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Last active November 25, 2017 19:00
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Python Programs

August 2017

  • Write a program to calculate nCr with a functions for finding out factorial (2)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      def fact(n):
          if fact == 0:
              return 1
          # return will end the function call. So no need of elif here
          return n * fact(n - 1)
      n = int(input('Enter value of n :'))
      r = int(input('Enter value of r :'))
      nCr = fact(n) / (fact(r) * fact(n - r))
  • Write a program to generate all prime numbers in a given range (8)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      # Check if a gived number is prime or not. Returns a boolean
      def isPrime(n):
          # Assume number is prime
          prime = True
          for i in range(2, n):
              if n % i == 0:
                  # Our assumption is wrong. The number is divisible by a number other than 1 and the same number
                  prime = False
                  # No need to continue checking if it is found to be divisible once. So stop the loop
          return prime
      start = int(input('Enter start of range : '))
      end = int(input('Enter end of range : '))
      # end + 1 because we want to include the ending number too
      for i in range(start, end + 1):
          if isPrime(i):
  • Write a Python program to find the roots of a quadratic equation. (4)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      import math
      a = int(input('Enter value of a : '))
      b = int(input('Enter value of b : '))
      c = int(input('Enter value of c : '))
      # Calculate discriminant = b^2 - 4*a*c
      discriminant = math.sqrt(b ** 2 - (4 * a * c))
      if discriminant < 0:
          print('Only imaginary solutions')
          x1 = (-b + discriminant) / 2 * a
          x2 = (-b - discriminant) / 2 * a
          if discriminant == 0:
              print('Unique solution = ', x1)
              print('Solution 1 = ', x1)
              print('Solution 2 = ', x2)
  • Write a Python program to calculate the area of a circle, given the centre and a point on the perimeter. Use a function to find radius as the distance between two points. (5)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      import math
      # Return coordinates of the point as a tuple where first value is x coordinate and the other, y coordinate
      def getPoint():
          x = int(input('Enter x coordinate : '))
          y = int(input('Enter y coordinate : '))
          # Return a tuple
          return (x, y)
      # Find the distance between two points
      def findDistance(centre, point):
          # centre and point is a tuple.
          # centre[0] and point[0] will have x coordinate
          xDiff = centre[0] - point[0]
          yDiff = centre[1] - point[1]
          distance = math.sqrt((xDiff ** 2) + (yDiff ** 2))
          return distance
      print('Enter coordinates of centre :')
      centre = getPoint()
      print('Enter coordinates of point on perimeter :')
      point = getPoint()
      radius = findDistance(centre, point)
      area = math.pi * radius * radius
      print('Area of circle : ', area)
  • Write a program to replace a substring with a new substring in the given string (7)

    • Answer

      s = input('Enter a string : ')
      find = input('Enter string to replace : ')
      replace = input('Enter string to replace to : ')
      findLength = len(find)
      newS = ''
      i = 0
      while i < len(s):
          # The position from current until the end of 
          until = i + findLength
          # Check if characters from 'i'th position to 'until' is the substring we want to replace
          if s[i : until] == find:
              newS += replace
              i += findLength
              newS += s[i]
              i += 1
  • Write a program that reads a file and writes out a new file with the lines in reversed order. (7)

    • Answer

      file = open('file.txt', 'r')
      out = open('out.txt', 'a')
      # Get a list of each lines
      contents = file.readlines()
      # Reverse the list
      reversedContents = reversed(contents)
      for s in reversedContents:
          # Append each line to the output file

January 2017

  • Write a python program to find the sum of all odd terms in a group of n numbers entered by the user (3)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      s = 0
      print('Enter the numbers. Type "done" when finished entering numbers.')
      while True:
          number = input('Enter number : ')
          if number == 'done'
          number = int(number)
          # If odd number
          if number % 2 != 0 :
              s += number
  • Write a program to find the quadrant of a given point (x,y) (5)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      x = int(input('Enter x coordinate of point : '))
      y = int(input('Enter y coordinate of point : '))
      if x == 0 or y == 0:
          print('Point is on an axis')
          if x > 0:
              if y > 0:
                  print('First Quadrant')
                  print('Fourth Quadrant')
              if y > 0:
                  print('Second Quadrant')
                  print('Third Quadrant')
  • Write a program that reads an integer N from the keyboard and then calls a user defined function to compute and displays the sum of the numbers from N to (2N) if N is non-negative. If N is negative, then displays the sum of the numbers from (2N) to N.The starting and ending points are included in the sum. (4)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      def sumOfRange(start, end):
          s = 0
          # end + 1 because ending point needs to be included in the sum
          for i in range(start, end + 1):
              s += i
          return s
      n = int(input('Enter number : '))
      # Non-negative
      if n > 0:
          print(sumOfRange(n, 2*n))
          # 2*n will be negative
          print(sumOfRange(2*n, n))
  • Write a program to compute the sum of first n positive integers using a recursive function. (4)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      # Get the 'n'th term in the series of sum of positive numbers
      def recurseSum(n):
          # 1st term and the 2nd term in the series is the term number itself
          if n == 0 or n == 1:
              return n
          return n + recurseSum(n - 1)
      n = int(input('Enter a positive number : '))
  • Write a menu driven program to calculate area of circle, triangle, rectangle and square. Use a separate function to implement each operation. (5)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      def circle():
          r = int(input('Enter radius : '))
          print('Area of circle : ', 3.14 * r * r)
      def triangle():
          b = int(input('Enter base : '))
          h = int(input('Enter height : '))
          print('Area of triangle : ', 0.5 * b * h)
      def rectangle():
          l = int(input('Enter length : '))
          b = int(input('Enter breadth : '))
          print('Area of rectangle : ', l * b)
      def square():
          a = int(input('Enter length of square : '))
          print('Area of square : ', a * a)
      print('Find Area (c = circle, t = triangle, r = rectangle, s = square)')
      op = input('Enter operation : ')
      if op == 'c':
      elif op == 't':
      elif op == 'r':
  • Write a program to check if a given string is a palindrome or not, without reversing the original string (7)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      s = input('Enter string : ')
      # Assume to be palindrome
      palindrome = True
      for i in range(0, len(s)):
          # Check if character at position from beggining and ending are the same. If not, it's not a palindrome
          if s[i] != s[ -(i+1) ]:
              palindrome = False
      if palindrome == True:
          print('Not palindrome')
  • Write a python program to create a dictionary of phone numbers and names of five persons. Display the contents of the dictionary in alphabetical order of names.

