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Last active December 14, 2016 10:34
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lock combinations
from collections import Counter
xs = [i for i in range(5) for k in range(5)]
def next_z(ys, zs):
cur_len = len(zs)
if cur_len == 25:
yz_pairs = set(zip(ys, zs))
xz_pairs = set(zip(xs, zs))
next_x = xs[cur_len]
next_y = ys[cur_len]
nums = Counter(zs)
avail_z = [z for z in range(5) if nums[z] < 5 and
(next_x, z) not in xz_pairs and
(next_y, z) not in yz_pairs]
for z in avail_z:
yield z
def next_y(ys):
cur_len = len(ys)
if cur_len == 25:
xy_pairs = set(zip(xs, ys))
next_x = xs[cur_len]
nums = Counter(ys)
avail_y = [y for y in range(5) if nums[y] < 5 and
(next_x, y) not in xy_pairs]
for y in avail_y:
yield y
def arrange_ys(ys):
if len(ys) == 25:
yield ys
for y in next_y(ys):
for solution_y in arrange_ys(ys + [y]):
yield solution_y
def arrange_zs(ys, zs):
if len(zs) == 25:
yield list(zip(xs, ys, zs))
for z in next_z(ys, zs):
for solution in arrange_zs(ys, zs + [z]):
yield solution
def find_queen():
for ys in arrange_ys([]):
n = 0
print('ys:', ys)
for solution in arrange_zs(ys, []):
n += 1
if n // 5000 * 5000 == n:
yield solution
print('total:', n)
def check(qs, n):
tried = set()
for x, y, z in qs:
for i in range(n):
tried.add((i, y, z))
tried.add((x, i, z))
tried.add((x, y, i))
if len(tried) == n ** 3:
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
for solution in find_queen():
solution_10 = solution + [(9 - x, 9 - y, 9 - z)
for x, y, z in solution]
# print(','.join("%s%s%s" % (x, y, z) for x, y, z in solution_10))
# if not check(solution_10, 10):
# print('.......')
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