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Created May 4, 2020 09:59
Simple measurement of the QCD extrapolation factor for the CMS Open Data Higgs to two tau leptons analysis (
# Simple measurement of the QCD scale factor
# The input file "histograms_antiiso.root" is produces with the "" script
# from the original analysis but with an inverted muon isolation (iso_1>0.1). You can
# change this easily in the baseline selection next to the cut on the transverse mass.
# This allows us to measure the difference of the yield for the QCD estimate
# in the same-sign vs opposite-sign region and we can use the ratio as
# extrapolation factor in the actual analysis.
import ROOT
# Retrieve a histogram from the input file based on the process and the variable
# name
def getHistogram(tfile, name, variable, tag=""):
name = "{}_{}{}".format(name, variable, tag)
h = tfile.Get(name)
if not h:
raise Exception("Failed to load histogram {}.".format(name))
return h
def main(variable):
tfile = ROOT.TFile("histograms_antiiso.root", "READ")
# Data in the opposite-sign region
data_os = getHistogram(tfile, "dataRunB", variable)
dataRunC = getHistogram(tfile, "dataRunC", variable)
# Data in the same-sign region
data_ss = getHistogram(tfile, "dataRunB", variable, "_cr")
dataRunC = getHistogram(tfile, "dataRunC", variable, "_cr")
# Subtract from each histogram all known processes
for name in ["W1J", "W2J", "W3J", "TT", "ZLL", "ZTT"]:
# Opposite-sign region
os = getHistogram(tfile, name, variable)
data_os.Add(os, -1.0)
# Same-sign region
ss = getHistogram(tfile, name, variable, "_cr")
data_ss.Add(ss, -1.0)
# Get sum of all events of the resulting histograms
events_os = data_os.Integral()
events_ss = data_ss.Integral()
# Get extrapolation factor by dividing the counts
print("Sum of QCD events in anti-isolated opposite-sign region: {:.2f}".format(events_os))
print("Sum of QCD events in anti-isolated same-sign region: {:.2f}".format(events_ss))
print("QCD extrapolation factor from same-sign to opposite-sign region: {:.2f}".format(events_ss / events_os))
# Perform the QCD extrapolation measurement inclusively along the given variable
if __name__ == "__main__":
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stwunsch commented May 4, 2020

I get a QCD extrapolation factor of 0.92 :)

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stwunsch commented May 4, 2020

Ofc here is no fit involved and we don't have any uncertainties on this value. Though for a first approximation this should be fine.

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