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Last active September 10, 2019 14:32
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UK medical schools NSS data


NSS figures for Medical degrees across UK medical schools 2019

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<h1>UK Medical schools NSS data from the <a href = "">Office for Students</a>.</h1>
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UKPRN Provider Subject Code Subject Level Question Number Answered 1 Answered 2 Answered 3 Answered 4 Answered 5 N/A Confidence interval-min Agree Confidence interval-max Response Sample Size
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0216 0.0144 0.4748 0.4892 0 0.9118 0.9640 0.9858 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0144 0.0072 0.4964 0.4820 0 0.9321 0.9784 0.9934 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0072 0.0216 0.1079 0.8633 0 0.9218 0.9712 0.9898 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0144 0.0000 0.0647 0.2374 0.6835 0 0.8563 0.9209 0.9578 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0145 0.0217 0.0652 0.2681 0.6304 1 0.8290 0.8986 0.9418 138 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0000 0.0288 0.2950 0.6763 0 0.9218 0.9712 0.9898 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0144 0.1511 0.8345 0 0.9429 0.9856 0.9965 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0216 0.0288 0.0647 0.3957 0.4892 0 0.8131 0.8849 0.9314 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0072 0.0288 0.0719 0.5036 0.3885 0 0.8216 0.8921 0.9369 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0072 0.0432 0.0791 0.4317 0.4388 0 0.7964 0.8705 0.9203 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0288 0.0647 0.0935 0.4532 0.3597 0 0.7314 0.8129 0.8740 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0072 0.0216 0.2662 0.7050 0 0.9218 0.9712 0.9898 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0144 0.0144 0.0504 0.3309 0.5899 0 0.8563 0.9209 0.9578 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0149 0.0075 0.0746 0.3134 0.5896 5 0.8331 0.9030 0.9455 134 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0072 0.0288 0.0432 0.4101 0.5108 0 0.8563 0.9209 0.9578 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0217 0.0145 0.0797 0.3623 0.5217 1 0.8119 0.8841 0.9309 138 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0144 0.0288 0.0288 0.3309 0.5971 0 0.8652 0.9281 0.9629 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0144 0.0000 0.0719 0.3597 0.5540 0 0.8475 0.9137 0.9527 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0000 0.0576 0.2518 0.6906 0 0.8834 0.9424 0.9725 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0072 0.0072 0.0217 0.3043 0.6594 1 0.9112 0.9638 0.9857 138 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0000 0.0144 0.0791 0.1942 0.7122 0 0.8388 0.9065 0.9475 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0144 0.0144 0.1799 0.7914 0 0.9218 0.9712 0.9898 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0072 0.0360 0.1511 0.8058 0 0.9021 0.9568 0.9816 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0144 0.0144 0.0504 0.2518 0.6691 0 0.8563 0.9209 0.9578 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0216 0.0647 0.0504 0.3381 0.5252 0 0.7881 0.8633 0.9147 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0154 0.0385 0.2000 0.3769 0.3692 9 0.6557 0.7462 0.8194 130 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0072 0.0072 0.0216 0.1871 0.7770 0 0.9118 0.9640 0.9858 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0036 0.0108 0.0270 0.3291 0.6295 0 0.9046 0.9586 0.9827 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0048 0.0072 0.0372 0.2386 0.7122 1 0.8942 0.9508 0.9779 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0162 0.0414 0.0773 0.4460 0.4191 0 0.7902 0.8651 0.9161 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0096 0.0108 0.0492 0.3034 0.6271 5 0.8682 0.9305 0.9645 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0144 0.0240 0.0504 0.3681 0.5432 1 0.8446 0.9113 0.9510 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0072 0.0024 0.0504 0.3070 0.6331 1 0.8803 0.9400 0.9710 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0000 0.0144 0.0468 0.1871 0.7518 0 0.8788 0.9388 0.9702 139 150
99999999 Brighton and Sussex Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0120 0.0288 0.0456 0.2470 0.6667 0 0.8475 0.9137 0.9527 139 150
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0056 0.0056 0.0960 0.7684 0.1243 0 0.8316 0.8927 0.9333 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0056 0.0113 0.0904 0.6328 0.2599 0 0.8316 0.8927 0.9333 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0056 0.0056 0.0621 0.2938 0.6328 0 0.8721 0.9266 0.9589 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0226 0.0791 0.1469 0.4124 0.3390 0 0.6750 0.7514 0.8148 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0226 0.0339 0.1186 0.4068 0.4181 0 0.7547 0.8249 0.8782 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0056 0.0169 0.0847 0.4633 0.4294 0 0.8316 0.8927 0.9333 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0056 0.0169 0.2938 0.6836 0 0.9381 0.9774 0.9920 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0568 0.0739 0.1989 0.4489 0.2216 1 0.5900 0.6705 0.7420 176 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0395 0.0904 0.1638 0.4972 0.2090 0 0.6274 0.7062 0.7744 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0282 0.1469 0.2090 0.4576 0.1582 0 0.5345 0.6158 0.6912 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0452 0.1299 0.2712 0.4407 0.1130 0 0.4722 0.5537 0.6323 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0169 0.0904 0.5424 0.3503 0 0.8316 0.8927 0.9333 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0113 0.0960 0.1638 0.5141 0.2147 0 0.6511 0.7288 0.7947 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0122 0.0610 0.2134 0.4817 0.2317 13 0.6317 0.7134 0.7832 164 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1130 0.1695 0.2712 0.3559 0.0904 0 0.3677 0.4463 0.5278 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0056 0.0791 0.1130 0.5932 0.2090 0 0.7298 0.8023 0.8590 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0455 0.1591 0.2443 0.3693 0.1818 1 0.4695 0.5511 0.6301 176 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0057 0.0739 0.4432 0.4773 1 0.8645 0.9205 0.9545 176 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0056 0.0395 0.3842 0.5706 0 0.9076 0.9548 0.9785 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0114 0.0455 0.4886 0.4545 1 0.8925 0.9432 0.9707 176 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0226 0.0565 0.1186 0.4746 0.3277 0 0.7298 0.8023 0.8590 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0057 0.0114 0.0114 0.3977 0.5739 1 0.9298 0.9716 0.9888 176 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0113 0.0621 0.0621 0.3955 0.4689 0 0.7990 0.8644 0.9109 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0339 0.1412 0.1695 0.3729 0.2825 0 0.5747 0.6554 0.7280 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0508 0.1808 0.2542 0.3333 0.1808 0 0.4333 0.5141 0.5942 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0117 0.0468 0.3158 0.3860 0.2398 6 0.5431 0.6257 0.7017 171 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0169 0.0508 0.0960 0.4350 0.4011 0 0.7672 0.8362 0.8877 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0099 0.0254 0.0989 0.5268 0.3390 0 0.8007 0.8658 0.9120 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0094 0.0188 0.0734 0.3879 0.5104 0 0.8382 0.8983 0.9377 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0424 0.1106 0.2105 0.4614 0.1751 1 0.5555 0.6365 0.7105 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0075 0.0612 0.1516 0.5179 0.2618 13 0.7053 0.7797 0.8395 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0546 0.1356 0.2090 0.4397 0.1610 1 0.5193 0.6008 0.6770 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0000 0.0075 0.0527 0.4407 0.4991 2 0.8884 0.9397 0.9683 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0141 0.0339 0.0650 0.4379 0.4492 1 0.8250 0.8870 0.9289 177 243
10007814 Cardiff University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0320 0.1281 0.1620 0.3672 0.3107 0 0.5980 0.6780 0.7487 177 243
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0204 0.0408 0.1020 0.6224 0.2143 1 0.7407 0.8367 0.9019 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0309 0.0309 0.0619 0.5670 0.3093 2 0.7859 0.8763 0.9318 97 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0303 0.0101 0.0505 0.2626 0.6465 0 0.8265 0.9091 0.9545 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0404 0.0909 0.1111 0.2929 0.4646 0 0.6538 0.7576 0.8379 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0612 0.0408 0.0918 0.4796 0.3265 1 0.7063 0.8061 0.8779 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0204 0.0408 0.1020 0.4184 0.4184 1 0.7407 0.8367 0.9019 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0101 0.0202 0.0303 0.2626 0.6768 0 0.8648 0.9394 0.9741 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1313 0.1313 0.1616 0.3030 0.2727 0 0.4669 0.5758 0.6777 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.1414 0.1212 0.1717 0.3939 0.1717 0 0.4570 0.5657 0.6683 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.1717 0.2020 0.2525 0.2323 0.1414 0 0.2762 0.3737 0.4827 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0707 0.1313 0.1515 0.4343 0.2121 0 0.5377 0.6465 0.7419 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0612 0.0408 0.1429 0.3776 0.3776 1 0.6506 0.7551 0.8362 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0808 0.0909 0.1212 0.4747 0.2323 0 0.6002 0.7071 0.7951 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0638 0.1064 0.2021 0.4043 0.2234 5 0.5158 0.6277 0.7273 94 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.2222 0.2222 0.2525 0.2626 0.0404 0 0.2136 0.3030 0.4103 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0729 0.1563 0.1979 0.4583 0.1146 3 0.4625 0.5729 0.6765 96 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.1212 0.1818 0.1515 0.4343 0.1111 0 0.4373 0.5455 0.6495 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0404 0.0707 0.1313 0.4747 0.2828 0 0.6538 0.7576 0.8379 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0204 0.0714 0.3469 0.5612 1 0.8248 0.9082 0.9541 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0206 0.0515 0.4330 0.4948 2 0.8489 0.9278 0.9671 97 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0619 0.0515 0.1134 0.3608 0.4124 2 0.6696 0.7732 0.8515 97 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0204 0.0204 0.0612 0.3367 0.5612 1 0.8124 0.8980 0.9470 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0510 0.0510 0.0816 0.4082 0.4082 1 0.7177 0.8163 0.8860 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1224 0.2041 0.1633 0.3571 0.1531 1 0.4027 0.5102 0.6168 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.1429 0.2755 0.2449 0.2245 0.1122 1 0.2428 0.3367 0.4457 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0875 0.0875 0.4125 0.2875 0.1250 19 0.3012 0.4125 0.5335 80 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0714 0.0714 0.1020 0.4694 0.2857 1 0.6506 0.7551 0.8362 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0328 0.0429 0.0825 0.4343 0.4074 3 0.7469 0.8418 0.9055 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0303 0.0337 0.0741 0.3906 0.4714 2 0.7702 0.8620 0.9208 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.1288 0.1465 0.1843 0.3409 0.1995 0 0.4324 0.5404 0.6448 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0690 0.0842 0.1532 0.4125 0.2811 6 0.5862 0.6936 0.7834 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.1448 0.1869 0.1987 0.3822 0.0875 3 0.3647 0.4697 0.5774 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0202 0.0370 0.0859 0.4158 0.4411 3 0.7643 0.8569 0.9171 99 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0408 0.0357 0.0867 0.3469 0.4898 3 0.7407 0.8367 0.9019 98 148
99999998 Hull and York Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.1054 0.1769 0.1633 0.3299 0.2245 3 0.4455 0.5544 0.6584 98 148
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0103 0.0205 0.0564 0.6256 0.2872 0 0.8587 0.9128 0.9475 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0103 0.0462 0.0718 0.5641 0.3077 0 0.8109 0.8718 0.9151 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0051 0.0256 0.0564 0.3077 0.6051 0 0.8587 0.9128 0.9475 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0154 0.0974 0.1744 0.3641 0.3487 0 0.6381 0.7128 0.7775 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0205 0.1128 0.0974 0.3641 0.4051 0 0.6979 0.7692 0.8279 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0154 0.0615 0.1128 0.4462 0.3641 0 0.7423 0.8103 0.8636 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0103 0.0308 0.0564 0.3897 0.5128 0 0.8466 0.9026 0.9396 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0564 0.0923 0.1538 0.3692 0.3282 0 0.6221 0.6974 0.7635 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0667 0.1641 0.1333 0.4205 0.2154 0 0.5587 0.6359 0.7066 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0619 0.1134 0.2629 0.3660 0.1959 1 0.4840 0.5619 0.6368 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0619 0.1546 0.1907 0.4588 0.1340 1 0.5149 0.5928 0.6662 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0103 0.0361 0.0825 0.3866 0.4845 1 0.8100 0.8711 0.9147 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0155 0.1031 0.1134 0.4330 0.3351 1 0.6964 0.7680 0.8270 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0157 0.0942 0.1257 0.4293 0.3351 4 0.6919 0.7644 0.8242 191 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0154 0.0872 0.1179 0.4769 0.3026 0 0.7089 0.7795 0.8369 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0205 0.0923 0.1026 0.4462 0.3385 0 0.7144 0.7846 0.8414 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0361 0.0619 0.1495 0.4588 0.2938 1 0.6799 0.7526 0.8133 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0052 0.0361 0.0309 0.3454 0.5825 1 0.8766 0.9278 0.9588 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0051 0.0051 0.0205 0.2821 0.6872 0 0.9294 0.9692 0.9869 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0052 0.0103 0.0619 0.3402 0.5825 1 0.8703 0.9227 0.9550 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0462 0.1026 0.1333 0.3846 0.3333 0 0.6435 0.7179 0.7821 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0206 0.0258 0.0619 0.3969 0.4948 1 0.8337 0.8918 0.9312 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0462 0.0718 0.3385 0.5436 0 0.8227 0.8821 0.9234 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0464 0.1082 0.1392 0.3402 0.3660 1 0.6310 0.7062 0.7716 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0570 0.1658 0.1917 0.3368 0.2487 2 0.5074 0.5855 0.6595 193 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0313 0.0833 0.2083 0.3750 0.3021 3 0.6004 0.6771 0.7453 192 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0156 0.0313 0.0260 0.4844 0.4427 3 0.8754 0.9271 0.9584 192 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0103 0.0474 0.0897 0.4654 0.3872 0 0.7892 0.8526 0.8993 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0154 0.0684 0.0889 0.4000 0.4274 0 0.7611 0.8274 0.8782 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0615 0.1321 0.1846 0.4038 0.2179 2 0.5444 0.6218 0.6934 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0137 0.0790 0.1065 0.4167 0.3840 6 0.7317 0.8007 0.8555 194 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0239 0.0803 0.1231 0.4598 0.3128 1 0.7015 0.7726 0.8309 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0051 0.0171 0.0376 0.3248 0.6154 2 0.8919 0.9402 0.9677 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0333 0.0667 0.0974 0.3897 0.4128 1 0.7339 0.8026 0.8570 195 286
10003270 Imperial College CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0342 0.1068 0.1333 0.3410 0.3846 3 0.6516 0.7256 0.7890 195 286
