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Typescript definition file for Braintree node module
//TODO update objects to show optional parameters
//TODO expand on Function parameters
//TODO add enum types
//TODO add error types
declare module Braintree {
* Errors *
export interface AuthenticationError extends Error {}
export interface AuthorizationError extends Error {}
export interface DownForMaintenanceError extends Error { }
export interface InvalidSignatureError extends Error { }
export interface InvalidChallengeError extends Error { }
export interface InvalidTransparentRedirectHashError extends Error { }
export interface NotFoundError extends Error { }
export interface ServerError extends Error { }
export interface TestOperationPerformedInProductionError extends Error { }
export interface TooManyRequestsError extends Error { }
export interface UnexpectedError extends Error { }
export interface UpgradeRequired extends Error { }
* Response Objects *
export function connect(
config: {
environment: Environment; //TODO get enum
merchantId: string;
publicKey: string;
privateKey: string;
): BraintreeGateway;
export class BraintreeGateway {
constructor(config: any);
addOn: AddOnGateway;
address: AddressGateway;
clientToken: ClientTokenGateway;
// creditCard: CreditCardGateway; //Deprecated, not bothering to implement
creditCardVerification: CreditCardVerificationGateway;
customer: CustomerGateway;
// discount: DiscountGateway; //Not yet supported
merchantAccountGateway: MerchantAccountGateway;
paymentMethodGateway: PaymentMethodGateway;
paymentMethodNonceGateway: PaymentMethodNonceGateway;
plan: PlanGateway;
settlementBatchSummary: SettlementBatchSummaryGateway;
subscription: SubscriptionGateway;
transaction: TransactionGateway;
webhookNotification: WebhookNotificationGateway;
export interface AddOn {
amount: string;
currentBillingCycle: number;
description: string;
id: string;
kind: string;
name: string;
neverExpires: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles: number;
quantity: number;
export interface Address {
company: string;
countryCodeAlpha2: string;
countryCodeAlpha3: string;
countryCodeNumeric: string;
countryName: string;
createdAt: Date;
customerId: string;
extendedAddress: string;
firstName: string;
id: string;
lastName: string;
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
updatedAt: Date;
export interface AndroidPayCard extends PaymentMethod {
bin: string;
createdAt: Date;
customerId: string;
default: boolean;
expirationMonth: string;
expirationYear: string;
googleTransactionId: string;
imageUrl: string;
sourceCardLast4: string;
sourceCardType: string;
sourceDescription: string;
subscriptions: Subscription[];
updatedAt: Date;
virtualCardLast4: string;
virtualCardType: string;
export interface ApplePayCard extends PaymentMethod {
cardType: string;
createdAt: Date;
customerId: string;
default: boolean;
expirationMonth: string;
expirationYear: string;
expired: boolean;
imageUrl: string;
last4: string;
paymentInsuranceName: string;
sourceDescription: string;
subscriptions: Subscription[];
updatedAt: Date;
export interface CreditCard extends PaymentMethod {
bin: string;
billingAddress: Address;
cardType: string;
cardholderName: string;
contryOfIssuance: string;
createdAt: Date;
customerId: string;
customerLocation: any; //TODO create enum
debit: string;
default: boolean;
durbinRegulated: string;
expirationDate: string;
expirationMonth: string;
expirationYear: string;
expired: boolean;
healthcare: string;
imageUrl: string;
issuingBank: string;
last4: string;
maskedNumber: string;
payroll: string;
prepaid: string;
subscriptions: Subscription[];
uniqueNumberIdentifier: string;
updatedAt: Date;
export interface CreditCardVerification {
avsErrorResponseCode: string;
avsPostalCodeResponseCode: string;
avsScreetAddressResponseCode: string;
billing: {
company: string;
countryName: string;
extendedAddress: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
createdAt: Date;
creditCard: {
bin: any; //TODO get type
cardType: any; //TODO get type
cardholderName: string;
commercial: any;// TODO get type
countryOfIssuance: string;
customerLocation: any; //TODO get type
debit: any; //TODO get type
durbinRegulated: any;//TODO get type
expirationMonth: string;
expirationYear: string;
healthcare: any;//TODO get type
issuingBank: string;
last4: any;//TODO get type
payroll: any;//TODO get type
prepaid: any; //TODO get type
token: string;
uniqueNumberIdentifier: any;//TODO get type
cvvResponseCode: any;//TODO get type
gatewayRejectionReason: string;
id: string;
merchantAccountId: string;
preprocessorResponseCode: string;
preprocessorResponseText: string;
riskData: {
decision: string;
id: string;
status: string;
export interface Customer {
addresses: Address[];
androidPayCards: AndroidPayCard[];
applePayCards: ApplePayCard[];
