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Last active August 1, 2017 00:25
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Check if a new backup should be triggered

This script can be added to your bash startup script in order to remind you to do weekly / daily backups.

export RESTIC_PASSWORD=$(pass restic)
TIMESPAN="1 week ago"
ATLEAST=$(date --iso-8601=ns --date "${TIMESPAN}")
ALL=$(restic snapshots --json)
LAST=$(echo "${ALL}" | jq -r "map(select(.paths[] | contains (\"${DIR}\"))) | sort_by(.time) | .[1]")
TIME=$(echo "${LAST}" | jq -r ".time")
if [[ "${TIME}" < "${ATLEAST}" ]]; then
echo "You should to do a backup!"
echo "Last backup of ${DIR} was made on ${TIME} which is more than ${TIMESPAN}"
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