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0077 0.0651 0.0690 0.6322 0.2261 0 0.8050 0.8582 0.8988 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0115 0.0345 0.1303 0.5556 0.2682 0 0.7670 0.8238 0.8691 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0115 0.0192 0.0498 0.3027 0.6169 0 0.8751 0.9195 0.9491 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0345 0.0958 0.1264 0.4138 0.3295 0 0.6807 0.7433 0.7973 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0307 0.0728 0.1648 0.4100 0.3218 0 0.6686 0.7318 0.7868 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0268 0.0383 0.1341 0.4483 0.3525 0 0.7420 0.8008 0.8489 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0038 0.0230 0.0460 0.3180 0.6092 0 0.8842 0.9272 0.9550 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0690 0.1686 0.2107 0.3678 0.1839 0 0.4846 0.5517 0.6170 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0498 0.0881 0.1839 0.5134 0.1648 0 0.6127 0.6782 0.7373 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0498 0.1418 0.1418 0.4866 0.1801 0 0.6009 0.6667 0.7265 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0651 0.1456 0.2031 0.4521 0.1341 0 0.5191 0.5862 0.6503 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0271 0.0465 0.1395 0.4612 0.3256 3 0.7266 0.7868 0.8368 258 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0426 0.1279 0.2132 0.4147 0.2016 3 0.5491 0.6163 0.6793 258 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0363 0.1008 0.2419 0.4234 0.1976 13 0.5525 0.6210 0.6850 248 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1724 0.2261 0.2261 0.2912 0.0843 0 0.3132 0.3755 0.4422 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0346 0.1038 0.2154 0.4923 0.1538 1 0.5797 0.6462 0.7074 260 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0920 0.2337 0.2261 0.3295 0.1188 0 0.3830 0.4483 0.5154 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0077 0.0345 0.0805 0.4100 0.4674 0 0.8265 0.8774 0.9149 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0077 0.0421 0.3870 0.5632 0 0.9122 0.9502 0.9723 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0077 0.0728 0.4444 0.4751 0 0.8751 0.9195 0.9491 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0996 0.1111 0.2031 0.3257 0.2605 0 0.5191 0.5862 0.6503 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0115 0.0192 0.0843 0.4215 0.4636 0 0.8352 0.8851 0.9212 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0230 0.0575 0.1494 0.4023 0.3678 0 0.7091 0.7701 0.8215 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0769 0.1423 0.1923 0.3923 0.1962 1 0.5212 0.5885 0.6525 260 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0846 0.1615 0.2885 0.3115 0.1538 1 0.3995 0.4654 0.5325 260 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0538 0.0846 0.2577 0.3962 0.2077 1 0.5367 0.6038 0.6673 260 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0268 0.0766 0.1149 0.4981 0.2835 0 0.7214 0.7816 0.8318 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0163 0.0536 0.0939 0.4761 0.3602 0 0.7806 0.8362 0.8799 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0204 0.0447 0.1149 0.3921 0.4278 0 0.7628 0.8199 0.8657 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0584 0.1360 0.1849 0.4550 0.1657 0 0.5539 0.6207 0.6832 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0345 0.0913 0.1992 0.4381 0.2369 19 0.6094 0.6750 0.7343 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0996 0.1877 0.2235 0.3704 0.1188 1 0.4228 0.4891 0.5559 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0026 0.0166 0.0651 0.4138 0.5019 0 0.8706 0.9157 0.9461 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0556 0.0651 0.1437 0.3736 0.3621 0 0.6726 0.7356 0.7903 261 384
10003645 King's College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0613 0.1201 0.2120 0.3678 0.2388 2 0.5397 0.6066 0.6698 261 384
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0174 0.0601 0.5136 0.4089 0 0.8783 0.9225 0.9515 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0039 0.0329 0.0736 0.4128 0.4767 0 0.8400 0.8895 0.9251 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0078 0.0039 0.0194 0.1725 0.7965 0 0.9359 0.9690 0.9853 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0155 0.0271 0.0678 0.2616 0.6279 0 0.8400 0.8895 0.9251 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0039 0.0446 0.0950 0.2868 0.5698 0 0.8028 0.8566 0.8976 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0116 0.0078 0.0581 0.2868 0.6357 0 0.8783 0.9225 0.9515 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0058 0.0039 0.0252 0.2035 0.7616 0 0.9308 0.9651 0.9827 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0504 0.0853 0.1066 0.2907 0.4671 0 0.6956 0.7578 0.8107 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0581 0.0426 0.1027 0.4070 0.3895 0 0.7370 0.7965 0.8454 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0156 0.0642 0.0895 0.4163 0.4144 1 0.7741 0.8307 0.8754 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0252 0.0775 0.1647 0.4690 0.2636 0 0.6690 0.7326 0.7878 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0116 0.0291 0.0756 0.2733 0.6105 0 0.8334 0.8837 0.9203 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0254 0.0625 0.1016 0.3105 0.5000 2 0.7520 0.8105 0.8579 265 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0221 0.0622 0.1084 0.3373 0.4699 9 0.7475 0.8072 0.8556 258 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0194 0.0504 0.0833 0.3760 0.4709 0 0.7921 0.8469 0.8893 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0272 0.0467 0.0914 0.4086 0.4261 1 0.7784 0.8346 0.8788 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0156 0.0506 0.0934 0.3872 0.4533 1 0.7848 0.8405 0.8838 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0116 0.0271 0.0717 0.3120 0.5775 0 0.8400 0.8895 0.9251 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0157 0.0197 0.0453 0.2933 0.6260 4 0.8741 0.9193 0.9492 263 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0195 0.0351 0.0585 0.3411 0.5458 2 0.8369 0.8869 0.9231 265 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0447 0.0623 0.0856 0.2821 0.5253 1 0.7487 0.8074 0.8550 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0039 0.0078 0.0486 0.2568 0.6829 1 0.8989 0.9397 0.9647 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0117 0.0078 0.0506 0.2160 0.7140 1 0.8871 0.9300 0.9573 266 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0469 0.0391 0.0879 0.2578 0.5684 2 0.7690 0.8262 0.8716 265 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0352 0.0762 0.1465 0.2930 0.4492 2 0.6789 0.7422 0.7968 265 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0276 0.0413 0.1161 0.2992 0.5157 4 0.7565 0.8150 0.8619 263 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0234 0.0156 0.0605 0.2207 0.6797 2 0.8523 0.9004 0.9341 265 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0068 0.0203 0.0552 0.3401 0.5775 0 0.8726 0.9176 0.9477 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0071 0.0187 0.0594 0.2590 0.6557 0 0.8692 0.9147 0.9454 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0373 0.0673 0.1158 0.3957 0.3839 1 0.7188 0.7796 0.8303 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0200 0.0510 0.0963 0.3075 0.5252 11 0.7764 0.8327 0.8771 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0207 0.0491 0.0898 0.3902 0.4503 2 0.7849 0.8404 0.8837 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0155 0.0271 0.0588 0.3198 0.5788 6 0.8504 0.8986 0.9325 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0242 0.0349 0.0669 0.2703 0.6037 2 0.8224 0.8740 0.9123 267 325
10007775 Queen Mary University of London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0323 0.0407 0.0969 0.2565 0.5736 5 0.7736 0.8301 0.8748 267 325
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0047 0.0093 0.0279 0.6326 0.3256 0 0.9174 0.9581 0.9792 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0140 0.0558 0.6233 0.3070 0 0.8826 0.9302 0.9594 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0140 0.0186 0.2465 0.7209 0 0.9296 0.9674 0.9853 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0047 0.0186 0.0744 0.3674 0.5349 0 0.8494 0.9023 0.9380 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0047 0.0419 0.1070 0.4000 0.4465 0 0.7858 0.8465 0.8924 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0372 0.0698 0.3814 0.5116 0 0.8386 0.8930 0.9306 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0047 0.0093 0.3721 0.6140 0 0.9555 0.9860 0.9957 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0140 0.0698 0.1302 0.4512 0.3349 0 0.7196 0.7860 0.8403 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0186 0.0372 0.0930 0.4977 0.3535 0 0.7910 0.8512 0.8963 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0279 0.0977 0.1163 0.4930 0.2651 0 0.6897 0.7581 0.8155 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0233 0.1302 0.1442 0.4372 0.2651 0 0.6309 0.7023 0.7651 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0093 0.0234 0.0607 0.3458 0.5607 1 0.8542 0.9065 0.9414 214 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0093 0.0419 0.0977 0.4651 0.3860 0 0.7910 0.8512 0.8963 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0051 0.0609 0.1371 0.4416 0.3553 18 0.7282 0.7970 0.8519 197 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0093 0.0140 0.1209 0.4930 0.3628 0 0.7962 0.8558 0.9002 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0141 0.0329 0.1127 0.4883 0.3521 2 0.7786 0.8404 0.8874 213 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0093 0.0279 0.0744 0.5023 0.3860 0 0.8332 0.8884 0.9269 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0326 0.0512 0.4047 0.5116 0 0.8658 0.9163 0.9489 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0093 0.0186 0.0372 0.3674 0.5674 0 0.8883 0.9349 0.9629 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0047 0.0093 0.0234 0.4252 0.5374 1 0.9231 0.9626 0.9822 214 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0279 0.0698 0.1256 0.4047 0.3721 0 0.7096 0.7767 0.8321 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0047 0.0186 0.0279 0.3349 0.6140 0 0.9056 0.9488 0.9729 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0233 0.0140 0.3674 0.5953 0 0.9234 0.9628 0.9823 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0233 0.0605 0.1070 0.4419 0.3674 0 0.7448 0.8093 0.8606 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0140 0.0977 0.0977 0.4279 0.3628 0 0.7246 0.7907 0.8443 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0235 0.1268 0.2911 0.3286 0.2300 2 0.4844 0.5587 0.6305 213 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0279 0.0419 0.4047 0.5256 0 0.8826 0.9302 0.9594 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0023 0.0140 0.0442 0.4674 0.4721 0 0.8940 0.9395 0.9663 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0016 0.0279 0.0620 0.3845 0.5240 0 0.8567 0.9085 0.9429 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0209 0.0837 0.1209 0.4698 0.3047 0 0.7071 0.7744 0.8300 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0093 0.0419 0.1000 0.4155 0.4333 19 0.7884 0.8488 0.8943 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0109 0.0248 0.1023 0.4938 0.3682 2 0.8032 0.8620 0.9053 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0047 0.0202 0.0372 0.4000 0.5380 1 0.8921 0.9380 0.9651 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0163 0.0442 0.0767 0.3698 0.4930 0 0.8040 0.8628 0.9060 215 256
10005343 Queen's University of Belfast CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0124 0.0605 0.0729 0.4124 0.4419 0 0.7945 0.8543 0.8989 215 256
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0224 0.0673 0.0717 0.5785 0.2601 0 0.7782 0.8386 0.8849 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0135 0.0270 0.0586 0.6036 0.2973 1 0.8487 0.9009 0.9364 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0045 0.0135 0.0224 0.2780 0.6816 0 0.9203 0.9596 0.9800 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0224 0.0493 0.0852 0.3139 0.5291 0 0.7832 0.8430 0.8887 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0270 0.0405 0.1171 0.3468 0.4685 1 0.7525 0.8153 0.8651 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0180 0.0315 0.0495 0.3829 0.5180 1 0.8487 0.9009 0.9364 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0045 0.0224 0.0135 0.2511 0.7085 0 0.9203 0.9596 0.9800 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0897 0.1570 0.1345 0.3677 0.2511 0 0.5465 0.6188 0.6863 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0583 0.0987 0.2197 0.4036 0.2197 0 0.5510 0.6233 0.6905 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0942 0.1973 0.1704 0.3498 0.1883 0 0.4656 0.5381 0.6090 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0717 0.1211 0.1525 0.4350 0.2197 0 0.5831 0.6547 0.7200 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0090 0.0448 0.0807 0.4036 0.4619 0 0.8083 0.8655 0.9076 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0631 0.0586 0.1396 0.4414 0.2973 1 0.6703 0.7387 0.7973 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0377 0.0943 0.1368 0.4245 0.3066 11 0.6606 0.7311 0.7917 212 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0897 0.1256 0.2197 0.3543 0.2108 0 0.4924 0.5650 0.6350 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0317 0.0679 0.1629 0.4932 0.2443 2 0.6689 0.7376 0.7963 221 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0538 0.0852 0.1659 0.3991 0.2960 0 0.6247 0.6951 0.7574 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0226 0.0588 0.1041 0.4072 0.4072 2 0.7514 0.8145 0.8644 221 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0138 0.0321 0.0688 0.3394 0.5459 5 0.8301 0.8853 0.9242 218 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0046 0.0274 0.0913 0.4384 0.4384 4 0.8204 0.8767 0.9171 219 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0673 0.0493 0.1345 0.2960 0.4529 0 0.6812 0.7489 0.8063 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0135 0.0224 0.0448 0.3632 0.5561 0 0.8705 0.9193 0.9507 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0224 0.0448 0.0717 0.3363 0.5247 0 0.8032 0.8610 0.9038 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1031 0.0807 0.1480 0.3498 0.3184 0 0.5969 0.6682 0.7325 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0717 0.1031 0.2108 0.3184 0.2960 0 0.5419 0.6143 0.6820 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0946 0.0811 0.2117 0.3694 0.2432 1 0.5400 0.6126 0.6805 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0359 0.0224 0.0987 0.4439 0.3991 0 0.7832 0.8430 0.8887 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0157 0.0392 0.0594 0.4428 0.4428 1 0.8312 0.8857 0.9241 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0164 0.0314 0.0605 0.3274 0.5643 2 0.8381 0.8916 0.9290 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0785 0.1435 0.1693 0.3890 0.2197 0 0.5363 0.6087 0.6767 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0359 0.0658 0.1218 0.4223 0.3543 12 0.7106 0.7765 0.8310 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0583 0.0934 0.1839 0.4141 0.2504 2 0.5930 0.6644 0.7290 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0135 0.0428 0.0886 0.3926 0.4625 11 0.7965 0.8551 0.8990 222 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0404 0.0359 0.0897 0.3296 0.5045 0 0.7732 0.8341 0.8811 223 281
10007782 St. George's Hospital Medical School CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0658 0.0762 0.1435 0.3348 0.3797 0 0.6450 0.7145 0.7752 223 281
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0600 0.1400 0.1800 0.5200 0.1000 0 0.4669 0.6200 0.7524 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0600 0.1400 0.6000 0.2000 0 0.6540 0.8000 0.8943 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0200 0.0000 0.4600 0.5200 0 0.8804 0.9800 0.9969 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0600 0.0600 0.1600 0.3600 0.3600 0 0.5680 0.7200 0.8341 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0600 0.0600 0.1400 0.4600 0.2800 0 0.5890 0.7400 0.8497 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0200 0.1200 0.5200 0.3400 0 0.7226 0.8600 0.9354 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0200 0.0000 0.0400 0.2800 0.6600 0 0.8228 0.9400 0.9814 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0800 0.2000 0.1400 0.3000 0.2800 0 0.4282 0.5800 0.7181 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0600 0.0800 0.1400 0.4800 0.2400 0 0.5680 0.7200 0.8341 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0200 0.0200 0.1000 0.5000 0.3600 0 0.7226 0.8600 0.9354 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0800 0.0600 0.1400 0.6000 0.1200 0 0.5680 0.7200 0.8341 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0400 0.1000 0.1800 0.4200 0.2600 0 0.5268 0.6800 0.8022 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.1400 0.1400 0.2400 0.2800 0.2000 0 0.3351 0.4800 0.6283 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.1277 0.2128 0.1064 0.3830 0.1702 3 0.3982 0.5532 0.6985 47 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.2400 0.2000 0.1800 0.3000 0.0800 0 0.2476 0.3800 0.5331 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0800 0.1600 0.1600 0.4600 0.1400 0 0.4474 0.6000 0.7354 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.3200 0.1800 0.1400 0.2800 0.0800 0 0.2307 0.3600 0.5134 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0400 0.1600 0.4400 0.3600 0 0.6540 0.8000 0.8943 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0200 0.1000 0.3400 0.5400 0 0.7465 0.8800 0.9481 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0200 0.0400 0.5000 0.4400 0 0.8228 0.9400 0.9814 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.1000 0.1000 0.2200 0.3400 0.2400 0 0.4282 0.5800 0.7181 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0000 0.0800 0.4600 0.4600 0 0.7964 0.9200 0.9713 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0200 0.1400 0.1400 0.3600 0.3400 0 0.5472 0.7000 0.8183 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.3000 0.1600 0.0800 0.2800 0.1800 0 0.3172 0.4600 0.6097 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.2000 0.2600 0.1600 0.2400 0.1400 0 0.2476 0.3800 0.5331 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0435 0.0217 0.2609 0.4348 0.2391 4 0.5140 0.6739 0.8015 46 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0400 0.2200 0.1800 0.3200 0.2400 0 0.4091 0.5600 0.7006 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0300 0.0700 0.1200 0.4850 0.2950 0 0.6320 0.7800 0.8798 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0267 0.0267 0.1000 0.4200 0.4267 0 0.7070 0.8467 0.9267 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0600 0.0900 0.1300 0.4700 0.2500 0 0.5680 0.7200 0.8341 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.1000 0.1467 0.1800 0.3633 0.2100 3 0.4218 0.5733 0.7123 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.2133 0.1800 0.1600 0.3467 0.1000 0 0.3053 0.4467 0.5972 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0000 0.0267 0.1000 0.4267 0.4467 0 0.7385 0.8733 0.9439 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0500 0.0500 0.1500 0.4000 0.3500 0 0.5996 0.7500 0.8573 50 71