company: string;
createdAt: Date;
creditCards: CreditCard[];
customFields: any;
email: string;
fax: string;
firstName: string;
id: string;
lastName: string;
paymentMethods: PaymentMethod[];
paypalAccounts: PayPalAccount[];
phone: string;
updatedAt: Date;
website: string;
export interface Discount {
amount: string;
currentBillingCycle: number;
description: string;
id: string;
kind: string;
name: string;
neverExpires: string;
numberOfBillingCycles: number;
quantity: number;
export enum Environment {
export interface MerchantAccount {
business: {
addressDetails: { //TODO check type
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
dbaName: string;
legalName: string;
taxId: string;
currencyIsoCode: string;
default: boolean;
funding: {
accountNumberLast4: string;
descriptor: string;
destination: string;
email: string;
mobilePhone: string;
routingNumber: string;
id: string;
individual: {
addressDetails: { //TODO check type
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
dateOfBirth: string;
email: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
phone: string;
ssnLast4: string;
masterMerchantAccount: any;//TODO get type probably MerchantAccount
status: string;
export interface PayPalAccount extends PaymentMethod {
billingAgreementId: string;
createdAt: Date;
customerId: string;
default: boolean;
email: string;
imageUrl: string;
subscriptions: Subscription[];
updatedAt: Date;
export interface PaymentMethod {
token: string;
export interface PaymentMethodNonce {
accountHolderName: any; //TODO get type
bic: any; //TODO get type
default: boolean;
maskedIban: any;//TODO get type
nonce: string;
securityQuestions: any;//TODO get type
threeDSecureInfo: {
enrolled: string;
liabilityShiftPossible: boolean;
liabilityShifted: boolean;
status: string;
type: string;
export interface Plan {
addOns: AddOn[];
billingDayOfMonth: number;
billingFrequency: any;//TODO get type
createdAt: Date;
currenyIsoCode: string;
description: string;
discounts: Discount[];
id: string;
name: string;
numberOfBillingCycles: number;
price: string;
trialDuration: any; //TODO get type
trialDurationUnit: string;
trialPeriod: boolean;//TODO check
updatedAt: Date;
export interface SettlementBatchSummary {
records: any[];
export interface Subscription {
addOns: AddOn[];
balance: string;
billingDayOfMonth: number;
billingPeriodEndDate: any;
billingPeriodStartDate: any;
createdAt: Date;
currentBillingCycle: number;
daysPastDue: number;
descriptor: any;
discounts: Discount[];
failureCount: number;
firstBillingDate: number;
id: string;
merchantAccountId: string;
neverExpires: boolean;
nextBillAmount: string;
nextBillingDate: any;
nextBillingPeriodAmount: string;
numberOfBillingCycles: number;
paidThroughDate: any;
paymentMethodToken: string;
planId: string;
price: string;
status: string;
statusHistory: any[];
transactions: Transaction[];
trialDuration: number;
trialDurationUnit: string;
trialPeriod: boolean;
updatedAt: Date;
export interface Transaction {
addOns: AddOn[];
additionalProccessorResponse: string;
amount: string;
avsErrorResponseCode: any; //TODO get type
avsPostalCodeResponseCode: any; //TODO get type
avsStreetAddressResponseCode: any; //TODO get type
billing: {
company: string;
countyCodeAlpha2: string;
countyCodeAlpha3: string;
countryCodeNumeric: string;
countryName: string;
extendedAddress: string;
firstName: string;
id: string;
lastName: string;
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
channel: string;
createdAt: Date;
creditCard: {
bin: any;//TODO get type
cardType: any; //TODO get type
cardholderName: string;
commercial: any;//TODO get type
countryOfIssuance: string;
customerLocation: string;
debit: any; //TOGO get type
durbinRegulated: any;//TODO get type
expirationDate: string;
expirationMonth: string;
expirationYear: string;
healthcare: any;//TODO get type
imageUrl: string;
issuingBank: string;
last4: any;//TODO get type
maskedNumber: any; //TODO get type
payroll: any;//TODO get type
prepaid: any;//TODO get type
token: string;
uniqueNumberIdentifier: string;
currencyIsoCode: string;
customFields: any;
customer: {
company: string;
email: string;
fax: string;
firstName: string;
id: string;
lastName: string;
phone: string;
website: string;
cvvResponseCode: any;//TODO get type
descriptor: {
name: string;
phone: string;
url: string;
disbursementDetails: {
disbursementDate: Date;//TODO check
fundsHels: boolean;
settlementAmount: string;
settlementCurrencyExchangeRate: any;//TODO get type
settlementCurrencyIsoCode: string;
success: any; //TODO get type;
discounts: Discount[];
export interface WebhookNotification {
Kind: {
AccountUpdaterDailyReport: string;
Check: string;
Disbursement: string;
DisbursementException: string;
DisputeOpened: string;
DisputeLost: string;
DisputeWon: string;
PartnerMerchantConnected: string;
PartnerMerchantDisconnected: string;
