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Created February 16, 2010 06:11
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_ Fork of Christian Neukirchen's Ruby Style Guide. Edited/Modified to suit my style. _
h1. Ruby Style Guide
h2. Formatting:
* Use ASCII (or UTF-8, if you have to).
* Use an empty line before the return value of a method (unless it
only has one line), and an empty line between defs.
* Use RDoc and its conventions for API documentation. Don't put an
empty line between the comment block and the def.
* Use empty lines to break up a long method into logical paragraphs.
* Keep lines fewer than 80 characters.
* Avoid trailing whitespace.
h2. Spacing
* Use 2 space indent. No tabs. (See #vim settings section below)
* Use spaces around operators (Arithmetic and Logical)
* Use spaces after commas, colons and semicolons
* Use spaces around { and before }
* No spaces after (, [ and before ], ).
h2. Syntax:
* Use def with parentheses when there are arguments.
* Never use for.
* Never use then.
* Use when x; ... for one-line cases.
* Use &&/|| for boolean expressions, and/or for control flow.
* Avoid multiline while using ternary operator (?:)
* Suppress superfluous parentheses when calling methods, but keep them
when calling "functions", i.e. when you use the return value in the
same line.
x = Math.sin(y)
array.delete e
* Prefer {...} over do...end. Multiline {...} is fine: having
different statement endings (} for blocks, end for if/while/...)
makes it easier to see what ends where. But use do...end for
"control flow" and "method definitions" (e.g. in Rakefiles and
certain DSLs.)
* Avoid do...end when chaining.
* Avoid return where not required.
* Avoid line continuation (\) where not required.
* Using the return value of = is okay:
if v = array.grep(/foo/) ...
* Use ||= freely.
* Use non-OO regexps (they won't make the code better). Freely use
=~, $0-9, $~, $` and $' when needed.
h2. Naming:
* Use snake_case for methods.
* Use CamelCase for classes and modules. (Keep acronyms like HTTP,
RFC, XML uppercase.)
* Use SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE for other constants.
* The length of an identifier determines its scope. Use one-letter
variables for short block/method parameters, according to this
a,b,c: any object
d: directory names
e: elements of an Enumerable
ex: rescued exceptions
f: files and file names
i,j: indexes
k: the key part of a hash entry
m: methods
o: any object
r: return values of short methods
s: strings
v: any value
v: the value part of a hash entry
x,y,z: numbers
And in general, the first letter of the class name if all objects
are of that type.
* Use _ or names prefixed with _ for unused variables.
* When using inject with short blocks, name the arguments |a, e|
(mnemonic: accumulator, element)
* When defining binary operators, name the argument "other".
* Prefer map over collect, find over detect, find_all over select.
* Avoid short variables unless they are in a block scope.
* Avoid cryptic naming. Let the method names and variable
names be meaningful even if they are long.
h2. Comments:
* Comments longer than a word are capitalized and use punctuation.
Use two spaces after periods.
* Avoid superfluous comments. Use meaningful method names to avoid comments.
h2. The rest:
* Write ruby -w safe code.
* Avoid hashes-as-optional-parameters. Does the method do too much?
* Avoid long methods.
* Avoid long parameter lists.
* Use def self.method to define one off singleton methods.
* Use class << self; ... to write more than one singleton methods
* Add "global" methods to Kernel (if you have to) and make them private.
* Avoid alias when alias_method will do.
* Use OptionParser for parsing complex command line options and
ruby -s for trivial command line options.
* Write for 1.8, but avoid doing things you know that will break in 1.9.
* Avoid needless metaprogramming.
h2. General:
* Code in a functional way, avoid mutation when it makes sense.
* Do not mess around in core classes when writing libraries.
* Do not program defensively.
* Keep the code simple.
* Don't overdesign.
* Don't underdesign.
* Don't code for future. Follow YAGNI.
* Avoid bugs.
* Be consistent.
* Use common sense.
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