10007855 Swansea University CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.1733 0.1867 0.1267 0.2933 0.2200 0 0.3655 0.5133 0.6588 50 71
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0054 0.0081 0.0618 0.6747 0.2500 0 0.8895 0.9247 0.9494 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0027 0.0108 0.0593 0.6173 0.3100 1 0.8923 0.9272 0.9514 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0054 0.0081 0.0269 0.2446 0.7151 0 0.9312 0.9597 0.9767 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0108 0.0458 0.0836 0.3423 0.5175 1 0.8162 0.8598 0.8945 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0081 0.0377 0.1267 0.3908 0.4367 1 0.7809 0.8275 0.8659 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0054 0.0162 0.0782 0.4097 0.4906 1 0.8613 0.9003 0.9292 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0161 0.0081 0.2285 0.7473 0 0.9517 0.9758 0.9880 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0215 0.0672 0.1317 0.4704 0.3091 0 0.7296 0.7796 0.8226 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0135 0.0512 0.1267 0.5714 0.2372 1 0.7605 0.8086 0.8490 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0376 0.1075 0.1505 0.4570 0.2473 0 0.6507 0.7043 0.7528 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0618 0.1640 0.2446 0.4140 0.1156 0 0.4734 0.5296 0.5850 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0081 0.0458 0.1105 0.4609 0.3747 1 0.7897 0.8356 0.8731 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0108 0.0591 0.1398 0.4946 0.2957 0 0.7410 0.7903 0.8324 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0147 0.0557 0.1818 0.4780 0.2698 31 0.6936 0.7478 0.7952 341 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0376 0.0591 0.1452 0.5565 0.2016 0 0.7068 0.7581 0.8028 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0215 0.0484 0.1559 0.5323 0.2419 0 0.7239 0.7742 0.8176 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0189 0.0757 0.1676 0.4865 0.2514 2 0.6855 0.7378 0.7842 370 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0108 0.0081 0.0672 0.4059 0.5081 0 0.8770 0.9140 0.9406 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0027 0.0243 0.0539 0.3747 0.5445 1 0.8829 0.9191 0.9449 371 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0136 0.0650 0.4390 0.4824 3 0.8854 0.9214 0.9468 369 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0349 0.0565 0.1237 0.3844 0.4005 0 0.7353 0.7849 0.8275 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0054 0.0108 0.0484 0.3495 0.5860 0 0.9020 0.9355 0.9580 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0081 0.0081 0.0591 0.3387 0.5860 0 0.8895 0.9247 0.9494 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0323 0.0591 0.1694 0.4355 0.3038 0 0.6871 0.7392 0.7854 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0269 0.0914 0.1559 0.4167 0.3091 0 0.6730 0.7258 0.7729 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0200 0.0629 0.3286 0.3514 0.2371 22 0.5307 0.5886 0.6441 350 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0134 0.0188 0.0403 0.4301 0.4973 0 0.8926 0.9274 0.9516 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0060 0.0181 0.0578 0.4700 0.4480 2 0.8817 0.9180 0.9439 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0045 0.0233 0.0708 0.3423 0.5591 2 0.8627 0.9014 0.9301 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0343 0.0974 0.1633 0.4778 0.2272 1 0.6514 0.7050 0.7535 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0112 0.0569 0.1438 0.4745 0.3136 32 0.7386 0.7881 0.8303 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0260 0.0609 0.1559 0.5260 0.2312 2 0.7059 0.7572 0.8020 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0049 0.0152 0.0618 0.4073 0.5108 4 0.8817 0.9180 0.9439 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0202 0.0336 0.0860 0.3669 0.4933 0 0.8167 0.8602 0.8947 372 393
10006840 The University of Birmingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0224 0.0529 0.1281 0.3970 0.3996 0 0.7477 0.7966 0.8380 372 393
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0185 0.0000 0.0926 0.6296 0.2593 0 0.7634 0.8889 0.9520 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0000 0.0926 0.6111 0.2963 0 0.7864 0.9074 0.9631 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0185 0.3889 0.5926 0 0.8886 0.9815 0.9972 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0000 0.1481 0.3148 0.5370 0 0.7191 0.8519 0.9281 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0185 0.0185 0.1296 0.4444 0.3889 0 0.6977 0.8333 0.9155 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0000 0.1296 0.4259 0.4444 0 0.7410 0.8704 0.9403 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0185 0.0185 0.2778 0.6852 0 0.8607 0.9630 0.9909 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0926 0.1667 0.2037 0.1852 0.3519 0 0.3928 0.5370 0.6753 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0370 0.0926 0.1852 0.3148 0.3704 0 0.5380 0.6852 0.8027 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0185 0.0556 0.1852 0.3704 0.3704 0 0.5958 0.7407 0.8470 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0000 0.0926 0.2222 0.3519 0.3333 0 0.5380 0.6852 0.8027 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0185 0.0185 0.0926 0.3148 0.5556 0 0.7410 0.8704 0.9403 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0000 0.0556 0.1481 0.3889 0.4074 0 0.6560 0.7963 0.8890 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0000 0.0385 0.2308 0.3462 0.3846 2 0.5824 0.7308 0.8409 52 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0185 0.0926 0.1296 0.3704 0.3889 0 0.6156 0.7593 0.8613 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0000 0.1296 0.0926 0.4815 0.2963 0 0.6357 0.7778 0.8753 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0000 0.1481 0.0556 0.4815 0.3148 0 0.6560 0.7963 0.8890 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0556 0.1111 0.1852 0.2963 0.3519 0 0.5005 0.6481 0.7720 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0755 0.1698 0.2264 0.3019 0.2264 1 0.3834 0.5283 0.6686 53 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0556 0.2407 0.3704 0.3333 0 0.5570 0.7037 0.8177 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0000 0.0185 0.0926 0.4074 0.4815 0 0.7634 0.8889 0.9520 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0556 0.0370 0.3148 0.5926 0 0.7864 0.9074 0.9631 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0000 0.0741 0.2407 0.6852 0 0.8101 0.9259 0.9734 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0000 0.0370 0.1667 0.3704 0.4259 0 0.6560 0.7963 0.8890 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0000 0.0926 0.1481 0.4074 0.3519 0 0.6156 0.7593 0.8613 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1296 0.0741 0.2778 0.2593 0.2593 0 0.3755 0.5185 0.6585 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0000 0.0926 0.4815 0.4259 0 0.7864 0.9074 0.9631 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0046 0.0000 0.0880 0.4861 0.4213 0 0.7864 0.9074 0.9631 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0062 0.0123 0.0926 0.3827 0.5062 0 0.7634 0.8889 0.9520 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0370 0.1019 0.1991 0.3056 0.3565 0 0.5144 0.6620 0.7836 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0062 0.0370 0.1574 0.3488 0.4506 2 0.6594 0.7994 0.8913 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0062 0.1235 0.0926 0.4444 0.3333 0 0.6357 0.7778 0.8753 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0432 0.1111 0.2191 0.3241 0.3025 1 0.4790 0.6265 0.7538 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0000 0.0370 0.0648 0.3611 0.5370 0 0.7748 0.8981 0.9576 54 57
10007787 The University of Buckingham CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0000 0.0432 0.1296 0.3395 0.4877 0 0.6907 0.8272 0.9112 54 57
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0080 0.0400 0.0480 0.6800 0.2240 0 0.8313 0.9040 0.9473 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0160 0.0240 0.1200 0.5200 0.3200 0 0.7567 0.8400 0.8986 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0160 0.0160 0.0240 0.2800 0.6640 0 0.8812 0.9440 0.9746 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0160 0.0240 0.0640 0.3520 0.5440 0 0.8217 0.8960 0.9415 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0240 0.0080 0.1360 0.3680 0.4640 0 0.7477 0.8320 0.8922 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0080 0.0000 0.0640 0.3680 0.5600 0 0.8608 0.9280 0.9641 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0080 0.0000 0.0240 0.2000 0.7680 0 0.9134 0.9680 0.9886 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0640 0.1520 0.1360 0.4240 0.2240 0 0.5515 0.6480 0.7338 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0320 0.1040 0.1600 0.5760 0.1280 0 0.6093 0.7040 0.7839 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0160 0.1040 0.1920 0.4720 0.2160 0 0.5926 0.6880 0.7697 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0640 0.2000 0.2240 0.3680 0.1440 0 0.4163 0.5120 0.6068 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0081 0.0323 0.0726 0.4032 0.4839 1 0.8108 0.8871 0.9351 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0081 0.0484 0.1129 0.4919 0.3387 1 0.7458 0.8306 0.8913 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0172 0.0345 0.1552 0.4138 0.3793 9 0.7008 0.7931 0.8625 116 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0160 0.0800 0.1040 0.5840 0.2160 0 0.7121 0.8000 0.8661 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0161 0.1048 0.0645 0.5565 0.2581 1 0.7278 0.8145 0.8782 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0161 0.0806 0.0806 0.5323 0.2903 1 0.7368 0.8226 0.8848 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0163 0.0325 0.1220 0.4715 0.3577 2 0.7439 0.8293 0.8904 123 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0242 0.0161 0.0242 0.4435 0.4919 1 0.8699 0.9355 0.9692 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0081 0.0242 0.0645 0.4274 0.4758 1 0.8300 0.9032 0.9469 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0240 0.0640 0.1200 0.3200 0.4720 0 0.7033 0.7920 0.8595 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0080 0.0000 0.0400 0.2400 0.7120 0 0.8917 0.9520 0.9795 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0080 0.0000 0.0480 0.3440 0.6000 0 0.8812 0.9440 0.9746 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0240 0.0480 0.0960 0.4400 0.3920 0 0.7477 0.8320 0.8922 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0081 0.0806 0.0887 0.4194 0.4032 1 0.7368 0.8226 0.8848 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0603 0.1207 0.3103 0.3448 0.1638 9 0.4095 0.5086 0.6070 116 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0080 0.0240 0.0400 0.3760 0.5520 0 0.8608 0.9280 0.9641 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0140 0.0260 0.0640 0.4580 0.4380 0 0.8217 0.8960 0.9415 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0133 0.0027 0.0747 0.3120 0.5973 0 0.8378 0.9093 0.9512 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0440 0.1400 0.1780 0.4600 0.1780 0 0.5413 0.6380 0.7247 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0108 0.0390 0.1129 0.4409 0.3965 11 0.7534 0.8374 0.8967 124 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0160 0.0880 0.0827 0.5600 0.2533 2 0.7269 0.8133 0.8771 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0160 0.0240 0.0707 0.4467 0.4427 4 0.8138 0.8893 0.9366 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0160 0.0320 0.0800 0.2800 0.5920 0 0.7934 0.8720 0.9236 125 151
10007789 The University of East Anglia CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0133 0.0440 0.0773 0.4013 0.4640 1 0.7857 0.8653 0.9185 125 151
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.1250 0.1563 0.5313 0.1875 0 0.5272 0.7188 0.8541 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0313 0.0625 0.6250 0.2813 0 0.7375 0.9063 0.9708 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0938 0.1875 0.7188 0 0.7375 0.9063 0.9708 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0313 0.1563 0.2188 0.5938 0 0.6270 0.8125 0.9178 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0000 0.0313 0.1250 0.4375 0.4063 0 0.6623 0.8438 0.9370 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0000 0.0313 0.3750 0.5938 0 0.8220 0.9688 0.9952 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2500 0.7500 0 0.8717 1.0000 1.0000 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0313 0.1250 0.1563 0.3438 0.3438 0 0.4957 0.6875 0.8312 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0313 0.2188 0.2188 0.3438 0.1875 0 0.3485 0.5313 0.7060 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0938 0.1250 0.1250 0.2813 0.3750 0 0.4649 0.6563 0.8075 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0000 0.0625 0.1875 0.4688 0.2813 0 0.5596 0.7500 0.8763 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0000 0.1563 0.3750 0.4688 0 0.6623 0.8438 0.9370 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0313 0.0625 0.1250 0.3750 0.4063 0 0.5928 0.7813 0.8976 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0000 0.0313 0.1250 0.5000 0.3438 0 0.6623 0.8438 0.9370 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0625 0.1875 0.1250 0.4375 0.1875 0 0.4348 0.6250 0.7831 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0938 0.0938 0.1250 0.4063 0.2813 0 0.4957 0.6875 0.8312 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0625 0.0625 0.1250 0.6250 0.1250 0 0.5596 0.7500 0.8763 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0313 0.0000 0.1563 0.3438 0.4688 0 0.6270 0.8125 0.9178 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0000 0.1667 0.2333 0.6000 2 0.6436 0.8333 0.9326 30 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0313 0.0625 0.4063 0.5000 0 0.7375 0.9063 0.9708 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0000 0.0938 0.0625 0.2500 0.5938 0 0.6623 0.8438 0.9370 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0000 0.1250 0.2813 0.5938 0 0.6991 0.8750 0.9547 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0313 0.0000 0.1250 0.3438 0.5000 0 0.6623 0.8438 0.9370 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1875 0.1563 0.1563 0.2188 0.2813 0 0.3209 0.5000 0.6791 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.1250 0.1875 0.1563 0.3750 0.1563 0 0.3485 0.5313 0.7060 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0323 0.0645 0.3548 0.3226 0.2258 1 0.3612 0.5484 0.7228 31 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0625 0.1563 0.3438 0.4375 0 0.5928 0.7813 0.8976 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0000 0.0469 0.1172 0.3906 0.4453 0 0.6534 0.8359 0.9323 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0000 0.0104 0.0521 0.3542 0.5833 0 0.7781 0.9375 0.9847 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0391 0.1328 0.1719 0.3594 0.2969 0 0.4649 0.6563 0.8075 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0104 0.0313 0.1354 0.4167 0.4063 0 0.6386 0.8229 0.9244 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0729 0.1146 0.1250 0.4896 0.1979 0 0.4957 0.6875 0.8312 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0104 0.0104 0.1302 0.3333 0.5156 2 0.6684 0.8490 0.9400 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0000 0.0469 0.0938 0.2656 0.5938 0 0.6805 0.8594 0.9460 32 42