PartnerMerchantDeclined: string;
SubscriptionCanceled: string;
SubscriptionChargedSuccessfully: string;
SubscriptoinChargedUnsuccessfully: string;
SubscriptionExpired: string;
SubscriptionTrialEnded: string;
SubscriptionWentActive: string;
SubscriptionWEntPastDue: string;
SubMerchantAccountApproved: string;
SubMerchantAccountDeclined: string;
TransactionDisbursed: string;
subscription?: Subscription;
merchantAccount?: MerchantAccount;
disbursement?: any; //TODO create type
transaction?: Transaction;
partnerMerchant?: MerchantAccount;
dispute?: any; //TODO create type
accountUpdaterDailyReport?: any; //TODO create type
errors: any; //TODO get type
message: string;
* Responses *
// Base object for success response, should also contain the requested object
// eg customer.create() should have a customer object
interface successResult {
success: boolean,
message?: string
// The success response from certain requests TODO get request types
type successResponse<T extends successResult> = (
err: Error,
result: T
) => void;
type deleteResponse = (
err: Error //TODO is optional?
) => void;
// The iterable search results from a successful search
interface searchResult<T> {
each: (err: Error, result: T) => {}
// The callback function type from a search request
type searchResponse<T> = (
err: Error, //TODO is optional?
result: searchResult<T>
) => void;
* Gateways *
export class AddOnGateway {
all(callback?: (err: Error, result: AddOn[]) => {}): void;
export class AddressGateway {
data: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string;
countryCodeAlpha3?: string;
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
customerId: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: Address) => {}
): void;
customerId: string,
addressId: string,
callback?: deleteResponse
): void;
customerId: string,
addressId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: Address) => {}
): void;
customerId: string,
addressId: string,
data: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string;
countryCodeAlpha3?: string;
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: Address) => {}
): void;
export class ClientTokenGateway {
data: {
customerId?: string;
merchantAccountId?: string;
options?: {
failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod?: boolean;
makeDefault?: boolean;
verifyCard?: boolean;
version?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: { clientToken: string }) => {}
): void;
export class CreditCardVerificationGateway {
search: (search: {
billingAddressDetailsProstalCode: any,
createdAt: any,
creditCardCardType: any,
creditCardCardHolderName: any,
creditCardExpirationDate: any,
creditCardNumber: any,
customerEmail: any,
customerId: any,
id: any,
ids: any,
paymentMethodToken: any
}) => {},
callback?: searchResponse<CreditCardVerification>
): void;
export class CustomerGateway {
data: {
company?: string;
creditCard?: {
billingAddress?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
options?: any; //TODO check if correct
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
cardholderName?: string;
options?: {
failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod?: boolean;
makeDefault?: boolean;
verificationAcmount?: string;
verificationMerchantAccountId?: string;
verifyCard?: boolean;
token?: string;
customFields?: any;
deviceData?: string;
email?: string;
fax?: string;
firstName?: string;
id?: string;
lastName?: string;
paymentMethodNonce?: string;
phone?: string;
website?: string;
callback?: (
err: Error,
result: {
customer?: Customer;
verification?: CreditCardVerification;
message?: string;
success: boolean;
) => {}
): void;
customerId: string,
callback?: deleteResponse
): void;
customerId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, customer: Customer) => {}
): void;
search: (search: {
}) => void,
callback?: searchResponse<Customer>
): void;
id: string,
data: {
company?: string;
creditCard?: {
billingAddress?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
options?: {
updateExisting?: boolean;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
billingAddressId?: string;
cardholderName?: string;
options?: {
failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod?: boolean;
makeDefault?: boolean;
updateExistingToken?: string;
verificationAcmount?: string;
verificationMerchantAccountId?: string;
verifyCard?: boolean;
token?: string;
customFields?: any;
deviceData?: string;
email?: string;
fax?: string;
firstName?: string;
id?: string;
lastName?: string;
paymentMethodNonce?: string;
phone?: string;
website?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: { customer: Customer }) => {}
): void;
export class DiscountGateway {
// `all` is not supported in the node library yet
export class MerchantAccountGateway {
data: {
business?: {
address?: string | { //TODO check correct
