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Forked from JusticeRage/
Created October 21, 2021 16:04
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Go Type Milking - IDA script to extract type information from Go binaries
""" - Go Type Milking
Written by Ivan Kwiatkowski @ Kaspersky GReAT
Shared under the terms of the GPLv3 license
C_HEADER = """
enum golang_kind : __int8
INVALID = 0x0,
BOOL = 0x1,
INT = 0x2,
INT8 = 0x3,
INT16 = 0x4,
INT32 = 0x5,
INT64 = 0x6,
UINT = 0x7,
UINT8 = 0x8,
UINT16 = 0x9,
UINT32 = 0xA,
UINT64 = 0xB,
FLOAT32 = 0xD,
FLOAT64 = 0xE,
COMPLEX64 = 0xF,
COMPLEX128 = 0x10,
ARRAY = 0x11,
CHAN = 0x12,
FUNC = 0x13,
MAP = 0x15,
PTR = 0x16,
SLICE = 0x17,
STRING = 0x18,
STRUCT = 0x19,
struct golang_type
__int64 size;
__int64 ptrdata;
int hash;
char tflag;
char align;
char fieldalign;
golang_kind kind;
__int64 equal_fn;
__int64 gcData;
int nameoff;
int typeoff;
__int64 name;
__int64 mhdr;
def find_type_structures(func_name, search_len=15):
Looks for all types passed as argument to the given function. Probably only
works for Go > 1.15 where the register calling convention was introduced.
func_name: The name of the function to look for (i.e. "runtime.newobject")
register: The register in which the required argument is passed (i.e. "eax")
type_addresses = set()
# Find all xrefs to the given function
for f in Functions():
if ida_funcs.get_func_name(f) == func_name:
for ref in XrefsTo(f):
# Find the type argument of that function
for h in Heads(ref.frm - search_len, ref.frm):
if "lea" == print_insn_mnem(h) and (get_operand_type(h, 1) == o_imm or get_operand_type(h, 1) == o_mem) and (print_operand(h, 0) == "rcx" or print_operand(h, 0) == "rax"):
type_addresses.add(get_operand_value(h, 1))
return type_addresses
def parse_type(addr):
Applies the correct structure to the type at the given address and locates its name.
SetType(addr, "golang_type")
data_addr = -1
for s in Segments():
if get_segm_name(s) == ".rdata":
data_addr = get_segm_start(s)
if data_addr == -1:
print("Could not find .rdata segment!")
return False
# nameOff is an offset into rdata. We end up on a structure where the first byte is a bitfield
# followed by the size of the string followed by the name of the type.
nameOff = get_wide_dword(addr + 0x28) + data_addr
if nameOff == data_addr:
return True # No type string, just move on
# Starting from Go 1.17 (?), the size is provided as a varint-encoded length.
size = get_wide_byte(nameOff + 1) << 8 | get_wide_byte(nameOff + 2)
if size > 0xFF: # Quick & dirty sanity check.
size = get_wide_byte(nameOff + 1) # This is almost certain to break eventually
type_str = get_strlit_contents(nameOff + 2, size)
type_str = get_strlit_contents(nameOff + 3, size)
if not type_str:
print(f"Could not obtain type name for {hex(addr)} at address {hex(nameOff)}")
del_items(addr) # Was probably a FP, delete the structure and move on
return True
set_cmt(addr, type_str.decode(errors="replace"), False)
for ref in XrefsTo(addr):
set_cmt(ref.frm, type_str.decode(errors="replace"), False)
return True
# Import the required IDA structures if necessary
if get_struc_id("golang_type") == BADADDR:
parse_decls(C_HEADER, idaapi.PT_TYP)
# Find all places in the binary where there is type information
addresses = find_type_structures("runtime.newobject")
addresses |= find_type_structures("runtime.makechan")
addresses |= find_type_structures("runtime.makemap", search_len=30)
addresses |= find_type_structures("runtime.mapiterinit", search_len=30)
addresses |= find_type_structures("runtime.makeslice", search_len=30)
# Parse type information
for t in addresses:
if not parse_type(t):
break # Stop on first error
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