10007768 The University of Lancaster CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.1146 0.1146 0.1458 0.3125 0.3125 0 0.4348 0.6250 0.7831 32 42
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0063 0.0316 0.6835 0.2785 0 0.9135 0.9620 0.9838 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0127 0.0506 0.6203 0.3165 0 0.8808 0.9367 0.9674 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0127 0.1646 0.8228 0 0.9496 0.9873 0.9969 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0000 0.0570 0.3734 0.5696 0 0.8888 0.9430 0.9717 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0127 0.0380 0.0759 0.4114 0.4620 0 0.8050 0.8734 0.9202 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0063 0.0063 0.0633 0.4114 0.5127 0 0.8651 0.9241 0.9585 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0127 0.1772 0.8101 0 0.9496 0.9873 0.9969 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0063 0.0759 0.0759 0.4557 0.3861 0 0.7690 0.8418 0.8947 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0063 0.0127 0.0759 0.5506 0.3544 0 0.8421 0.9051 0.9446 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0127 0.1519 0.1266 0.4494 0.2595 0 0.6253 0.7089 0.7803 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0063 0.0633 0.1519 0.5823 0.1962 0 0.6993 0.7785 0.8415 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0063 0.0000 0.0443 0.3987 0.5506 0 0.8969 0.9494 0.9759 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0127 0.0127 0.0886 0.4747 0.4114 0 0.8197 0.8861 0.9301 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0070 0.0280 0.1329 0.4825 0.3497 15 0.7540 0.8322 0.8891 143 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0127 0.0570 0.1076 0.5190 0.3038 0 0.7478 0.8228 0.8791 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0000 0.0446 0.0573 0.6306 0.2675 1 0.8336 0.8981 0.9394 157 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0000 0.0696 0.1646 0.4684 0.2975 0 0.6857 0.7658 0.8306 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0190 0.0443 0.3987 0.5380 0 0.8808 0.9367 0.9674 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0064 0.0573 0.3503 0.5860 1 0.8800 0.9363 0.9672 157 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0127 0.0316 0.4114 0.5443 0 0.9051 0.9557 0.9799 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0063 0.0380 0.1392 0.3861 0.4304 0 0.7408 0.8165 0.8738 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0000 0.0380 0.2532 0.7089 0 0.9135 0.9620 0.9838 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0063 0.0316 0.0316 0.2468 0.6835 0 0.8729 0.9304 0.9630 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0255 0.0573 0.0955 0.3631 0.4586 1 0.7463 0.8217 0.8783 157 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0127 0.0701 0.1083 0.4395 0.3694 1 0.7322 0.8089 0.8676 157 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0196 0.0915 0.2288 0.4641 0.1961 5 0.5734 0.6601 0.7373 153 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0128 0.0321 0.3782 0.5769 2 0.9039 0.9551 0.9797 156 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0000 0.0047 0.0380 0.4604 0.4968 0 0.9072 0.9573 0.9809 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0063 0.0148 0.0506 0.3333 0.5949 0 0.8703 0.9283 0.9615 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0079 0.0759 0.1076 0.5095 0.2991 0 0.7321 0.8085 0.8671 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0084 0.0137 0.0886 0.4525 0.4367 15 0.8234 0.8892 0.9325 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0042 0.0580 0.1108 0.5380 0.2890 1 0.7525 0.8270 0.8826 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0000 0.0127 0.0443 0.3871 0.5559 1 0.8888 0.9430 0.9717 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0032 0.0190 0.0886 0.3196 0.5696 0 0.8234 0.8892 0.9325 158 274
10007795 The University of Leeds CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0148 0.0527 0.0781 0.3481 0.5063 2 0.7833 0.8544 0.9050 158 274
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0157 0.0262 0.0209 0.6702 0.2670 0 0.8876 0.9372 0.9657 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0157 0.0157 0.0366 0.5864 0.3455 0 0.8811 0.9319 0.9620 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0105 0.0000 0.0157 0.1518 0.8220 0 0.9352 0.9738 0.9897 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0052 0.0157 0.0785 0.3037 0.5969 0 0.8435 0.9005 0.9383 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0105 0.0366 0.0942 0.4084 0.4503 0 0.7953 0.8586 0.9047 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0105 0.0105 0.0366 0.3194 0.6230 0 0.8941 0.9424 0.9694 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0052 0.0052 0.0052 0.1780 0.8063 0 0.9501 0.9843 0.9952 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0524 0.1518 0.2304 0.3455 0.2199 0 0.4870 0.5654 0.6408 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0052 0.0628 0.1623 0.5026 0.2670 0 0.6975 0.7696 0.8288 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0366 0.1571 0.2408 0.3351 0.2304 0 0.4870 0.5654 0.6408 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0576 0.1414 0.2461 0.3665 0.1885 0 0.4766 0.5550 0.6307 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0105 0.0053 0.0789 0.4211 0.4842 1 0.8489 0.9053 0.9420 190 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0209 0.0314 0.0995 0.4921 0.3560 0 0.7835 0.8482 0.8961 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0170 0.0511 0.1364 0.4034 0.3920 15 0.7222 0.7955 0.8533 176 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0890 0.0890 0.1675 0.4660 0.1885 0 0.5769 0.6545 0.7246 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0209 0.0524 0.1309 0.5183 0.2775 0 0.7258 0.7958 0.8516 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0628 0.1518 0.1361 0.4031 0.2461 0 0.5715 0.6492 0.7197 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0105 0.0105 0.0842 0.3684 0.5263 1 0.8365 0.8947 0.9339 190 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0053 0.0159 0.0476 0.3175 0.6138 2 0.8799 0.9312 0.9616 189 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0158 0.0421 0.3842 0.5579 1 0.8936 0.9421 0.9693 190 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0105 0.0995 0.1257 0.3455 0.4188 0 0.6919 0.7644 0.8242 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0052 0.0314 0.2356 0.7277 0 0.9210 0.9634 0.9834 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0052 0.0209 0.0366 0.2827 0.6545 0 0.8876 0.9372 0.9657 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0209 0.0733 0.1361 0.3822 0.3874 0 0.6975 0.7696 0.8288 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0105 0.0838 0.1414 0.3717 0.3927 0 0.6919 0.7644 0.8242 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0571 0.0686 0.3600 0.3486 0.1657 16 0.4330 0.5143 0.5948 175 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0158 0.0263 0.0421 0.4105 0.5053 1 0.8614 0.9158 0.9501 190 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0118 0.0144 0.0380 0.4280 0.5079 0 0.8860 0.9359 0.9648 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0087 0.0175 0.0454 0.3019 0.6265 0 0.8768 0.9284 0.9594 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0380 0.1283 0.2199 0.3874 0.2264 0 0.5356 0.6139 0.6867 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0157 0.0279 0.1065 0.4450 0.4049 16 0.7855 0.8499 0.8975 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0576 0.0977 0.1449 0.4625 0.2373 0 0.6238 0.6998 0.7663 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0052 0.0140 0.0585 0.3604 0.5620 4 0.8694 0.9223 0.9549 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0052 0.0524 0.0785 0.2906 0.5733 0 0.8012 0.8639 0.9090 191 230
10007796 The University of Leicester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0122 0.0593 0.1047 0.3455 0.4782 0 0.7563 0.8237 0.8756 191 230
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0237 0.1065 0.1302 0.5858 0.1538 0 0.6606 0.7396 0.8057 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0237 0.0473 0.1657 0.5858 0.1775 0 0.6858 0.7633 0.8265 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0118 0.0296 0.0769 0.4142 0.4675 0 0.8171 0.8817 0.9255 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0414 0.0769 0.1420 0.4201 0.3195 0 0.6606 0.7396 0.8057 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0355 0.1006 0.1420 0.4083 0.3136 0 0.6419 0.7219 0.7899 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0355 0.0533 0.1361 0.4497 0.3254 0 0.6985 0.7751 0.8368 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0118 0.0118 0.0473 0.3373 0.5917 0 0.8735 0.9290 0.9612 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1006 0.1243 0.2012 0.3609 0.2130 0 0.4905 0.5740 0.6534 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0888 0.1065 0.1243 0.4675 0.2130 0 0.5987 0.6805 0.7525 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0893 0.1607 0.1548 0.4226 0.1726 1 0.5116 0.5952 0.6737 168 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0355 0.1834 0.2189 0.4083 0.1538 0 0.4787 0.5621 0.6421 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0536 0.1071 0.1667 0.4226 0.2500 1 0.5903 0.6726 0.7455 168 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0651 0.1598 0.2012 0.4260 0.1479 0 0.4905 0.5740 0.6534 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0621 0.1801 0.2236 0.3851 0.1491 8 0.4491 0.5342 0.6173 161 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1243 0.2308 0.1893 0.3550 0.1006 0 0.3748 0.4556 0.5388 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0710 0.1243 0.1361 0.5089 0.1598 0 0.5864 0.6686 0.7417 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.1006 0.1538 0.1302 0.4438 0.1716 0 0.5321 0.6154 0.6924 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0533 0.0533 0.1420 0.4615 0.2899 0 0.6732 0.7515 0.8161 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0237 0.0237 0.0473 0.4142 0.4911 0 0.8449 0.9053 0.9438 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0237 0.0533 0.0710 0.4497 0.4024 0 0.7833 0.8521 0.9018 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.1667 0.1667 0.1786 0.3214 0.1667 1 0.4059 0.4881 0.5710 168 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0118 0.0296 0.0888 0.4438 0.4260 0 0.8035 0.8698 0.9161 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0178 0.0237 0.0473 0.4142 0.4970 0 0.8520 0.9112 0.9482 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1302 0.1243 0.1538 0.3905 0.2012 0 0.5083 0.5917 0.6702 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0533 0.0947 0.1183 0.4320 0.3018 0 0.6543 0.7337 0.8004 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.2349 0.1506 0.2651 0.2349 0.1145 3 0.2743 0.3494 0.4328 166 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0651 0.0888 0.1420 0.4970 0.2071 0 0.6233 0.7041 0.7740 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0251 0.0651 0.1287 0.5015 0.2796 0 0.7049 0.7811 0.8420 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0276 0.0552 0.1085 0.3984 0.4103 0 0.7350 0.8087 0.8656 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0784 0.1440 0.1755 0.4142 0.1879 1 0.5187 0.6021 0.6799 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0611 0.1479 0.2002 0.4093 0.1815 9 0.5073 0.5907 0.6693 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0986 0.1696 0.1519 0.4359 0.1440 0 0.4964 0.5799 0.6590 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0335 0.0434 0.0868 0.4418 0.3945 0 0.7656 0.8363 0.8888 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0888 0.0976 0.1331 0.3846 0.2959 1 0.5987 0.6805 0.7525 169 257
10006842 The University of Liverpool CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0671 0.0809 0.1065 0.4122 0.3333 0 0.6669 0.7456 0.8109 169 257
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0588 0.0772 0.1397 0.6250 0.0993 1 0.6620 0.7243 0.7789 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0296 0.0556 0.1519 0.5852 0.1778 3 0.7026 0.7630 0.8143 270 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0330 0.0330 0.0586 0.3407 0.5348 0 0.8256 0.8755 0.9126 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0735 0.1103 0.1140 0.3566 0.3456 1 0.6390 0.7022 0.7585 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0515 0.1176 0.1287 0.4118 0.2904 1 0.6390 0.7022 0.7585 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0440 0.0696 0.1722 0.4212 0.2930 0 0.6517 0.7143 0.7696 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0256 0.0220 0.0476 0.3516 0.5531 0 0.8591 0.9048 0.9367 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1507 0.1250 0.1360 0.3529 0.2353 1 0.5225 0.5882 0.6510 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0989 0.1282 0.2015 0.4029 0.1685 0 0.5058 0.5714 0.6347 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0769 0.0696 0.1282 0.4945 0.2308 0 0.6632 0.7253 0.7797 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0769 0.1502 0.1758 0.4322 0.1648 0 0.5315 0.5971 0.6593 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0630 0.0815 0.1000 0.4370 0.3185 3 0.6947 0.7556 0.8076 270 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.1502 0.1392 0.1502 0.4029 0.1575 0 0.4948 0.5604 0.6241 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.1445 0.1289 0.1836 0.3750 0.1680 17 0.4752 0.5430 0.6091 256 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1985 0.1838 0.1985 0.3309 0.0882 1 0.3561 0.4191 0.4849 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0590 0.0996 0.1919 0.5166 0.1328 2 0.5845 0.6494 0.7093 271 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.2051 0.1575 0.1538 0.3480 0.1355 0 0.4187 0.4835 0.5489 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0221 0.0551 0.1434 0.4449 0.3346 1 0.7204 0.7794 0.8290 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0149 0.0373 0.0933 0.4179 0.4366 5 0.8016 0.8545 0.8951 268 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0258 0.0517 0.0959 0.4686 0.3579 2 0.7712 0.8266 0.8708 271 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.1136 0.1465 0.1758 0.3150 0.2491 0 0.4984 0.5641 0.6276 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0221 0.0258 0.0812 0.4354 0.4354 2 0.8202 0.8708 0.9088 271 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0769 0.0696 0.1282 0.3553 0.3700 0 0.6632 0.7253 0.7797 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1801 0.1324 0.1544 0.3419 0.1912 1 0.4674 0.5331 0.5976 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.1062 0.1612 0.1978 0.3223 0.2125 0 0.4693 0.5348 0.5992 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1111 0.1070 0.4362 0.2428 0.1029 30 0.2830 0.3457 0.4143 243 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0699 0.1434 0.1360 0.4228 0.2279 1 0.5859 0.6507 0.7104 272 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0498 0.0690 0.1157 0.4765 0.2891 5 0.7057 0.7656 0.8164 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0403 0.0696 0.1166 0.3950 0.3785 1 0.7142 0.7735 0.8236 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.1007 0.1184 0.1603 0.4209 0.1996 1 0.5553 0.6206 0.6817 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.1190 0.1160 0.1471 0.4060 0.2118 20 0.5525 0.6178 0.6791 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.1538 0.1471 0.1813 0.3987 0.1190 3 0.4523 0.5177 0.5825 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0208 0.0482 0.1111 0.4463 0.3736 8 0.7641 0.8199 0.8648 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0696 0.0861 0.1300 0.3736 0.3407 2 0.6517 0.7143 0.7696 273 408
10007798 The University of Manchester CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.1209 0.1209 0.1612 0.3394 0.2576 1 0.5315 0.5971 0.6593 273 408