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      phonebook = {}
      for i in range(0, 5):
          name = input('Enter name : ')
          # Phone may contain +, so receiving as string
          phone = input('Enter phone number : ')
          # Add item to dictionary
          phonebook[name] = phone
      # Sort the phonebook in order of names
      sortedPhonebook = sort(phonebook)
      for name, phone in sortedPhonebook:
          print(name, ' - ', phone)

June 2016

  • Write a python code to find transpose of a matrix using list. (4)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      matrix = []
      size = int(input('Enter size of square matrix : '))
      for i in range(0, size):
          for j in range(0, size):
              matrix[i].append(int(input('Enter value in ' + str(i + 1) + 'th row and ' + str(j + 1) + 'th column : ')))
      transpose = []
      for i in range(0, size):
          for j in range(0, size):
      for i in range(0, size):
          for j in range(0, size):
              print(transpose[i][j], end=' ')
  • Write a python program that opens a file for input and prints the count of four letter words in it. (5)

    • Answer

      fp = open('file.txt', 'r')
      contents =
      count = 0
      # Get words by splitting string by a space
      words = contents.split(' ')
      for word in words:
          if len(word) == 4:
              count += 1
      print('Number of 4 letter words: ', count)
  • Write a Python code to search an element in a list (3)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      li = []
      s = input('Enter element to be searched : ')
      for i in range(0, len(li)):
          if li[i] == s:
              print('Found element at position ', i)
  • Write a Python program using function to check the type of a triangle (Scalene, Isosceles, Equilateral) by getting vertices from the user (8)

    • Answer

      # Python3
      def getPoint():
          x = int(input('Enter x coordinate : '))
          y = int(input('Enter y coordinate : '))
          # Return a tuple
          return (x, y)
      # Find the distance between two points
      def findDistance(centre, point):
          # centre and point is a tuple.
          # centre[0] and point[0] will have x coordinate
          xDiff = centre[0] - point[0]
          yDiff = centre[1] - point[1]
          distance = math.sqrt((xDiff ** 2) + (yDiff ** 2))
          return distance
      print('Enter first point')
      point1 = getPoint()
      point2 = getPoint()
      point3 = getPoint()
      a = findDistance(point1, point2)
      b = findDistance(point2, point3)
      c = findDistance(point1, point3)
      if a == b and b == c and a == c:
      elif (a == b) or (b == c):

January 2016

  • Write a Python program to compute nth fibonacci number. Use a recursive function. (2)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      def fibo(n):
          # First and second term of fibonacci series is the term numberi tself
          if n == 0 or n == 1:
              return n
          return n + fibo(n-1)
      n = int(input('Enter number of terms : '))
      for i in range(0, n):
  • Write a Python program to display all Armstrong numbers in a given range (5)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      def isArmstrong(n):
          s = 0
          n = str(n)
          l = len(n)
          for digit in n:
              s += int(digit) ** l
          if int(n) == s:
              return True
          return False
      start = int(input('Enter starting range : '))
      end = int(input('Enter ending range : '))
      for i in range(start, end):
          if isArmstrong(i):
  • Write a Python program to count number of vowels, consonants, words and questionmarks in a given string (6)

    • Answer

      # Python 3
      s = input('Enter a string :')
      vowels = 0
      consonants = 0
      qm = 0
      for l in s:
          if l.isalpha():
              if l == 'a' or l == 'e' or l == 'i' or l == 'o' or l == 'u':
                  vowels += 1
                  consonants += 1
          elif l == '?':
              qm += 1
      words = len(s.split(' '))
      print('Number of vowels : ', vowels)
      print('Number of consonants : ', consonants)
      print('Number of words : ', words)
      print('Number of questionmarks : ', qm)
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