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Forked from helen/wp-chosen-tax-metabox.php
Created December 9, 2012 19:21
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Use Chosen for a replacement WordPress taxonomy metabox
* WordPress Chosen Taxonomy Metabox
* Author: Helen Hou-Sandi
* Use Chosen for a replacement taxonomy metabox in WordPress
* Useful for taxonomies that aren't changed much on the fly and are
* non-hierarchical in nature, as Chosen is for flat selection only.
* You can always use the taxonomy admin screen to add/edit taxonomy terms.
* Categories need slightly different treatment from the rest in order to
* leverage the correct form field name for saving without interference.
* Example screenshot:
* Chosen:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'hhs_add_meta_boxes' );
function hhs_add_meta_boxes() {
remove_meta_box( 'tagsdiv-post_tag', 'post', 'side' );
remove_meta_box( 'categorydiv', 'post', 'side' );
remove_meta_box( 'customtaxdiv', 'post', 'side' );
add_meta_box( 'chosen-tax', 'Choose Terms', 'hhs_chosen_tax_meta_box_display', 'post', 'side', 'default' );
function hhs_chosen_tax_meta_box_display() {
global $post;
<script type="text/javascript">
$( '.chzn-select' ).chosen();
// which taxonomies should be used - can be multiple
$taxes = array(
'post_tag' => 'Tags',
'category' => 'Categories',
'customtax' => 'Custom Taxonomy',
foreach ( $taxes as $tax => $label ) {
* You may want to check if the current user can assign terms to
* the taxonomy in question before going any further.
* It will not save their assignments anyway, but it's a bit of a
* funny user experience.
// add more args if you want (e.g. orderby)
$terms = get_terms( $tax, array( 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
$current_terms = wp_get_post_terms ( $post->ID, $tax, array('fields' => 'ids') );
if ( 'category' == $tax )
$name = 'post_category';
$name = "tax_input[$tax]";
<p><label for="<?php echo $tax; ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></label>:</p>
<p><select name="<?php echo $name; ?>[]" class="chzn-select widefat" data-placeholder="Select one or more" multiple="multiple">
<?php foreach ( $terms as $term ) { ?>
<option value="<?php echo $term->term_id; ?>"<?php selected( in_array( $term->term_id, $current_terms ) ); ?>><?php echo $term->name; ?></option>
<?php } ?>
// Chosen JS and CSS enqueue - assumes you are doing this in a theme
// with the JS, CSS, and sprite files in themefolder/js/chosen/
// You'd want to use plugins_url() instead if using this in a plugin
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'hhs_add_admin_scripts', 10, 1 );
function hhs_add_admin_scripts( $hook ) {
global $post;
if ( $hook == 'post-new.php' || $hook == 'post.php' ) {
if ( 'post' === $post->post_type ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'chosen', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/chosen/chosen.jquery.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'chosen', get_template_directory_uri().'/js/chosen/chosen.css' );
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