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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Ordered State Handler

Ordered state handlers keep track of state through a known procedure. You can provide callbacks for when an ordered state handler enters a state, exits a state, or when the state advances.

Basic Usage

var osh = orderedStateHandler(['1', '2', '3', '', '','4']);

osh.state; // '1'

osh.on('advance', function ( state ) {
	// do stuff for every advance

osh.on('2', function () {
	// do stuff for change to state 2.
osh.on('1:leave', function () {
	// fired when we're not longer in state 1.

osh.on('3, 4', function () {
	// do stuff for changes to state 3 and 4.
osh.on('', function () {
	// do stuff for change to state
osh.on('*.abc', function () {
	// do stuff for change to any state with a second name of .abc.
osh.on('3:advance', function () {
	// do stuff for change from state 3 to 3:abc and from 3:abc to 3:xyz.

osh.advance(); // advances the state


  • osh.on/off/one( stateName, callback ) - standard event methods
  • osh.when( stateName, callback ) - triggered when the osh enters the state, or immediately if it is in that state.
  • osh.not( stateName, callback ) - same as when, except when the osh is not in that state.
  • osh.past( stateName, callback ) - triggered immediately if the state provided will follow the current state at any point before the end. Noop otherwise.
  • osh.before( stateName, callback ) - triggered immediately if the osh was in the state provided at any point in the past. Noop otherwise.
  • osh.isIn( stateName ) - returns true if the osh is in the provided state. This takes namespaces into account, so it will return true for '3' if the osh is in state ''.


  • osh.state - the provided string representation for the current state.

State Names

State names are provided as an array to the factory method. They can be namespaced with a dot and do not need to be unique.

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