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Last active June 4, 2023 16:38
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  • Save sturtus/8222956 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sturtus/8222956 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Roll20 API script to change an attribute's value to the defined string.
function getAttributeObjects(characterObj,attributeArray) {
// can pass array of attribute strings or a single attribute string along with an associated character
// returns those attributes as an object array or returns false if they do not exist on the passed character.
// get the passed attribute name array from the character object and test if they are defined
if (characterObj != undefined ) {
var attributeObjArray = new Array();
if (!(attributeArray instanceof Array)) {
attributeArray = attributeArray.split();
for (var i = 0; i < attributeArray.length; i++) {
attributeObjArray[i] = findObjs({_type: "attribute", name: attributeArray[i], _characterid:})[0];
if (attributeObjArray[i] === undefined) {
sendChat("API","Selected character requires attribute: " + attributeArray[i] + " ");
if (attributeObjArray.indexOf(undefined) !== -1) return false;
//loop through attributeArray and names of attributes to make sure they all match and get their values if they are valid.
//make sure none of the values are empty
var attributeValue = new Array();
var j = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < attributeArray.length; i++) {
attributeValue[i] = attributeObjArray[i].get("current");
if (attributeValue[i] === "") {
sendChat("API"," " + attributeArray[i] + " is empty.");
if (j !== 0) return false;
return attributeObjArray;
function getCharacterObj(obj) {
//send any object and returns the associated character object
//returns character object for attribute, token/graphic, and ability, and... character
var objType = obj._type;
if ((objType != "attribute") && (objType != "graphic") && (objType != "character")) {
sendChat("API"," cannot be associated with a character.");
return false;
if ((objType === "attribute") || (objType === "ability")) {
var att = getObj(objType, obj._id);
if (att.get("_characterid") != "") {
var characterObj = getObj("character", att.get("_characterid"));
if (objType === "graphic") {
var tok = getObj("graphic", obj._id);
if (tok.get("represents") != "") {
var characterObj = getObj("character", tok.get("represents"));
} else {
sendChat("API"," Selected token does not represent a character.");
return false;
if (objType === "character") {
var characterObj = getObj("character", obj._id);
return characterObj;
function attrib(characterObj,attributeObjArray,newValue) {
var attributeName = attributeObjArray[0].get("name");
var attributeValue = attributeObjArray[0].get("current");
var characterName = characterObj.get("name");
// change character attribute
attributeObjArray[0].set("current", newValue);
sendChat("", "/desc " + characterName + " has changed " + attributeName + " from " + attributeValue + " to " + newValue + ".");
on("chat:message", function(msg) {
if (msg.type == "api" && msg.content.indexOf("!attrib ") !== -1) {
//parse the input into two variables, attribute and newValue
var selected = msg.selected;
var Parameters = msg.content.split("!attrib ")[1];
var attributeName = Parameters.split("|")[0];
var newValue = Parameters.split("|")[1];
if(!selected) {
sendChat("", "/desc Select token and try again.");
return; //quit if nothing selected
//loop through selected tokens
_.each(selected, function(obj) {
var characterObj = getCharacterObj(obj);
if (characterObj == false) return;
var attributeObjArray = getAttributeObjects(characterObj, attributeName);
if (attributeObjArray == false) return;
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