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
dbaName?: string;
legalName?: string;
taxId?: string;
funding: {
accountNumber?: string;
descriptor?: string;
destination: string;
email?: string;
mobilePhone?: string;
routingNumber: string;
individual: {
address: string | { //TODO check correct
locality: string;
postalCode: string;
region: string;
streetAddress: string;
dateOfBirth: string;
email: string;
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
phone?: string;
ssn?: string;
merchantAccountId: string;
tosAccepted: boolean;
callback?: (err: Error, result: { merchantAccount: MerchantAccount }) => {} //TODO check correctness
): void;
id: string,
callback?: (err: Error, merchantAccount: MerchantAccount) => {}
): void;
id: string,
data: {
business?: {
address?: string | { //TODO check correct
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
dbaName?: string;
legalName?: string;
taxId?: string;
funding?: {
accountNumber?: string;
descriptor?: string;
destination: string;
email?: string;
mobilePhone?: string;
routingNumber: string;
individual?: {
address?: string | { //TODO check correct
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
dateOfBirth?: string;
email?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
phone?: string;
ssn?: string;
callback?: (
err: Error,
result: { success: boolean, merchantAccount: MerchantAccount }
) => {}
): void;
export class PaymentMethodGateway {
data: {
billingAddress?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
billingAddressId?: string;
cardholderName: string;
customerId: string;
cvv?: string;
deviceData?: string;
expirationDate?: string;
expirationMonth?: string;
expirationYear?: string;
number?: string;
options?: {
failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod?: boolean;
makeDefault?: boolean;
verificationAcmount?: string;
verificationMerchantAccountId?: string;
verifyCard?: boolean;
paymentMethodNonce: string;
token?: string;
callback?: (
err: Error,
result: { success: boolean, paymentMethod: PaymentMethod } //TODO check correct
) => {}
): void;
token: string,
callback?: deleteResponse
): void;
token: string,
callback?: (err: Error, paymentMethod: PaymentMethod) => {}
): void;
token: string,
data: {
billingAddress?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
options?: {
updateExisting?: boolean;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
billingAddressId?: string;
cardholderName?: string;
cvv?: string;
expirationDate?: string;
expirationMonth?: string;
expirationYear?: string;
number?: string;
options?: {
failOnDuplicatePaymentMethod?: boolean;
makeDefault?: boolean;
verificationAcmount?: string;
verificationMerchantAccountId?: string;
verifyCard?: boolean;
paymentMethodNonce?: string;
token?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
export class PaymentMethodNonceGateway {
paymentMethodToken: string,
callback?: (err: Error, response: { paymentMethodNonce: PaymentMethodNonce }) => {}
): void;
paymentMethodNonce: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: PaymentMethodNonce) => {}
): void;
export class PlanGateway {
all(callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}): Plan[];
export class SettlementBatchSummaryGateway {
data: {
settlementDate: string,
groupByCustomField?: string
callback?: (err: Error, result: { settlementBatchSummary: SettlementBatchSummary }) => {}
): void;
export class SubscriptionGateway {
subscriptionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
data: {
addOns?: {
add?: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: any; //TODO get type
update: {
amount?: string;
existingId: string; //TODO check required
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: number;
quantity?: number;
remove: string[]
billingDayOfMonth?: number;
descriptor?: {
name?: string;
phone?: string;
url?: string;
discounts: {
add: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: number;
updade: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId?: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: number;
remove: string[];
firstBillingDate?: Date;
id?: string;
merchantAccountId?: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: number;
options?: {
doNotInheritAddOnsOrDiscounts?: boolean;
startImmediately?: boolean;
paymentMethodNonce?: string;
paymentMethodToken: string;
planId: string;
price?: string;
trialDuration?: number;
trialDurationUnit?: string;
trialPeriod?: boolean;
callback?: (err: Error, result: { subscription: Subscription }) => {}
): void;
subscriptionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
subscriptionId: string,
amount?: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
search: (search: any) => {}, //TODO get search type
callback?: searchResponse<Subscription>
): any; //TODO get return stream type
id: string,
data: {
addOns?: {
add?: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: number;