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0064 0.0385 0.0705 0.6090 0.2756 0 0.8175 0.8846 0.9292 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0064 0.0000 0.0769 0.5321 0.3846 0 0.8556 0.9167 0.9533 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0064 0.0064 0.2436 0.7436 0 0.9489 0.9872 0.9969 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0449 0.0641 0.3526 0.5385 0 0.8250 0.8910 0.9341 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0000 0.0256 0.0449 0.3269 0.6026 0 0.8713 0.9295 0.9625 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0194 0.0710 0.3161 0.5935 1 0.8469 0.9097 0.9483 155 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0064 0.0000 0.2115 0.7821 0 0.9592 0.9936 0.9990 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0256 0.0705 0.1346 0.3462 0.4231 0 0.6888 0.7692 0.8339 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0256 0.0385 0.1154 0.4167 0.4038 0 0.7448 0.8205 0.8775 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0449 0.1731 0.1218 0.4103 0.2500 0 0.5744 0.6603 0.7368 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0192 0.0641 0.1154 0.5128 0.2885 0 0.7236 0.8013 0.8613 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0128 0.0192 0.0641 0.4615 0.4423 0 0.8402 0.9038 0.9438 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0192 0.0577 0.0769 0.4359 0.4103 0 0.7734 0.8462 0.8986 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0261 0.0327 0.1307 0.3922 0.4183 3 0.7328 0.8105 0.8695 153 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0385 0.0962 0.1603 0.5385 0.1667 0 0.6208 0.7051 0.7774 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0192 0.0321 0.1090 0.5385 0.3013 0 0.7662 0.8397 0.8934 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0449 0.1282 0.1859 0.3782 0.2628 0 0.5547 0.6410 0.7191 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0192 0.0449 0.4295 0.5064 0 0.8793 0.9359 0.9670 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0065 0.0323 0.2258 0.7355 1 0.9119 0.9613 0.9835 155 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0065 0.0000 0.0194 0.3290 0.6452 1 0.9296 0.9742 0.9908 155 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0064 0.0449 0.1026 0.3333 0.5128 0 0.7734 0.8462 0.8986 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0128 0.0385 0.2308 0.7179 0 0.8956 0.9487 0.9756 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0192 0.0192 0.0385 0.2500 0.6731 0 0.8634 0.9231 0.9579 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0577 0.1218 0.1538 0.3333 0.3333 0 0.5809 0.6667 0.7426 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0577 0.0897 0.1667 0.3846 0.3013 0 0.6008 0.6859 0.7601 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0065 0.0196 0.1438 0.3072 0.5229 3 0.7546 0.8301 0.8859 153 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0192 0.0192 0.0385 0.3397 0.5833 0 0.8634 0.9231 0.9579 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0032 0.0224 0.0545 0.4343 0.4856 0 0.8595 0.9199 0.9556 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0000 0.0182 0.0385 0.2853 0.6581 1 0.8887 0.9434 0.9720 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0288 0.0865 0.1218 0.4215 0.3413 0 0.6819 0.7628 0.8283 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0192 0.0374 0.0897 0.4306 0.4231 3 0.7819 0.8536 0.9047 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0342 0.0855 0.1517 0.4850 0.2436 0 0.6455 0.7286 0.7983 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0021 0.0085 0.0321 0.3301 0.6271 2 0.9067 0.9573 0.9810 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0032 0.0288 0.0705 0.2821 0.6154 0 0.8326 0.8974 0.9390 156 200
10007157 The University of Sheffield CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0449 0.0769 0.1197 0.3226 0.4359 0 0.6773 0.7585 0.8246 156 200
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0310 0.0775 0.1318 0.6047 0.1550 0 0.6698 0.7597 0.8312 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0155 0.0853 0.1705 0.5194 0.2093 0 0.6368 0.7287 0.8045 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0233 0.0078 0.0155 0.3023 0.6512 0 0.8949 0.9535 0.9801 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0388 0.0698 0.1628 0.3178 0.4109 0 0.6368 0.7287 0.8045 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0859 0.1563 0.1797 0.3047 0.2734 1 0.4823 0.5781 0.6684 128 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0156 0.0391 0.1250 0.4063 0.4141 1 0.7357 0.8203 0.8822 128 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0155 0.0698 0.2713 0.6434 0 0.8457 0.9147 0.9545 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1628 0.1628 0.1628 0.3178 0.1938 0 0.4174 0.5116 0.6050 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0853 0.0853 0.2326 0.4574 0.1395 0 0.5014 0.5969 0.6856 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0709 0.1339 0.1890 0.4094 0.1969 2 0.5100 0.6063 0.6950 127 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0543 0.1628 0.1860 0.4031 0.1938 0 0.5014 0.5969 0.6856 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0078 0.0233 0.0853 0.4806 0.4031 0 0.8086 0.8837 0.9319 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0775 0.1783 0.2171 0.2713 0.2558 0 0.4325 0.5271 0.6199 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0545 0.1455 0.2091 0.3273 0.2636 19 0.4875 0.5909 0.6869 110 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1085 0.2558 0.2093 0.3333 0.0930 0 0.3361 0.4264 0.5218 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0775 0.1473 0.1938 0.4341 0.1473 0 0.4859 0.5814 0.6712 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0698 0.1473 0.1628 0.4574 0.1628 0 0.5247 0.6202 0.7071 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0078 0.0547 0.1250 0.4531 0.3594 1 0.7271 0.8125 0.8758 128 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0476 0.0317 0.0794 0.3413 0.5000 3 0.7585 0.8413 0.8994 126 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0157 0.0315 0.1181 0.3386 0.4961 2 0.7514 0.8346 0.8939 127 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0853 0.1938 0.1783 0.3256 0.2171 0 0.4476 0.5426 0.6346 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0078 0.0465 0.4109 0.5349 0 0.8847 0.9457 0.9754 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0233 0.0930 0.0775 0.3023 0.5039 0 0.7205 0.8062 0.8704 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1240 0.1163 0.1705 0.3256 0.2636 0 0.4936 0.5891 0.6784 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0853 0.1550 0.1008 0.3566 0.3023 0 0.5642 0.6589 0.7425 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1132 0.1321 0.4245 0.1981 0.1321 23 0.2402 0.3302 0.4347 106 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0465 0.1318 0.1550 0.4264 0.2403 0 0.5721 0.6667 0.7495 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0271 0.0601 0.1202 0.4360 0.3566 0 0.7056 0.7926 0.8591 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0336 0.0698 0.1253 0.3295 0.4419 2 0.6824 0.7713 0.8412 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0956 0.1363 0.1919 0.3960 0.1802 2 0.4808 0.5762 0.6663 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0452 0.1137 0.1731 0.3605 0.3075 19 0.5735 0.6680 0.7506 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0853 0.1835 0.1886 0.4083 0.1344 0 0.4476 0.5426 0.6346 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0233 0.0388 0.1085 0.3798 0.4496 6 0.7463 0.8295 0.8894 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0426 0.1008 0.1124 0.3682 0.3760 0 0.6533 0.7442 0.8179 129 149
10007163 The University of Warwick CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0775 0.1214 0.1163 0.3282 0.3566 0 0.5908 0.6848 0.7657 129 149
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0194 0.0194 0.1395 0.6434 0.1783 0 0.7644 0.8217 0.8675 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0116 0.0465 0.1047 0.6318 0.2054 0 0.7814 0.8372 0.8810 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0078 0.0194 0.0969 0.2481 0.6279 0 0.8246 0.8760 0.9139 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0116 0.0543 0.1589 0.3760 0.3992 0 0.7142 0.7752 0.8264 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0271 0.0775 0.1202 0.4109 0.3643 0 0.7142 0.7752 0.8264 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0078 0.0547 0.1172 0.4375 0.3828 2 0.7626 0.8203 0.8664 256 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0078 0.0388 0.0426 0.2403 0.6705 0 0.8646 0.9109 0.9423 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1790 0.2607 0.1790 0.2685 0.1128 1 0.3183 0.3813 0.4486 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.1563 0.1563 0.2305 0.3672 0.0898 2 0.3909 0.4570 0.5248 256 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0824 0.1882 0.1765 0.4157 0.1373 3 0.4850 0.5529 0.6189 255 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0709 0.1850 0.2323 0.3937 0.1181 4 0.4442 0.5118 0.5790 254 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0237 0.0632 0.0988 0.5375 0.2767 5 0.7556 0.8142 0.8614 253 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0465 0.1822 0.1744 0.3915 0.2054 0 0.5295 0.5969 0.6609 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0372 0.1653 0.2231 0.3884 0.1860 16 0.5046 0.5744 0.6413 242 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0891 0.1163 0.1589 0.4651 0.1705 0 0.5688 0.6357 0.6977 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0388 0.1124 0.1473 0.5039 0.1977 0 0.6366 0.7016 0.7593 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0547 0.1680 0.1680 0.4336 0.1758 2 0.5418 0.6094 0.6730 256 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0196 0.0549 0.1373 0.4510 0.3373 3 0.7277 0.7882 0.8383 255 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0117 0.0817 0.0700 0.3774 0.4591 1 0.7806 0.8366 0.8805 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0039 0.0311 0.0778 0.4436 0.4436 1 0.8372 0.8872 0.9232 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0545 0.1167 0.2023 0.3502 0.2763 1 0.5593 0.6265 0.6891 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0078 0.0195 0.1089 0.4319 0.4319 1 0.8108 0.8638 0.9037 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0156 0.0195 0.0661 0.4319 0.4669 1 0.8506 0.8988 0.9327 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0465 0.1240 0.1550 0.4612 0.2132 0 0.6085 0.6744 0.7341 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0388 0.1434 0.2364 0.4031 0.1783 0 0.5139 0.5814 0.6460 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0640 0.0840 0.3400 0.3120 0.2000 8 0.4438 0.5120 0.5797 250 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0194 0.0581 0.0930 0.4419 0.3876 0 0.7729 0.8295 0.8743 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0126 0.0349 0.1250 0.4748 0.3527 0 0.7707 0.8275 0.8726 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0149 0.0568 0.0937 0.3618 0.4729 2 0.7785 0.8346 0.8787 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.1245 0.1968 0.2049 0.3599 0.1138 10 0.4072 0.4737 0.5412 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0362 0.1382 0.1680 0.4380 0.2196 21 0.5912 0.6576 0.7184 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0607 0.1318 0.1576 0.4690 0.1809 2 0.5833 0.6499 0.7111 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0117 0.0564 0.0953 0.4235 0.4131 5 0.7806 0.8366 0.8805 257 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0310 0.0678 0.1570 0.3895 0.3547 2 0.6812 0.7442 0.7984 258 391
10007784 University College London CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0336 0.0956 0.1525 0.4328 0.2855 1 0.6541 0.7183 0.7748 258 391
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0202 0.0101 0.5253 0.4444 0 0.9061 0.9697 0.9907 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0000 0.0909 0.5152 0.3939 0 0.8265 0.9091 0.9545 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0202 0.0202 0.1818 0.7778 0 0.8919 0.9596 0.9856 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0303 0.0505 0.3636 0.5556 0 0.8390 0.9192 0.9613 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0000 0.0505 0.0707 0.3838 0.4949 0 0.7899 0.8788 0.9332 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0404 0.0707 0.3535 0.5354 0 0.8020 0.8889 0.9405 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0101 0.0000 0.0101 0.1616 0.8182 0 0.9210 0.9798 0.9951 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0722 0.0722 0.1959 0.3711 0.2887 2 0.5502 0.6598 0.7546 97 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0303 0.0404 0.1010 0.5354 0.2929 0 0.7316 0.8283 0.8951 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0510 0.1224 0.1633 0.3673 0.2959 1 0.5543 0.6633 0.7572 98 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0404 0.1717 0.1616 0.3939 0.2323 0 0.5173 0.6263 0.7238 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0606 0.3636 0.5758 0 0.8648 0.9394 0.9741 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0000 0.0606 0.0303 0.4747 0.4343 0 0.8265 0.9091 0.9545 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0115 0.0345 0.1609 0.4368 0.3563 12 0.6850 0.7931 0.8711 87 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0101 0.0505 0.1010 0.4242 0.4141 0 0.7431 0.8384 0.9029 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0102 0.0306 0.0510 0.4286 0.4796 1 0.8248 0.9082 0.9541 98 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0202 0.0505 0.0808 0.3737 0.4747 0 0.7546 0.8485 0.9107 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0101 0.0404 0.0505 0.3636 0.5354 0 0.8142 0.8990 0.9476 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0101 0.0808 0.2828 0.6263 0 0.8265 0.9091 0.9545 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0309 0.0103 0.3918 0.5670 2 0.8898 0.9588 0.9853 97 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0202 0.0303 0.0707 0.3030 0.5758 0 0.7899 0.8788 0.9332 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0202 0.0404 0.2020 0.7374 0 0.8648 0.9394 0.9741 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0101 0.0303 0.0404 0.3030 0.6162 0 0.8390 0.9192 0.9613 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0306 0.0714 0.0918 0.3571 0.4490 1 0.7063 0.8061 0.8779 98 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0505 0.1111 0.2222 0.3131 0.3030 0 0.5071 0.6162 0.7146 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0652 0.1087 0.3913 0.3152 0.1196 7 0.3285 0.4348 0.5474 92 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0404 0.0303 0.2727 0.6566 0 0.8518 0.9293 0.9678 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0000 0.0177 0.0429 0.3965 0.5429 0 0.8648 0.9394 0.9741 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0034 0.0303 0.0505 0.2997 0.6162 0 0.8348 0.9158 0.9590 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0488 0.1019 0.1549 0.4167 0.2778 3 0.5871 0.6944 0.7842 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0034 0.0337 0.0791 0.4242 0.4596 12 0.7959 0.8838 0.9369 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0135 0.0455 0.0774 0.4091 0.4545 1 0.7722 0.8636 0.9221 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0034 0.0286 0.0471 0.3451 0.5758 2 0.8412 0.9209 0.9624 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0101 0.0253 0.0556 0.2525 0.6566 0 0.8265 0.9091 0.9545 99 173
10007783 University of Aberdeen CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0320 0.0707 0.1178 0.3249 0.4545 1 0.6775 0.7795 0.8560 99 173
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0057 0.0629 0.6000 0.3314 0 0.8777 0.9314 0.9626 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0229 0.0400 0.5543 0.3829 0 0.8848 0.9371 0.9666 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0057 0.0114 0.0229 0.2686 0.6914 0 0.9140 0.9600 0.9819 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0057 0.0629 0.0800 0.4114 0.4400 0 0.7839 0.8514 0.9005 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0114 0.0400 0.0743 0.3886 0.4857 0 0.8099 0.8743 0.9190 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0115 0.0517 0.0690 0.4023 0.4655 1 0.8023 0.8678 0.9140 174 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0057 0.0000 0.0229 0.2286 0.7429 0 0.9294 0.9714 0.9887 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0400 0.1029 0.1029 0.3486 0.4057 0 0.6776 0.7543 0.8176 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0229 0.1257 0.1657 0.4914 0.1943 0 0.6055 0.6857 0.7562 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0457 0.0743 0.1257 0.4971 0.2571 0 0.6776 0.7543 0.8176 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0343 0.1657 0.2743 0.3600 0.1657 0 0.4442 0.5257 0.6059 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0114 0.0514 0.0571 0.4057 0.4743 0 0.8165 0.8800 0.9236 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0171 0.0971 0.1257 0.4171 0.3429 0 0.6837 0.7600 0.8227 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0119 0.1071 0.1905 0.4167 0.2738 7 0.6088 0.6905 0.7618 168 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0286 0.0743 0.1657 0.5486 0.1829 0 0.6534 0.7314 0.7974 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0287 0.1379 0.1379 0.5230 0.1724 1 0.6154 0.6954 0.7651 174 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0402 0.1034 0.1494 0.4885 0.2184 1 0.6274 0.7069 0.7755 174 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0116 0.1040 0.1445 0.4740 0.2659 2 0.6618 0.7399 0.8052 173 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0058 0.0468 0.1579 0.3801 0.4094 4 0.7145 0.7895 0.8489 171 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0355 0.1302 0.4260 0.4083 6 0.7634 0.8343 0.8871 169 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0743 0.1657 0.1543 0.3714 0.2343 0 0.5238 0.6057 0.6821 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0286 0.0457 0.4229 0.5029 0 0.8707 0.9257 0.9584 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0229 0.0686 0.3200 0.5886 0 0.8500 0.9086 0.9457 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0575 0.1264 0.1149 0.4023 0.2989 1 0.6214 0.7011 0.7703 174 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0287 0.1149 0.1437 0.3621 0.3506 1 0.6334 0.7126 0.7807 174 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0702 0.1462 0.2807 0.2865 0.2164 4 0.4210 0.5029 0.5847 171 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0114 0.0229 0.0571 0.4229 0.4857 0 0.8500 0.9086 0.9457 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0029 0.0257 0.0514 0.4586 0.4614 0 0.8637 0.9200 0.9543 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0095 0.0305 0.0552 0.3390 0.5657 1 0.8455 0.9048 0.9428 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0357 0.1171 0.1671 0.4243 0.2557 0 0.5996 0.6800 0.7509 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0152 0.0848 0.1229 0.4133 0.3638 7 0.7021 0.7771 0.8376 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0324 0.1048 0.1543 0.5181 0.1905 2 0.6293 0.7086 0.7769 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0067 0.0610 0.1429 0.4314 0.3581 12 0.7155 0.7895 0.8484 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0371 0.0971 0.1000 0.3971 0.3686 0 0.6898 0.7657 0.8277 175 224
