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Created December 8, 2017 07:21
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Couchbase 5.0.0 "edit-to-free" Security Bug
# Couchbase 5.0.0 "edit-to-free" Security Bug
# ===========================================
# Couchbase 5 introduced RBAC. So clients always have to provide an
# authentication to use access on any bucket. But in case of the 'default'
# bucket, if we edit the bucket once, clients can access without
# authentication.
# Heungsub Lee <>
set -euo pipefail
# only 'default' bucket has this problem
# create new couchbase 5.0
docker run -d --name=cb5 \
-p 8091-8094:8091-8094 -p 11210:11210 \
trap finalize EXIT
finalize() {
docker rm -f cb5
# wait for couchbase ready
sleep 10
# init new cluster
docker exec cb5 mkdir -p /data/data
docker exec cb5 mkdir -p /data/index
docker exec cb5 chown couchbase /data/data
docker exec cb5 chown couchbase /data/index
docker exec cb5 /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli node-init \
--cluster='' \
--user='Administrator' \
--password='password' \
--node-init-data-path='/data/data' \
docker exec cb5 /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli cluster-init \
--cluster='' \
--cluster-username='Administrator' \
--cluster-password='PaSsWoRd' \
--cluster-port='8091' \
--cluster-ramsize='512' \
--cluster-index-ramsize='256' \
--cluster-fts-ramsize='256' \
--index-storage-setting='default' \
docker exec cb5 /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli setting-cluster \
--cluster='' \
--user='Administrator' \
--password='PaSsWoRd' \
# create new bucket 'default'
docker exec cb5 /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli bucket-create \
--cluster='' \
--user='Administrator' \
--password='PaSsWoRd' \
--bucket="$CB_BUCKET" \
--bucket-ramsize='512' \
--bucket-replica='0' \
--bucket-type='couchbase' \
--bucket-priority='high' \
--bucket-eviction-policy='fullEviction' \
--enable-flush='1' \
--enable-index-replica='0' \
--conflict-resolution='sequence' \
# 1. not possible to get bucket without auth
echo '========================================================================'
echo ' 1. not possible to get bucket without auth'
echo '========================================================================'
cat <<EOF | python || true
from couchbase.bucket import Bucket
# 2. edit bucket
echo '========================================================================'
echo ' 2. edit bucket'
echo '========================================================================'
docker exec cb5 /opt/couchbase/bin/couchbase-cli bucket-edit \
--cluster='' \
--user='Administrator' \
--password='PaSsWoRd' \
# 3. now we can get bucket without auth
echo '========================================================================'
echo ' 3. now we can get bucket without auth'
echo '========================================================================'
# if the problem is not reproduced, here fails with non-zero exit code.
cat <<EOF | python
from couchbase.bucket import Bucket
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