update: {
amount?: string;
existingId?: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: number;
quantity?: number;
remove: string[]
descriptor?: {
name?: string;
phone?: string;
url?: string;
discounts: {
add: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: number;
updade: {
amount?: string;
inheritedFromId?: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: string;
quantity?: number;
remove: string[];
id?: string;
merchantAccountId?: string;
neverExpires?: boolean;
numberOfBillingCycles?: number;
options?: {
prorateCharges: boolean;
replaceAllAddonsAndDiscounts?: boolean;
revertSubscriptionOnProrationFailure?: boolean;
paymentMethodToken?: string;
planId?: string;
price?: string;
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
export class TransactionGateway {
transationId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
transactionId: string,
data?: {
amount: string;
options: {
submitForSettlement: boolean;
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
transationId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, transaction: Transaction) => {}
): void;
transactionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
transactionId: string,
amount?: string,
callback?: (
err: Error,
result: { success: boolean, transaction: Transaction }
) => {}
): void;
tansactionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
data: {
amount: string,
billingAddress?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
billingAddressId?: string;
channel?: string;
customFields?: any;
customer?: {
company?: string;
email?: string;
fax?: string;
firstName?: string;
id?: string;
lastName?: string;
phone?: string;
website?: string;
descriptor?: {
name?: string;
phone?: string;
url?: string;
deviceData?: string;
deviceSessionId?: string;
merchantAccountId?: string;
options?: {
addBillingAddressToPaymentMethod?: boolean;
holdInEscrow?: boolean;
paypal?: {
customField?: string;
description?: string;
storeInVault?: boolean;
storeInVaultOnSuccess?: boolean;
storeShippingAddressInVault?: boolean;
submitForSettlement?: boolean;
threeDSecure?: {
required: boolean;
orderId?: string;
paymentMethodNonce?: string;
paymentMethodToken?: string;
purchaseOrderNumber?: string;
recurring?: boolean;
serviceFeeAmount?: string;
shipping?: {
company?: string;
countryCodeAlpha2?: string
countryCodeAlpha3?: string
countryCodeNumeric?: string;
countryName?: string;
extendedAddress?: string;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
locality?: string;
postalCode?: string;
region?: string;
streetAddress?: string;
shippingAddressId?: string;
taxAmount?: string;
taxExempt?: boolean;
callback?: (
err: Error,
result: { success: boolean, transaction: Transaction }
) => {}
): void;
search: (search: any) => {}, //TODO get search type
callback?: searchResponse<Transaction>
): any; //TODO get return stream type
transactionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: {/*TODO*/ }) => {}
): void;
transactionId: string,
callback?: (err: Error, result: { success: boolean, message?: string }) => {}
): void;
export class WebhookNotificationGateway {
signature: string,
payload: string,
callback: (err: Error, result: { kind: any, timestamp: any }) => {} //TODO get rest of types
): void;
declare module 'braintree' {
export default Braintree;
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kpitorg commented Sep 4, 2016

Question - does this ts file work with ionic2 ? i am tying to import a braintree-web.js into .ts and running npm - getting a compile error. not able to create payment nonce. i have not tried your .ts code. please advise. Thanks

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kpitorg commented Sep 4, 2016

@stwiname @TonyPythoneer - So I installed braintree using npm install braintree and it sits under node_modules directory now. There is no typescript file associated to it as it is a pure javascript library.
So not sure how do I import it like I import moment.js using statement: import moment = require('moment'); I found your braintree.d.ts file Do I have to include it somewhere? Is this file even relevant or I can use the braintree JS library directly. Is it even possible to use braintree with ionic2 at the moment? Sorry for so many questions, I am new to typescript and still trying to learn it. Thanks for your time.

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@kpitorg, did you find a solution? Im on the same boat as you with ionic 2

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ajxs commented Oct 2, 2018

Are you open to the idea of other devs developing this further and publishing it to DefinitelyTyped? I've included this in a project of my own, and this has saved me a lot of work. I'm ironing out a few creases I see.

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