ffff;
--green--600: #b3ffff;
--green--700: #ccffff;
--green--800: #e6ffff;
--green--900: white;
--yellow--100: #ffff1a;
--yellow--200: #ffff33;
--yellow--300: #ffff4d;
--yellow--400: #ffff66;
--yellow--500: #ffff80;
--yellow--600: #ffff99;
--yellow--700: #ffffb3;
--yellow--800: #ffffcc;
--yellow--900: #ffffe6;
--purple--100: #ff1aff;
--purple--200: #ff33ff;
--purple--300: #ff4dff;
--purple--400: #ff66ff;
--purple--500: #ff80ff;
--purple--600: #ff99ff;
--purple--700: #ffb3ff;
--purple--800: #ffccff;
--purple--900: #ffe6ff;
--pink--100: #ff1a8d;
--pink--200: #ff3399;
--pink--300: #ff4da6;
--pink--400: #ff66b3;
--pink--500: #ff80c0;
--pink--600: #ff99cc;
--pink--700: #ffb3d9;
--pink--800: #ffcce6;
--pink--900: #ffe6f2;
--orange--100: #ff8d1a;
--orange--200: #ff9933;
--orange--300: #ffa64d;
--orange--400: #ffb366;
--orange--500: #ffc080;
--orange--600: #ffcc99;
--orange--700: #ffd9b3;
--orange--800: #ffe6cc;
--orange--900: #fff2e6;
:root {
--neutral--100: #1a1a1a;
--neutral--200: #333333;
--neutral--300: #4d4d4d;
--neutral--400: #666666;
--neutral--500: gray;
--neutral--600: #999999;
--neutral--700: #b3b3b3;
--neutral--800: #cccccc;
--neutral--900: #e6e6e6;
:root {
--primary--200: #ff3333;
--primary--300: #ff4d4d;
--primary--400: #ff6666;
--primary--600: #ff9999;
--primary--800: #ffcccc;
--secondary--100: #1aff1a;
--secondary--200: #33ff33;
--secondary--300: #4dff4d;
--secondary--400: #66ff66;
--secondary--500: #80ff80;
--secondary--600: #99ff99;
--secondary--700: #b3ffb3;
--secondary--800: #ccffcc;
--secondary--900: #e6ffe6;
--tertiary--100: #33ffff;
--tertiary--200: #4dffff;
--tertiary--300: #66ffff;
--tertiary--400: #80ffff;
--tertiary--500: #99ffff;
--tertiary--600: #b3ffff;
--tertiary--700: #ccffff;
--tertiary--800: #e6ffff;
--tertiary--900: white;
:root {
--primary--200: #ff3333;
--primary--300: #ff4d4d;
--primary--400: #ff6666;
--primary--600: #ff9999;
--primary--800: #ffcccc;
.text-primary--100 {
color: #ff1a1a;
.text-primary--200 {
color: #ff3333;
.text-primary--300 {
color: #ff4d4d;
.text-primary--400 {
color: #ff6666;
.text-primary--500 {
color: #ff8080;
.text-primary--600 {
color: #ff9999;
.text-primary--700 {
color: #ffb3b3;
.text-primary--800 {
color: #ffcccc;
.text-primary--900 {
color: #ffe6e6;
.text-secondary--100 {
color: #1aff1a;
.text-secondary--200 {
color: #33ff33;
.text-secondary--300 {
color: #4dff4d;
.text-secondary--400 {
color: #66ff66;
.text-secondary--500 {
color: #80ff80;
.text-secondary--600 {
color: #99ff99;
.text-secondary--700 {
color: #b3ffb3;
.text-secondary--800 {
color: #ccffcc;
.text-secondary--900 {
color: #e6ffe6;
.text-tertiary--100 {
color: #33ffff;
.text-tertiary--200 {
color: #4dffff;
.text-tertiary--300 {
color: #66ffff;
.text-tertiary--400 {
color: #80ffff;
.text-tertiary--500 {
color: #99ffff;
.text-tertiary--600 {
color: #b3ffff;
.text-tertiary--700 {
color: #ccffff;
.text-tertiary--800 {
color: #e6ffff;
.text-tertiary--900 {
color: white;
.text-primary--100 {
color: --primary--100;
.text-primary--200 {
color: --primary--200;
.text-primary--300 {
color: --primary--300;
.text-primary--400 {
color: --primary--400;
.text-primary--500 {
color: --primary--500;
.text-primary--600 {
color: --primary--600;
.text-primary--700 {
color: --primary--700;
.text-primary--800 {
color: --primary--800;
.text-primary--900 {
color: --primary--900;
.text-secondary--100 {
color: --secondary--100;
.text-secondary--200 {
color: --secondary--200;
.text-secondary--300 {
color: --secondary--300;
.text-secondary--400 {
color: --secondary--400;
.text-secondary--500 {
color: --secondary--500;
.text-secondary--600 {
color: --secondary--600;
.text-secondary--700 {
color: --secondary--700;
.text-secondary--800 {
color: --secondary--800;
.text-secondary--900 {
color: --secondary--900;
.text-tertiary--100 {
color: --tertiary--100;
.text-tertiary--200 {
color: --tertiary--200;
.text-tertiary--300 {
color: --tertiary--300;
.text-tertiary--400 {
color: --tertiary--400;
.text-tertiary--500 {
color: --tertiary--500;
.text-tertiary--600 {
color: --tertiary--600;
.text-tertiary--700 {
color: --tertiary--700;
.text-tertiary--800 {
color: --tertiary--800;
.text-tertiary--900 {
color: --tertiary--900;
"sass": {
"compiler": "dart-sass/1.32.12",
"extensions": {},
"syntax": "SCSS",
"outputStyle": "expanded"
"autoprefixer": false
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