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Average Interpercentile Range AIR Supertrend
strategy('Average Interpercentile Range AIR Supertrend','AIR Supertrend', overlay=true, format=format.price)
// Moving Averages Types
var string SMA = 'Simple Moving Average'
var string EMA = 'Exponential Moving Average'
var string WMA = 'Weighted Moving Average'
var string VWMA = 'Volume Weighted Moving average'
var string ALMA = 'Arnaud Legoux Moving Average'
var string JURIK = 'Jurik Moving Average'
var string T3 = 'Tillson T3 Moving Average'
var string RSIMA = 'RSI Moving Average'
var string MEDIAN = 'Median'
var string SS = 'Super Smoother Moving Average'
var string HANN = 'Ehlers Hann Moving Average'
src = input.source(hl2, title = 'Source', inline = '1')
period = = 'Length', defval = 28, inline = '1')
multiplier = input.float(title = 'Multiplier', step = 0.1, defval = 3.3, inline = '1')
var string GRP_RF = '══════ Range mix ══════'
atrActive = input.bool(true, 'ATR,', inline='42', group=GRP_RF)
atrMult = input.float(0.5, 'Mult', step=0.1, inline='42', group=GRP_RF)
atr_move = input.string(T3, 'MA', options=[SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA, ALMA, JURIK, T3, RSIMA, MEDIAN, SS, HANN], group=GRP_RF, inline='42')
airActive = input.bool(true, 'AIR,', inline='44', group=GRP_RF)
airMult = input.float(0.7, 'Mult', step=0.1, inline='44', group=GRP_RF)
air_move = input.string(T3, 'MA', options=[SMA, EMA, WMA, VWMA, ALMA, JURIK, T3, RSIMA, MEDIAN, SS, HANN], group=GRP_RF, inline='44')
spacer =, '%', inline='44', group=GRP_RF)
var string GRP_MA = 'Global MA Settings'
inputAlmaOffset_T = input.float(defval = 0.86, title = "Alma Offset", step = 0.01, inline = '1a', group = GRP_MA)
inputAlmaSigma_T = = 3, title = "... Sigma", inline = '1a', group = GRP_MA)
phase_T = = 2, title = "Jurik Phase", step = 1, inline = '1j', group = GRP_MA)
power_T = input.float(defval = 0.9, title = "... Power", step = 0.1, inline = '1j', group = GRP_MA)
fac_t3_T = input.float(0.3, step = 0.1, title = 'Tillson T3 Volume Factor', inline = '1t', group = GRP_MA)
var string GRP_UI = '══════ UI ══════'
up_ = input.color(#4caf50, '', inline = '2a', group = GRP_UI)
dn_ = input.color(#ff5252, '', inline = '2a', group = GRP_UI)
bkgrnd = input.bool(title = 'Fill On/Off ?', defval = true, inline='f', group = GRP_UI)
fader =, 'Fade', inline = 'f', group = GRP_UI)
bar_it = input.bool(true, 'Color candles On/Off ?', inline = 'f1', group = GRP_UI)
fader_c =, 'Fade', inline = 'f1', group = GRP_UI)
startDate = input.time(timestamp("01 July 2023 00:00"), title="Start Date")
endDate = input.time(timestamp("31 Dec 2025 23:59"), title="End Date")
// ===========================================================================================================
// Functions
// ===========================================================================================================
// @function Jurik Moving Average - TradingView: Moving Averages
Jurik(src, simple int len, jurik_phase, jurik_power) =>
phaseRatio_l = jurik_phase < -100 ? 0.5 : jurik_phase > 100 ? 2.5 : jurik_phase / 100 + 1.5
beta_l = 0.45 * (len - 1) / (0.45 * (len - 1) + 2)
alpha_l = math.pow(beta_l, jurik_power)
jma_l = 0.0
e0_l = 0.0
e0_l := (1 - alpha_l) * src + alpha_l * nz(e0_l[1])
e1_l = 0.0
e1_l := (src - e0_l) * (1 - beta_l) + beta_l * nz(e1_l[1])
e2_l = 0.0
e2_l := (e0_l + phaseRatio_l * e1_l - nz(jma_l[1])) * math.pow(1 - alpha_l, 2) + math.pow(alpha_l, 2) * nz(e2_l[1])
jma_l := e2_l + nz(jma_l[1])
// @function T3 MA from Tilson3Average © KioseffTrading
t(src, x, a1_t3) =>
y1 = ta.ema(src,x)
y2 = ta.ema(y1, x)
y3 = ta.ema(y2, x)
y4 = ta.ema(y3, x)
y5 = ta.ema(y4, x)
y6 = ta.ema(y5, x)
v = -a1_t3 * math.pow(a1_t3,2)
v2 = 3 * math.pow(a1_t3,2) + 3 * math.pow(a1_t3,3)
v3 = -6 * math.pow(a1_t3, 2) - 3 * a1_t3 - 3 * math.pow(a1_t3, 3)
v4 = 1 + 3 * a1_t3 + a1_t3 * math.pow(a1_t3, 2) + 3 * math.pow(a1_t3, 2)
v1 = v * y6 + v2 * y5 + v3 * y4 + v4 * y3
// Super Smoother Function
ss(Series, Period) => // Super Smoother Function
var PI = 2.0 * math.asin(1.0)
var SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2.0)
lambda = PI * SQRT2 / Period