10007786 University of Bristol CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0286 0.0876 0.1086 0.3600 0.4152 2 0.7001 0.7752 0.8360 175 224
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0704 0.0845 0.6620 0.1831 0 0.7682 0.8451 0.8998 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0845 0.0845 0.5563 0.2746 0 0.7524 0.8310 0.8883 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0070 0.0352 0.0423 0.2746 0.6408 0 0.8506 0.9155 0.9537 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0496 0.0426 0.0993 0.3759 0.4326 1 0.7271 0.8085 0.8700 141 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0282 0.0634 0.0704 0.2958 0.5423 0 0.7603 0.8380 0.8941 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0141 0.0493 0.1127 0.4155 0.4085 0 0.7445 0.8239 0.8826 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0141 0.0423 0.0282 0.3944 0.5211 0 0.8506 0.9155 0.9537 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1549 0.2183 0.1972 0.2746 0.1549 0 0.3431 0.4296 0.5206 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0493 0.0704 0.1479 0.4577 0.2746 0 0.6453 0.7324 0.8046 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0423 0.1127 0.1761 0.4085 0.2606 0 0.5791 0.6690 0.7481 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0355 0.1135 0.1702 0.4823 0.1986 1 0.5910 0.6809 0.7590 141 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0211 0.0141 0.1408 0.4507 0.3732 0 0.7445 0.8239 0.8826 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0634 0.1197 0.1620 0.4507 0.2042 0 0.5646 0.6549 0.7353 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0515 0.1176 0.1544 0.4118 0.2647 6 0.5848 0.6765 0.7564 136 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1268 0.1831 0.2324 0.3310 0.1268 0 0.3698 0.4577 0.5484 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0851 0.1844 0.2057 0.3688 0.1560 1 0.4342 0.5248 0.6138 141 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0915 0.1408 0.2183 0.3803 0.1690 0 0.4586 0.5493 0.6369 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0563 0.0915 0.1972 0.3944 0.2606 0 0.5646 0.6549 0.7353 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0000 0.1135 0.2979 0.5887 1 0.8157 0.8865 0.9324 141 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0141 0.0915 0.4437 0.4507 0 0.8252 0.8944 0.9382 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0352 0.0282 0.1197 0.4225 0.3944 0 0.7367 0.8169 0.8768 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0282 0.0775 0.3662 0.5282 0 0.8252 0.8944 0.9382 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0141 0.0141 0.0775 0.3662 0.5282 0 0.8252 0.8944 0.9382 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0775 0.0775 0.2465 0.3451 0.2535 0 0.5076 0.5986 0.6833 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0845 0.0845 0.1831 0.4155 0.2324 0 0.5574 0.6479 0.7288 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1556 0.0593 0.4000 0.2444 0.1407 7 0.2996 0.3852 0.4785 135 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0493 0.0845 0.0704 0.4437 0.3521 0 0.7134 0.7958 0.8591 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0147 0.0593 0.0775 0.4665 0.3820 1 0.7722 0.8486 0.9026 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0188 0.0516 0.0704 0.3685 0.4906 0 0.7842 0.8592 0.9110 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0704 0.1297 0.1731 0.4049 0.2218 1 0.5359 0.6268 0.7094 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0458 0.0833 0.1526 0.4354 0.2829 6 0.6304 0.7183 0.7922 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.1009 0.1690 0.2195 0.3603 0.1502 1 0.4207 0.5106 0.5998 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0188 0.0352 0.1362 0.3779 0.4319 1 0.7289 0.8099 0.8709 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0176 0.0282 0.0986 0.3944 0.4613 0 0.7802 0.8556 0.9082 142 194
10007788 University of Cambridge CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0587 0.0587 0.1690 0.3756 0.3380 0 0.6255 0.7136 0.7880 142 194
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0476 0.0952 0.5238 0.3333 0 0.6283 0.8571 0.9552 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0000 0.2381 0.5714 0.1905 0 0.5254 0.7619 0.9024 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0952 0.0952 0.4762 0.3333 0 0.5755 0.8095 0.9302 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.1429 0.1905 0.1429 0.5238 0 0.4321 0.6667 0.8402 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0476 0.0952 0.0952 0.3810 0.3810 0 0.5254 0.7619 0.9024 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0476 0.1905 0.4286 0.3333 0 0.5254 0.7619 0.9024 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0476 0.0952 0.1905 0.2857 0.3810 0 0.4321 0.6667 0.8402 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0952 0.0476 0.1429 0.4286 0.2857 0 0.4778 0.7143 0.8723 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0952 0.0952 0.1429 0.4762 0.1905 0 0.4321 0.6667 0.8402 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0952 0.1905 0.2857 0.3333 0.0952 0 0.2295 0.4286 0.6539 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0476 0.2381 0.0952 0.5238 0.0952 0 0.3883 0.6190 0.8062 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0476 0.0000 0.0476 0.3333 0.5714 0 0.6848 0.9048 0.9765 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0476 0.0476 0.1905 0.4286 0.2857 0 0.4778 0.7143 0.8723 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0000 0.1053 0.1053 0.6316 0.1579 2 0.5414 0.7895 0.9225 19 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1905 0.3333 0.1429 0.1429 0.1905 0 0.1598 0.3333 0.5679 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0000 0.1905 0.2381 0.3333 0.2381 0 0.3461 0.5714 0.7705 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0476 0.1429 0.2381 0.3333 0.2381 0 0.3461 0.5714 0.7705 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0476 0.0000 0.1429 0.7143 0.0952 0 0.5755 0.8095 0.9302 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0476 0.0000 0.0000 0.5238 0.4286 0 0.7463 0.9524 0.9927 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0476 0.0952 0.0000 0.3810 0.4762 0 0.6283 0.8571 0.9552 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0000 0.2000 0.0500 0.5500 0.2000 1 0.5074 0.7500 0.8973 20 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0476 0.0952 0.0952 0.4286 0.3333 0 0.5254 0.7619 0.9024 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0476 0.0476 0.0952 0.3810 0.4286 0 0.5755 0.8095 0.9302 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0952 0.0000 0.1905 0.3333 0.3810 0 0.4778 0.7143 0.8723 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0476 0.2381 0.2381 0.2381 0.2381 0 0.2668 0.4762 0.6943 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0500 0.1500 0.3500 0.2500 0.2000 1 0.2421 0.4500 0.6769 20 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0952 0.1429 0.1429 0.2857 0.3333 0 0.3883 0.6190 0.8062 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0000 0.0714 0.1548 0.4286 0.3452 0 0.5377 0.7738 0.9096 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0317 0.0794 0.1587 0.3651 0.3651 0 0.4934 0.7302 0.8826 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0833 0.1429 0.1667 0.4405 0.1667 0 0.3776 0.6071 0.7975 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0317 0.0476 0.1111 0.4524 0.3571 2 0.5755 0.8095 0.9302 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0794 0.2222 0.2063 0.2698 0.2222 0 0.2796 0.4921 0.7075 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0476 0.0317 0.0476 0.5397 0.3333 0 0.6467 0.8730 0.9627 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0238 0.1429 0.0714 0.4762 0.2857 1 0.5254 0.7619 0.9024 21 24
10007141 University of Central Lancashire CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0635 0.0952 0.1746 0.3175 0.3492 0 0.4321 0.6667 0.8402 21 24
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0075 0.0226 0.0226 0.5940 0.3534 0 0.8880 0.9474 0.9761 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0075 0.0301 0.0752 0.4737 0.4135 0 0.8140 0.8872 0.9340 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0075 0.0000 0.0526 0.2556 0.6842 0 0.8783 0.9398 0.9713 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0150 0.0376 0.1203 0.3083 0.5188 0 0.7451 0.8271 0.8867 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0301 0.0376 0.0376 0.4060 0.4887 0 0.8229 0.8947 0.9396 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0076 0.0076 0.0909 0.3939 0.5000 1 0.8216 0.8939 0.9391 132 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0075 0.0075 0.0150 0.2481 0.7218 0 0.9184 0.9699 0.9893 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0226 0.0677 0.2030 0.3459 0.3609 0 0.6152 0.7068 0.7842 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0226 0.0602 0.1504 0.5338 0.2331 0 0.6791 0.7669 0.8365 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0977 0.1729 0.2256 0.3985 0.1053 0 0.4112 0.5038 0.5961 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0376 0.1128 0.1278 0.4436 0.2782 0 0.6310 0.7218 0.7974 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0229 0.0076 0.0305 0.3740 0.5649 2 0.8766 0.9389 0.9708 131 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0301 0.0150 0.0977 0.4211 0.4361 0 0.7791 0.8571 0.9108 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0238 0.0317 0.1508 0.3810 0.4127 7 0.7055 0.7937 0.8606 126 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0451 0.0451 0.0977 0.4962 0.3158 0 0.7283 0.8120 0.8744 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0152 0.0227 0.1212 0.4924 0.3485 1 0.7603 0.8409 0.8981 132 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0075 0.0677 0.0977 0.5564 0.2707 0 0.7451 0.8271 0.8867 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0075 0.0226 0.0526 0.3158 0.6015 0 0.8501 0.9173 0.9559 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0075 0.0150 0.0752 0.2782 0.6241 0 0.8319 0.9023 0.9451 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0076 0.0152 0.0530 0.2727 0.6515 1 0.8584 0.9242 0.9609 132 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0150 0.0677 0.1203 0.3083 0.4887 0 0.7118 0.7970 0.8619 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0075 0.0301 0.0677 0.2932 0.6015 0 0.8229 0.8947 0.9396 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0075 0.0150 0.0226 0.2105 0.7444 0 0.8979 0.9549 0.9807 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0075 0.0301 0.1278 0.4211 0.4135 0 0.7535 0.8346 0.8928 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0075 0.0977 0.2105 0.4211 0.2632 0 0.5917 0.6842 0.7641 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0382 0.0763 0.2366 0.3664 0.2824 2 0.5546 0.6489 0.7328 131 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0150 0.0075 0.0677 0.3083 0.6015 0 0.8410 0.9098 0.9506 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0094 0.0226 0.0677 0.4079 0.4925 0 0.8296 0.9004 0.9437 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0150 0.0175 0.0476 0.3509 0.5689 1 0.8532 0.9198 0.9577 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0451 0.1034 0.1767 0.4305 0.2444 0 0.5820 0.6748 0.7557 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0251 0.0175 0.0940 0.3922 0.4712 9 0.7863 0.8634 0.9157 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0226 0.0451 0.1053 0.5163 0.3108 1 0.7451 0.8271 0.8867 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0075 0.0175 0.0614 0.2882 0.6253 1 0.8455 0.9135 0.9533 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0113 0.0489 0.0940 0.3008 0.5451 0 0.7662 0.8459 0.9018 133 168
10007852 University of Dundee CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0075 0.0476 0.1203 0.3509 0.4737 0 0.7423 0.8246 0.8847 133 168
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0281 0.0562 0.6742 0.2416 0 0.8592 0.9157 0.9509 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0225 0.0449 0.5899 0.3427 0 0.8797 0.9326 0.9632 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0056 0.0225 0.0281 0.2022 0.7416 0 0.8937 0.9438 0.9711 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0169 0.0393 0.1124 0.3539 0.4775 0 0.7622 0.8315 0.8836 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0112 0.0337 0.1011 0.4551 0.3989 0 0.7874 0.8539 0.9022 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0113 0.0169 0.0904 0.4294 0.4520 1 0.8185 0.8814 0.9245 177 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0056 0.0337 0.3202 0.6404 0 0.9154 0.9607 0.9822 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0449 0.1180 0.1573 0.4775 0.2022 0 0.6001 0.6798 0.7502 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0281 0.0843 0.1348 0.5056 0.2472 0 0.6767 0.7528 0.8159 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0787 0.2584 0.1854 0.3708 0.1067 0 0.3979 0.4775 0.5583 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0281 0.1742 0.2584 0.4101 0.1292 0 0.4583 0.5393 0.6183 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0112 0.0674 0.1573 0.3933 0.3708 0 0.6887 0.7640 0.8257 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0169 0.0449 0.2022 0.4719 0.2640 0 0.6588 0.7360 0.8009 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0327 0.0588 0.2092 0.4379 0.2614 25 0.6139 0.6993 0.7729 153 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0449 0.1629 0.1910 0.4944 0.1067 0 0.5199 0.6011 0.6772 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0455 0.1705 0.1989 0.4318 0.1534 2 0.5034 0.5852 0.6626 176 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0506 0.2079 0.1629 0.4270 0.1517 0 0.4973 0.5787 0.6559 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0112 0.0562 0.0787 0.4719 0.3820 0 0.7874 0.8539 0.9022 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0114 0.0114 0.0398 0.2955 0.6420 2 0.8854 0.9375 0.9668 176 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0114 0.0568 0.3864 0.5455 2 0.8784 0.9318 0.9628 176 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0281 0.0393 0.1124 0.4494 0.3708 0 0.7498 0.8202 0.8742 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0113 0.0113 0.0282 0.3729 0.5763 1 0.9003 0.9492 0.9747 177 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0112 0.0169 0.0618 0.3708 0.5393 0 0.8524 0.9101 0.9467 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0225 0.0899 0.1236 0.4494 0.3146 0 0.6887 0.7640 0.8257 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0393 0.0899 0.2584 0.3933 0.2191 0 0.5312 0.6124 0.6877 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0824 0.0941 0.3588 0.2941 0.1706 8 0.3838 0.4647 0.5475 170 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0225 0.0225 0.0393 0.4551 0.4607 0 0.8592 0.9157 0.9509 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0056 0.0281 0.0604 0.4551 0.4508 0 0.8474 0.9059 0.9435 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0075 0.0187 0.0749 0.4007 0.4981 1 0.8391 0.8989 0.9381 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0449 0.1587 0.1840 0.4410 0.1713 0 0.5312 0.6124 0.6877 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0197 0.0562 0.1854 0.4419 0.2968 25 0.6618 0.7388 0.8034 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0468 0.1798 0.1845 0.4522 0.1367 2 0.5076 0.5890 0.6657 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0075 0.0272 0.0590 0.3848 0.5215 4 0.8480 0.9064 0.9438 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0197 0.0253 0.0702 0.4101 0.4747 1 0.8227 0.8848 0.9271 178 234
