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Created May 19, 2011 13:05
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OmniAuth cukes
Feature: Authentication
In order to attract interest and users to Futureish
As a product development team
I want users to login via twitter
So that they can create a Futureish account
Scenario: Authentication via Twitter
Given I am logged in on twitter
When I go to the homepage
And I follow "Login with Twitter"
Then I should see "Dashboard"
And I should be on the dashboard page
And I should not see "Login with Twitter"
And I should see "You are logged in as:"
And I should see "Sign Out"
And a user account should be created
Scenario: Invalid Authentication
Given I am a random loser
When I go to the homepage
And I follow "Login with Twitter"
Then I should be on the homepage
And I should see "denied authorization"
And I should see "Login with Twitter"
And I should not see "Sign Out"
Scenario: Signout
Given I am logged in
And I should see "Sign Out"
When I follow "Sign Out"
Then I should be on the homepage
And I should see "Login with Twitter"
And I should not see "Sign Out"
Given /^I am a random passerby$/ do
Given /^I am a random loser$/ do
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:twitter] = :authorization_denied
Given /^I am logged in$/ do
Given "I am logged in on twitter"
When "I go to the homepage"
And "I follow \"Login with Twitter\""
Then /^I should be redirected to the dashboard$/ do
last_response.should be_redirect
Given /^I am logged in on twitter$/ do
OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:twitter] = OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_HASH
Then /^a user account should be created$/ do
User.where(:uid => OMNIAUTH_TWITTER_HASH['uid']).first.should be
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JCBarry commented May 19, 2011


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