a1 = math.exp(-lambda)
coeff2 = 2.0 * a1 * math.cos(lambda)
coeff3 = -math.pow(a1, 2.0)
coeff1 = 1.0 - coeff2 - coeff3
filt1 = 0.0
filt1 := coeff1 * (Series + nz(Series[1])) * 0.5 + coeff2 * nz(filt1[1]) + coeff3 * nz(filt1[2])
// Hann Window Smoothing – Credits to @cheatcountry
doHannWindow(float _series, float _hannWindowLength) =>
sum = 0.0, coef = 0.0
for i = 1 to _hannWindowLength
cosine = 1 - math.cos(2 * math.pi * i / (_hannWindowLength + 1))
sum := sum + (cosine * nz(_series[i - 1]))
coef := coef + cosine
h = coef != 0 ? sum / coef : 0
// Choose MA type
MA_Calc(_data, _len, MAOption) =>
value =
MAOption == SMA ? ta.sma(_data, _len) :
MAOption == EMA ? ta.ema(_data, _len) :
MAOption == WMA ? ta.wma(_data, _len) :
MAOption == VWMA ? ta.vwma(_data, _len) :
MAOption == ALMA ? ta.alma(_data, _len, inputAlmaOffset_T, inputAlmaSigma_T) :
MAOption == JURIK ? Jurik(_data, _len, phase_T, power_T) :
MAOption == T3 ? t(_data, _len, fac_t3_T) :
MAOption == RSIMA ? ta.rma(_data, _len) :
MAOption == MEDIAN ? ta.median(_data, _len) :
MAOption == SS ? ss(_data, _len) :
MAOption == HANN ? doHannWindow(_data, _len) :
ipr_array(len, dnny, uppy) =>
float[] hiArray = array.new_float (0)
float[] loArray = array.new_float (0)
float[] cmArray = array.new_float (0)
for i = 0 to len - 1
array.push (hiArray, high[i])
array.push (loArray, low[i])
array.push (cmArray, hlcc4[i])
hlArray = array.concat (hiArray, loArray)
hlcmArray = array.concat (hlArray, cmArray)
q1 = array.percentile_linear_interpolation (hlcmArray, dnny)
q3 = array.percentile_linear_interpolation (hlcmArray, uppy)
iqr = (q3 - q1) / 2
// =================================================================================================
// Calculations
// =================================================================================================
atrFactor = atrActive ? atrMult * MA_Calc(, period, atr_move) : 0
airFactor = airActive ? airMult * MA_Calc(ipr_array(period, spacer, 100 - spacer), period, air_move) : 0
blender = nz(atrFactor) + nz(airFactor)
ipr_supertrend(source, len, multi) =>
up = source - multi * blender
up1 = nz(up[1], up)
up := close[1] > up1 ? math.max(up, up1) : up
dn = source + multi * blender
dn1 = nz(dn[1], dn)
dn := close[1] < dn1 ? math.min(dn, dn1) : dn
trend = 1
trend := nz(trend[1], trend)
trend := trend == -1 and close > dn1 ? 1 : trend == 1 and close < up1 ? -1 : trend
[up, dn, trend]
[upper, lower, supertrend] = ipr_supertrend(src, period, multiplier)
// =================================================================================================
// Plots
// =================================================================================================
upPlot = plot(supertrend == 1 ? upper : na, title='Uptrend', style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0))
buySignal = supertrend == 1 and supertrend[1] == -1
dnPlot = plot(supertrend == 1 ? na : lower, title='Downtrend', style=plot.style_linebr, linewidth=2,, 0))
sellSignal = supertrend == -1 and supertrend[1] == 1
plotshape(buySignal ? upper : na, title='Uptrend Begins', location=location.absolute,, size=size.tiny,, 0))
plotshape(sellSignal ? lower : na, title='Downtrend Begins', location=location.absolute,, size=size.tiny,, 0))
midPlot = plot(ohlc4, title = '', style = plot.style_circles, display = display.none)
fill(midPlot, upPlot, title = 'Uptrend Fill', color = bkgrnd ?, fader) : na)
fill(midPlot, dnPlot, title = 'Downtrend Fill', color = bkgrnd ?, fader) : na)
color_b = supertrend == 1 ? up_ : dn_
barcolor(bar_it ?, fader_c) : na)
// =================================================================================================
// Strategy Implementation
// =================================================================================================
isTimeInRange = time >= startDate and time <= endDate
currentEntryPrice = str.tostring(strategy.opentrades.entry_price(strategy.opentrades - 1))
if (buySignal and isTimeInRange)
strategy.entry("Long @ " + currentEntryPrice, strategy.long)
if (sellSignal and isTimeInRange)
strategy.entry("Short @ " + currentEntryPrice, strategy.short)
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