10007790 University of Edinburgh CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0243 0.0655 0.1479 0.4045 0.3577 0 0.6867 0.7622 0.8241 178 234
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0192 0.0096 0.0577 0.6827 0.2308 0 0.8344 0.9135 0.9567 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0194 0.0097 0.0485 0.6117 0.3107 1 0.8449 0.9223 0.9628 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0192 0.0288 0.2500 0.7019 0 0.8837 0.9519 0.9810 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0192 0.0865 0.0673 0.3942 0.4327 0 0.7328 0.8269 0.8928 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0291 0.0583 0.0777 0.4563 0.3786 1 0.7413 0.8350 0.8993 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0291 0.1165 0.3689 0.4854 1 0.7635 0.8544 0.9142 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0000 0.0096 0.1538 0.8365 0 0.9398 0.9904 0.9985 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0481 0.1346 0.1923 0.4423 0.1827 0 0.5187 0.6250 0.7205 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0577 0.1442 0.2692 0.4712 0.0577 0 0.4237 0.5288 0.6315 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0481 0.1538 0.2115 0.4904 0.0962 0 0.4802 0.5865 0.6854 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0096 0.1250 0.1635 0.5769 0.1250 0 0.5976 0.7019 0.7888 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0194 0.0680 0.0680 0.3592 0.4854 1 0.7524 0.8447 0.9068 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0194 0.0874 0.1359 0.4757 0.2816 1 0.6557 0.7573 0.8364 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0313 0.0833 0.1771 0.4583 0.2500 8 0.5998 0.7083 0.7974 96 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0865 0.1154 0.2885 0.4135 0.0962 0 0.4052 0.5096 0.6132 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0388 0.0388 0.1650 0.5631 0.1942 1 0.6557 0.7573 0.8364 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0777 0.2330 0.1942 0.4175 0.0777 1 0.3908 0.4951 0.5999 103 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0288 0.0288 0.1154 0.5096 0.3173 0 0.7328 0.8269 0.8928 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0000 0.0962 0.4135 0.4904 0 0.8226 0.9038 0.9502 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0098 0.0098 0.1078 0.3725 0.5000 2 0.7842 0.8725 0.9281 102 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0096 0.0096 0.0865 0.3846 0.5096 0 0.8109 0.8942 0.9434 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0096 0.0192 0.0481 0.3558 0.5673 0 0.8463 0.9231 0.9632 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0096 0.0096 0.0577 0.3462 0.5769 0 0.8463 0.9231 0.9632 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0385 0.0481 0.1731 0.3750 0.3654 0 0.6381 0.7404 0.8218 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0385 0.0962 0.2019 0.4135 0.2500 0 0.5578 0.6635 0.7550 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0444 0.1111 0.3444 0.3667 0.1333 14 0.3885 0.5000 0.6115 90 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0096 0.0385 0.0769 0.4135 0.4615 0 0.7880 0.8750 0.9295 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0144 0.0313 0.0505 0.4856 0.4183 1 0.8226 0.9038 0.9502 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0096 0.0288 0.0673 0.3237 0.5705 2 0.8109 0.8942 0.9434 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0409 0.1394 0.2091 0.4952 0.1154 0 0.5042 0.6106 0.7074 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0224 0.0785 0.1298 0.4295 0.3397 10 0.6691 0.7692 0.8460 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0673 0.1282 0.2147 0.4663 0.1234 2 0.4834 0.5897 0.6883 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0128 0.0128 0.1074 0.4343 0.4327 2 0.7786 0.8670 0.9235 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0096 0.0144 0.0673 0.3702 0.5385 0 0.8284 0.9087 0.9535 104 125
10007792 University of Exeter CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0288 0.0513 0.1442 0.3782 0.3974 0 0.6761 0.7756 0.8513 104 125
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0088 0.0308 0.0661 0.5639 0.3304 0 0.8417 0.8943 0.9308 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0044 0.0264 0.0793 0.5947 0.2952 0 0.8366 0.8899 0.9273 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0088 0.0044 0.0352 0.2863 0.6652 0 0.9104 0.9515 0.9743 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0132 0.0661 0.1366 0.3040 0.4802 0 0.7194 0.7841 0.8373 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0354 0.0708 0.0796 0.3407 0.4735 1 0.7518 0.8142 0.8637 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0179 0.0269 0.0807 0.4036 0.4709 4 0.8184 0.8744 0.9150 223 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0088 0.0044 0.0352 0.1982 0.7533 0 0.9104 0.9515 0.9743 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0925 0.1189 0.1762 0.3833 0.2291 0 0.5406 0.6123 0.6795 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0529 0.0661 0.1586 0.4846 0.2379 0 0.6540 0.7225 0.7819 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0793 0.0793 0.2026 0.4097 0.2291 0 0.5674 0.6388 0.7045 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0749 0.1366 0.2070 0.4009 0.1806 0 0.5095 0.5815 0.6502 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0310 0.0310 0.0664 0.3938 0.4779 1 0.8157 0.8717 0.9125 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0661 0.0441 0.1498 0.4185 0.3216 0 0.6725 0.7401 0.7979 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0632 0.0368 0.1947 0.4000 0.3053 37 0.6292 0.7053 0.7714 190 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0617 0.0749 0.1145 0.5154 0.2335 0 0.6818 0.7489 0.8059 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0442 0.1018 0.1504 0.4381 0.2655 1 0.6340 0.7035 0.7648 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0575 0.1150 0.1327 0.4292 0.2655 1 0.6248 0.6947 0.7566 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0177 0.0133 0.0885 0.3407 0.5398 1 0.8258 0.8805 0.9197 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0134 0.0134 0.0625 0.2188 0.6920 3 0.8605 0.9107 0.9440 224 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0178 0.0578 0.0533 0.3378 0.5333 2 0.8149 0.8711 0.9121 225 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0352 0.0661 0.1410 0.3524 0.4053 0 0.6912 0.7577 0.8138 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0088 0.0221 0.0221 0.3540 0.5929 1 0.9045 0.9469 0.9711 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0220 0.0176 0.0220 0.2996 0.6388 0 0.8940 0.9383 0.9649 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0441 0.0661 0.1233 0.3348 0.4317 0 0.7006 0.7665 0.8217 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0400 0.0844 0.1200 0.3867 0.3689 2 0.6886 0.7556 0.8121 225 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0340 0.0534 0.4175 0.3155 0.1796 21 0.4205 0.4951 0.5700 206 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0354 0.0310 0.0442 0.3673 0.5221 1 0.8359 0.8894 0.9269 226 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0088 0.0319 0.0793 0.4372 0.4427 0 0.8253 0.8800 0.9192 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0206 0.0338 0.0661 0.3128 0.5668 5 0.8248 0.8796 0.9189 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0749 0.1002 0.1861 0.4196 0.2192 0 0.5674 0.6388 0.7045 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0507 0.0367 0.1358 0.4060 0.3708 38 0.7115 0.7768 0.8308 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0543 0.0977 0.1329 0.4611 0.2540 2 0.6463 0.7151 0.7752 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0162 0.0279 0.0683 0.3010 0.5866 6 0.8341 0.8877 0.9255 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0220 0.0441 0.0815 0.3524 0.5000 1 0.7942 0.8524 0.8963 227 263
10007794 University of Glasgow CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0352 0.0558 0.0881 0.3399 0.4809 2 0.7593 0.8209 0.8694 227 263
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0109 0.0326 0.4130 0.5435 0 0.8841 0.9565 0.9845 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0217 0.0435 0.3913 0.5435 0 0.8552 0.9348 0.9721 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0217 0.1848 0.7935 0 0.9153 0.9783 0.9947 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0109 0.0435 0.0217 0.2065 0.7174 0 0.8412 0.9239 0.9653 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0217 0.0109 0.0217 0.3370 0.6087 0 0.8694 0.9457 0.9785 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0109 0.0761 0.2391 0.6739 0 0.8276 0.9130 0.9583 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0109 0.0000 0.0978 0.8913 0 0.9323 0.9891 0.9983 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0543 0.0761 0.1630 0.3804 0.3261 0 0.5955 0.7065 0.7974 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0543 0.0326 0.0761 0.5543 0.2826 0 0.7374 0.8370 0.9037 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0217 0.0543 0.0978 0.3370 0.4891 0 0.7251 0.8261 0.8953 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0217 0.0435 0.0870 0.4565 0.3913 0 0.7498 0.8478 0.9119 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0109 0.0217 0.0543 0.2935 0.6196 0 0.8276 0.9130 0.9583 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0217 0.0652 0.0435 0.4239 0.4457 0 0.7751 0.8696 0.9280 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0353 0.0118 0.1529 0.3529 0.4471 7 0.6913 0.8000 0.8772 85 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0326 0.0109 0.0326 0.4674 0.4565 0 0.8412 0.9239 0.9653 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0217 0.0435 0.0652 0.4457 0.4239 0 0.7751 0.8696 0.9280 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0109 0.0435 0.0978 0.3696 0.4783 0 0.7498 0.8478 0.9119 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0109 0.0543 0.3152 0.6196 0 0.8552 0.9348 0.9721 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0109 0.0109 0.2717 0.7065 0 0.9153 0.9783 0.9947 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0109 0.0652 0.3587 0.5652 0 0.8412 0.9239 0.9653 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0326 0.0326 0.1087 0.2826 0.5435 0 0.7251 0.8261 0.8953 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0000 0.0652 0.1957 0.7391 0 0.8552 0.9348 0.9721 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0109 0.0109 0.0761 0.1413 0.7609 0 0.8142 0.9022 0.9510 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0543 0.0761 0.1196 0.2174 0.5326 0 0.6415 0.7500 0.8341 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0435 0.0435 0.1196 0.3370 0.4565 0 0.6887 0.7935 0.8696 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0353 0.0353 0.2824 0.3176 0.3294 7 0.5296 0.6471 0.7491 85 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0109 0.0217 0.0326 0.2174 0.7174 0 0.8552 0.9348 0.9721 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0027 0.0190 0.0299 0.2989 0.6495 0 0.8731 0.9484 0.9800 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0072 0.0109 0.0326 0.2246 0.7246 0 0.8743 0.9493 0.9805 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0380 0.0516 0.1060 0.4321 0.3723 0 0.7007 0.8043 0.8783 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0217 0.0326 0.0797 0.3659 0.5000 7 0.7709 0.8659 0.9254 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0217 0.0326 0.0652 0.4275 0.4529 0 0.7880 0.8804 0.9359 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0000 0.0109 0.0435 0.3152 0.6304 0 0.8694 0.9457 0.9785 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0163 0.0163 0.0870 0.2391 0.6413 0 0.7880 0.8804 0.9359 92 110
10007767 University of Keele CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0362 0.0435 0.1051 0.2319 0.5833 0 0.7129 0.8152 0.8869 92 110
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0195 0.0098 0.0341 0.6098 0.3268 0 0.8890 0.9366 0.9646 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0098 0.0341 0.0390 0.5463 0.3707 0 0.8653 0.9171 0.9501 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0049 0.0195 0.0146 0.1854 0.7756 0 0.9198 0.9610 0.9814 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0244 0.0195 0.0293 0.3463 0.5805 0 0.8771 0.9268 0.9574 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0293 0.0293 0.0829 0.3707 0.4878 0 0.7976 0.8585 0.9033 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0147 0.0343 0.0833 0.3480 0.5196 1 0.8078 0.8676 0.9109 204 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0049 0.0000 0.0195 0.1463 0.8293 0 0.9395 0.9756 0.9904 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0439 0.1220 0.1073 0.4195 0.3073 0 0.6548 0.7268 0.7887 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0341 0.0634 0.1220 0.5512 0.2293 0 0.7118 0.7805 0.8365 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0390 0.0585 0.0927 0.4195 0.3902 0 0.7436 0.8098 0.8620 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0293 0.0976 0.1415 0.4927 0.2390 0 0.6599 0.7317 0.7931 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0246 0.0197 0.0690 0.4089 0.4778 2 0.8294 0.8867 0.9265 203 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0244 0.0439 0.0878 0.4780 0.3659 0 0.7812 0.8439 0.8911 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0365 0.0313 0.1563 0.4583 0.3177 13 0.7046 0.7760 0.8343 192 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0537 0.0390 0.1073 0.5220 0.2780 0 0.7329 0.8000 0.8536 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0439 0.0390 0.0732 0.5317 0.3122 0 0.7812 0.8439 0.8911 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0443 0.0739 0.1281 0.4384 0.3153 2 0.6828 0.7537 0.8131 203 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0098 0.0195 0.0683 0.4000 0.5024 0 0.8480 0.9024 0.9388 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0098 0.0196 0.0784 0.3039 0.5882 1 0.8359 0.8922 0.9307 204 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0098 0.0098 0.0439 0.3366 0.6000 0 0.8890 0.9366 0.9646 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0634 0.0537 0.1610 0.3610 0.3610 0 0.6496 0.7220 0.7843 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0098 0.0098 0.0439 0.2927 0.6439 0 0.8890 0.9366 0.9646 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0244 0.0439 0.0634 0.2634 0.6049 0 0.8087 0.8683 0.9114 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1024 0.1122 0.1268 0.3854 0.2732 0 0.5838 0.6585 0.7261 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0683 0.1902 0.1512 0.3610 0.2293 0 0.5145 0.5902 0.6619 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0973 0.1027 0.4162 0.2973 0.0865 20 0.3100 0.3838 0.4633 185 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0293 0.0293 0.0293 0.3610 0.5512 0 0.8595 0.9122 0.9463 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0146 0.0207 0.0293 0.4220 0.5134 0 0.8875 0.9354 0.9637 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0163 0.0211 0.0618 0.2878 0.6130 1 0.8461 0.9008 0.9375 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0366 0.0854 0.1159 0.4707 0.2915 0 0.6922 0.7622 0.8204 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0285 0.0325 0.1041 0.4504 0.3846 15 0.7713 0.8350 0.8836 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0472 0.0512 0.1033 0.4967 0.3016 2 0.7312 0.7984 0.8522 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0098 0.0163 0.0634 0.3480 0.5626 1 0.8576 0.9106 0.9451 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0366 0.0317 0.1024 0.3268 0.5024 0 0.7650 0.8293 0.8787 205 309
10007799 University of Newcastle upon Tyne CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0650 0.1154 0.1138 0.3366 0.3691 0 0.6326 0.7057 0.7695 205 309
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0144 0.0489 0.0690 0.6638 0.2040 1 0.8235 0.8678 0.9023 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0143 0.0344 0.0831 0.6275 0.2407 0 0.8240 0.8682 0.9026 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0086 0.0287 0.0259 0.2672 0.6695 1 0.9022 0.9368 0.9597 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0201 0.0602 0.1117 0.3782 0.4298 0 0.7583 0.8080 0.8496 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0201 0.0920 0.1523 0.4052 0.3305 1 0.6814 0.7356 0.7835 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0173 0.0578 0.1040 0.4306 0.3902 3 0.7719 0.8208 0.8611 346 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0086 0.0143 0.0372 0.2923 0.6476 0 0.9059 0.9398 0.9620 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1638 0.1782 0.1667 0.3276 0.1638 1 0.4337 0.4914 0.5493 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0774 0.1547 0.1977 0.4241 0.1461 0 0.5121 0.5702 0.6264 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.1037 0.1354 0.1268 0.4611 0.1729 2 0.5764 0.6340 0.6880 347 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.1243 0.1879 0.2023 0.3642 0.1214 3 0.4278 0.4855 0.5437 346 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0345 0.0891 0.0891 0.4598 0.3276 1 0.7361 0.7874 0.8310 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0718 0.1580 0.1494 0.4023 0.2184 1 0.5630 0.6207 0.6752 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0694 0.1325 0.2145 0.3880 0.1956 32 0.5227 0.5836 0.6420 317 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1662 0.1977 0.1948 0.3181 0.1232 0 0.3847 0.4413 0.4993 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.1297 0.1585 0.1700 0.4121 0.1297 2 0.4836 0.5418 0.5989 347 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.1261 0.2063 0.1576 0.3610 0.1490 0 0.4522 0.5100 0.5676 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0287 0.0430 0.0630 0.4355 0.4298 0 0.8208 0.8653 0.9002 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0229 0.0057 0.0287 0.3725 0.5702 0 0.9093 0.9427 0.9643 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0376 0.0578 0.0723 0.3699 0.4624 3 0.7844 0.8324 0.8714 346 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0860 0.0860 0.1633 0.3868 0.2779 0 0.6081 0.6648 0.7171 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0029 0.0287 0.0603 0.3592 0.5489 1 0.8688 0.9080 0.9364 348 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0258 0.0487 0.0458 0.3381 0.5415 0 0.8367 0.8797 0.9125 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1375 0.1719 0.1862 0.3324 0.1719 0 0.4466 0.5043 0.5619 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.1146 0.1490 0.2034 0.3524 0.1805 0 0.4749 0.5330 0.5901 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0303 0.1030 0.3394 0.3576 0.1697 19 0.4677 0.5273 0.5861 330 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0548 0.0749 0.0980 0.4928 0.2795 2 0.7200 0.7723 0.8173 347 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0143 0.0430 0.0726 0.4842 0.3859 2 0.8261 0.8701 0.9043 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0153 0.0544 0.0974 0.3754 0.4575 4 0.7851 0.8329 0.8717 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.1189 0.1638 0.1729 0.3940 0.1504 6 0.4864 0.5444 0.6013 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0573 0.1251 0.1485 0.4183 0.2507 34 0.6125 0.6691 0.7211 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.1404 0.1872 0.1748 0.3639 0.1337 2 0.4400 0.4976 0.5553 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0296 0.0353 0.0544 0.3940 0.4866 3 0.8378 0.8806 0.9133 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0444 0.0573 0.1117 0.3725 0.4140 1 0.7353 0.7865 0.8302 349 587
10007154 University of Nottingham, The CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0926 0.1232 0.1452 0.3410 0.2980 0 0.5817 0.6390 0.6926 349 587
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0000 0.0222 0.5333 0.4444 0 0.8684 0.9778 0.9966 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0222 0.0000 0.0667 0.4000 0.5111 0 0.7763 0.9111 0.9680 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0222 0.1111 0.8667 0 0.8684 0.9778 0.9966 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0222 0.0667 0.3333 0.5778 0 0.7763 0.9111 0.9680 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0000 0.0444 0.0222 0.4000 0.5333 0 0.8052 0.9333 0.9793 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0222 0.0444 0.3333 0.6000 0 0.8052 0.9333 0.9793 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0222 0.0000 0.1556 0.8222 0 0.8684 0.9778 0.9966 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0667 0.0889 0.1111 0.3778 0.3556 0 0.5733 0.7333 0.8491 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0889 0.1778 0.2222 0.3333 0.1778 0 0.3562 0.5111 0.6639 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0444 0.0667 0.1111 0.3556 0.4222 0 0.6208 0.7778 0.8821 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0000 0.0444 0.1111 0.4222 0.4222 0 0.6956 0.8444 0.9280 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0444 0.3333 0.6222 0 0.8357 0.9556 0.9891 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0000 0.0444 0.1111 0.4000 0.4444 0 0.6956 0.8444 0.9280 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0000 0.0682 0.0909 0.4318 0.4091 1 0.6895 0.8409 0.9264 44 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0222 0.0444 0.0889 0.4444 0.4000 0 0.6956 0.8444 0.9280 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0000 0.0222 0.0667 0.4222 0.4889 0 0.7763 0.9111 0.9680 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0000 0.1111 0.0444 0.4444 0.4000 0 0.6956 0.8444 0.9280 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0444 0.1111 0.3556 0.4889 0 0.6956 0.8444 0.9280 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0000 0.0227 0.0455 0.4318 0.5000 1 0.8013 0.9318 0.9789 44 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0000 0.0444 0.3556 0.6000 0 0.8357 0.9556 0.9891 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0000 0.0444 0.0444 0.2667 0.6444 0 0.7763 0.9111 0.9680 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0000 0.0667 0.3111 0.6222 0 0.8052 0.9333 0.9793 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0000 0.0667 0.2000 0.7333 0 0.8052 0.9333 0.9793 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0444 0.0444 0.0222 0.4667 0.4222 0 0.7485 0.8889 0.9556 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0222 0.0889 0.1111 0.3556 0.4222 0 0.6208 0.7778 0.8821 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1000 0.1250 0.3500 0.2750 0.1500 5 0.2723 0.4250 0.5935 40 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0444 0.0222 0.2444 0.6889 0 0.8052 0.9333 0.9793 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0056 0.0056 0.0444 0.3444 0.6000 0 0.8202 0.9444 0.9845 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0000 0.0296 0.0222 0.2963 0.6519 0 0.8253 0.9481 0.9861 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0500 0.0944 0.1389 0.3722 0.3444 0 0.5559 0.7167 0.8363 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0000 0.0370 0.0815 0.3852 0.4963 1 0.7395 0.8815 0.9512 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0074 0.0593 0.0667 0.4370 0.4296 0 0.7217 0.8667 0.9422 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0000 0.0222 0.0667 0.3852 0.5259 1 0.7763 0.9111 0.9680 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0000 0.0222 0.0556 0.2889 0.6333 0 0.7906 0.9222 0.9738 45 58
10007801 University of Plymouth CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0222 0.0444 0.0667 0.3407 0.5259 0 0.7217 0.8667 0.9422 45 58
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0090 0.0538 0.1480 0.6637 0.1256 1 0.7243 0.7892 0.8422 223 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0134 0.0402 0.1295 0.6295 0.1875 0 0.7546 0.8170 0.8663 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0089 0.0179 0.0313 0.3750 0.5670 0 0.8981 0.9420 0.9676 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0223 0.0759 0.1429 0.3795 0.3795 0 0.6920 0.7589 0.8152 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0269 0.0807 0.1973 0.4036 0.2915 1 0.6247 0.6951 0.7574 223 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0134 0.0580 0.1518 0.4375 0.3393 0 0.7111 0.7768 0.8311 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0045 0.0179 0.0313 0.3304 0.6161 0 0.9036 0.9464 0.9708 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.1396 0.1982 0.1802 0.3514 0.1306 2 0.4103 0.4820 0.5544 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0848 0.1205 0.2366 0.4330 0.1250 0 0.4856 0.5580 0.6281 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.1031 0.2152 0.2287 0.3543 0.0987 1 0.3823 0.4529 0.5255 223 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0995 0.2172 0.2624 0.3258 0.0950 3 0.3511 0.4208 0.4938 221 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0268 0.0804 0.1071 0.4464 0.3393 0 0.7207 0.7857 0.8390 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0541 0.0946 0.2207 0.4730 0.1577 2 0.5583 0.6306 0.6975 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0410 0.1487 0.2718 0.3949 0.1436 29 0.4610 0.5385 0.6141 195 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.1563 0.2009 0.2277 0.3348 0.0804 0 0.3462 0.4152 0.4877 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0556 0.1065 0.2083 0.4954 0.1343 8 0.5563 0.6296 0.6975 216 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.1027 0.1875 0.2098 0.3973 0.1027 0 0.4283 0.5000 0.5717 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0135 0.0538 0.1928 0.4664 0.2735 1 0.6717 0.7399 0.7982 223 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0180 0.0450 0.0901 0.4595 0.3874 2 0.7872 0.8468 0.8920 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0134 0.0313 0.0982 0.4866 0.3705 0 0.7990 0.8571 0.9005 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0586 0.0991 0.1261 0.5045 0.2117 2 0.6466 0.7162 0.7769 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0090 0.0270 0.0405 0.4595 0.4640 2 0.8753 0.9234 0.9539 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0180 0.0676 0.0856 0.4324 0.3964 2 0.7673 0.8288 0.8767 222 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.1045 0.1864 0.1545 0.3500 0.2045 4 0.4814 0.5545 0.6254 220 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0682 0.2182 0.2318 0.3182 0.1636 4 0.4099 0.4818 0.5545 220 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.1024 0.1073 0.2634 0.4000 0.1268 19 0.4514 0.5268 0.6010 205 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0362 0.0995 0.1222 0.5339 0.2081 3 0.6736 0.7421 0.8004 221 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0134 0.0472 0.1127 0.5119 0.3147 1 0.7652 0.8266 0.8746 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0149 0.0521 0.1265 0.3914 0.4152 1 0.7432 0.8065 0.8573 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.1060 0.1879 0.2273 0.3661 0.1127 6 0.4076 0.4788 0.5509 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0387 0.1034 0.1942 0.4464 0.2173 31 0.5924 0.6637 0.7282 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.1064 0.1674 0.2143 0.4077 0.1042 8 0.4399 0.5119 0.5834 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0149 0.0432 0.1302 0.4695 0.3423 3 0.7489 0.8118 0.8618 224 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0336 0.0628 0.0852 0.4798 0.3386 4 0.7560 0.8184 0.8676 223 416
10007158 University of Southampton CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0638 0.1562 0.1577 0.3686 0.2538 10 0.5499 0.6224 0.6897 222 416
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q01 0.0000 0.0110 0.0110 0.4505 0.5275 0 0.9144 0.9780 0.9946 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q02 0.0000 0.0110 0.0220 0.4176 0.5495 0 0.8983 0.9670 0.9898 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q03 0.0000 0.0110 0.0110 0.1758 0.8022 0 0.9144 0.9780 0.9946 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q04 0.0000 0.0440 0.0549 0.1758 0.7253 0 0.8123 0.9011 0.9505 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q05 0.0000 0.0220 0.0989 0.2857 0.5934 0 0.7858 0.8791 0.9351 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q06 0.0000 0.0220 0.1099 0.2527 0.6154 0 0.7728 0.8681 0.9272 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q07 0.0000 0.0110 0.0110 0.2527 0.7253 0 0.9144 0.9780 0.9946 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q08 0.0440 0.0440 0.1209 0.3187 0.4725 0 0.6856 0.7912 0.8682 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q09 0.0110 0.0440 0.0549 0.3077 0.5824 0 0.7989 0.8901 0.9429 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q10 0.0110 0.0659 0.1648 0.3626 0.3956 0 0.6497 0.7582 0.8414 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q11 0.0220 0.1099 0.1538 0.3187 0.3956 0 0.6030 0.7143 0.8045 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q12 0.0000 0.0000 0.0330 0.2088 0.7582 0 0.8983 0.9670 0.9898 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q13 0.0110 0.0220 0.0659 0.2527 0.6484 0 0.8123 0.9011 0.9505 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q14 0.0000 0.0115 0.0920 0.2989 0.5977 4 0.8042 0.8966 0.9481 87 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q15 0.0110 0.0330 0.0659 0.2637 0.6264 0 0.7989 0.8901 0.9429 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q16 0.0000 0.0659 0.0220 0.1868 0.7253 0 0.8258 0.9121 0.9578 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q17 0.0110 0.0659 0.0330 0.3077 0.5824 0 0.7989 0.8901 0.9429 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q18 0.0000 0.0000 0.0659 0.2198 0.7143 0 0.8537 0.9341 0.9718 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q19 0.0112 0.0337 0.0674 0.1910 0.6966 2 0.7947 0.8876 0.9416 89 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q20 0.0000 0.0112 0.0337 0.2472 0.7079 2 0.8804 0.9551 0.9840 89 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q21 0.0110 0.0110 0.0989 0.2747 0.6044 0 0.7858 0.8791 0.9351 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q22 0.0000 0.0220 0.0110 0.2308 0.7363 0 0.8983 0.9670 0.9898 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q23 0.0000 0.0000 0.0110 0.2088 0.7802 0 0.9316 0.9890 0.9983 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q24 0.0220 0.0000 0.0110 0.3407 0.6264 0 0.8983 0.9670 0.9898 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q25 0.0110 0.0220 0.0769 0.2088 0.6813 0 0.7989 0.8901 0.9429 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q26 0.0111 0.0222 0.2333 0.2778 0.4556 1 0.6224 0.7333 0.8210 90 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Q27 0.0000 0.0110 0.0220 0.2198 0.7473 0 0.8983 0.9670 0.9898 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale01 0.0000 0.0192 0.0247 0.3049 0.6511 0 0.8829 0.9560 0.9843 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale02 0.0000 0.0183 0.0733 0.2637 0.6447 0 0.8213 0.9084 0.9554 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale03 0.0220 0.0659 0.1236 0.3269 0.4615 0 0.6826 0.7885 0.8660 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale04 0.0037 0.0110 0.0623 0.2564 0.6667 4 0.8396 0.9231 0.9649 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale05 0.0073 0.0549 0.0403 0.2527 0.6447 0 0.8078 0.8974 0.9480 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale06 0.0037 0.0147 0.0549 0.2179 0.7088 4 0.8443 0.9267 0.9672 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale07 0.0055 0.0165 0.0549 0.2527 0.6703 0 0.8396 0.9231 0.9649 91 147
10007803 University of St Andrews CAH01-01-02 Medicine (non-specific) First degree Scale08 0.0110 0.0073 0.0330 0.2527 0.6960 0 0.8730 0.9487 0.9803 91 147
Question Number Question
Q01 Staff are good at explaining things
Q02 Staff have made the subject interesting
Q03 The course is intellectually stimulating
Q04 My course has challenged me to achieve my best work
Q05 My course has provided me with opportunities to explore ideas or concepts in depth
Q06 My course has provided me with opportunities to bring information and ideas together from different topics
Q07 My course has provided me with opportunities to apply what I have learnt
Q08 The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance
Q09 Marking and assessment has been fair
Q10 Feedback on my work has been timely
Q11 I have received helpful comments on my work
Q12 I have been able to contact staff when I needed to
Q13 I have received sufficient advice and guidance in relation to my course
Q14 Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices on my course
Q15 The course is well organised and running smoothly
Q16 The timetable works efficiently for me
Q17 Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively
Q18 The IT resources and facilities provided have supported my learning well
Q19 The library resources (e.g. books, online services and learning spaces) have supported my learning well
Q20 I have been able to access course-specific resources (e.g. equipment, facilities, software, collections) when I needed to
Q21 I feel part of a community of staff and students
Q22 I have had the right opportunities to work with other students as part of my course
Q23 I have had the right opportunities to provide feedback on my course
Q24 Staff value students’ views and opinions about the course
Q25 It is clear how students’ feedback on the course has been acted on
Q26 The students’ union (association or guild) effectively represents students’ academic interests
Q27 Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the course
Scale01 The teaching on my course
Scale02 Learning opportunities
Scale03 Assessment and feedback
Scale04 Academic support
Scale05 Organisation and management
Scale06 Learning community
Scale07 Learning resources
Scale08 Student voice
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