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Created June 3, 2015 06:50
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$ busted -o spec/busted-print.lua --coverage spec/ spec/
Admin API / should return Kong's version and a welcome message ... ●
Admin API / should have a Server header ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete a plugin_configuration ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete an API ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete a Consumer ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [SUCCESS] should create an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [FAILURE] should notify of malformed body ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /apis/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /apis/ GET should retrieve a paginated set ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api GET should retrieve by name ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api PATCH [SUCCESS] should update an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a plugin configuration ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin GET should retrieve by name ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a plugin ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete an API ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a Consumer ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ GET should retrieve a paginated set ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer GET should retrieve by username ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a Consumer ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a Consumer ... ●
Admin API Kong routes / should return Kong's version and a welcome message ... ●
Admin API Kong routes / should have a Server header ... ●
CLI should not quit kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should quit kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should not reload kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should reload kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should not reload kong when it's crashed ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's crashed ... sh: line 0: kill: (90340) - No such process
CLI should return the right version ... ●
Database cache should expire cache after five seconds ... ●
DNS DNS should work when calling local IP ... ●
DNS DNS should work when calling local hostname ... ●
Real IP should parse the correct IP ... ●
Resolver Inexistent API should return Not Found when the API is not in Kong ... ●
Resolver SSL should work when calling SSL port ... ●
Resolver SSL should work when manually triggering the handshake on default route ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the Host header is not trimmed ... ●
Resolver Existing API should return the correct Server and Via headers when the request was proxied ... ●
Resolver Existing API should return the correct Server and no Via header when the request was NOT proxied ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong and one Host header is being sent via plain TCP ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong and multiple Host headers are being sent via plain TCP ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the request has no Host header but the X-Host-Override header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential value is wrong ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should not pass when passing only the password ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should not pass when passing only the username ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should pass with GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should pass with POST ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a basicauth credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a credential ... ●
CORS Plugin OPTIONS should give appropriate defaults when no options are passed ... ●
CORS Plugin OPTIONS should reflect what is specified in options ... ●
CORS Plugin GET,PUT,POST,ETC should give appropriate defaults when no options are passed ... ●
CORS Plugin GET,PUT,POST,ETC should reflect some of what is specified in options ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential value is wrong ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should pass with GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should pass with POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should set right headers ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with POST and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with POST multipart and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials and another param ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should not pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials and another param ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should not pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials in querystring ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a keyauth credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a credential ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to TCP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to UDP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to HTTP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to file ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin Without authentication (IP address) should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin With authentication Default plugin should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin With authentication Plugin customized for specific consumer should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new headers ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on POST when existing params exist ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on multipart POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on multipart POST when existing params exist ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on GET ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove a header ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on multipart POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on GET ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should not convert an invalid cert to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should convert a valid cert to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should not convert an invalid key to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should convert a valid key to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Resolution should return default CERTIFICATE when requesting other APIs ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Resolution should work when requesting a specific API ... ●
SSL Plugin only_https should block request without https ... ●
SSL Plugin only_https should not block request with https ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize nested properties for parsed form-encoded parameters ... ●
App #parse_params() should parse a JSON body ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize sub-nested properties for parsed form-encoded parameters ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize nested properties when they are plain arrays ... ●
CLI Utils should check if a port is open ... ●
Cassandra DAO Collections schemas consumers should have statements for all unique and foreign schema fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO Collections schemas apis should have statements for all unique and foreign schema fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO Factory :prepare() should prepare all queries in collection's _queries ... ●
Cassandra DAO Factory :prepare() should raise an error if cannot connect to Cassandra ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should insert in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should use the public_dns as the name if none is specified ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should not insert an invalid api ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() Consumers should insert an consumer in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert in DB if invalid ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should insert a plugin configuration in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert twice a plugin with same api_id, consumer_id and name ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert a plugin if this plugin doesn't exist (not installed) ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should validate a plugin value schema ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() consumers should return nil if no entity was found to update in DB ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() apis should return nil if no entity was found to update in DB ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() APIs should update in DB without setting to NULL unset fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() APIs should prevent the update if the UNIQUE check fails ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() Consumers should update in DB if entity can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() plugin_configurations should update in DB if entity can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() consumers should return false if there was nothing to delete ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() consumers should delete an entity if it can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() apis should return false if there was nothing to delete ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() apis should delete an entity if it can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() APIs should delete all related plugins_configurations when deleting an API ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() Consumers should delete all related plugins_configurations when deleting an API ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() consumers should find entities ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() consumers should allow pagination ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() apis should find entities ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() apis should allow pagination ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() consumers should find one entity by id ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() consumers should handle an invalid uuid value ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() apis should find one entity by id ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() apis should handle an invalid uuid value ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() plugin_configurations should deserialize the table property ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should refuse non queryable keys ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should handle empty search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should handle nil search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should query an entity by its queryable fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should refuse non queryable keys ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should handle empty search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should handle nil search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should query an entity by its queryable fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should find distinct plugins configurations ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should insert a plugin and set the consumer_id to a 'null' uuid if none is specified ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should select a plugin configuration by 'null' uuid consumer_id and remove the column ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should not insert in DB if consumer does not exist ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should insert in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should find an KeyAuth Credential by public_key ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should handle empty strings ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should return nil when ratelimiting metrics are not existing ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should increment ratelimiting metrics with the given period ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should throw errors for non supported methods of the base_dao ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should return error with wrong target_url ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should return error with wrong target_url protocol ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should work without a path ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should work without upper case protocol ... ●
DaoError should be instanciable with a message and a type ... ●
DaoError should have an error code if the error comes from the database driver ... ●
DaoError should return nil if trying to instanciate with an empty error message ... ●
DaoError should print its message property if printed ... ●
DaoError should print its message property if concatenated ... ●
DaoError should handle a table as an error message ... ●
Schemas #validate() should confirm a valid entity is valid ... ●
Schemas #validate() [required] should invalidate entity if required property is missing ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should validate the type of a property if it has a type field ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should return error when an invalid boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should not return an error when a true boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should not return an error when a false boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should consider `id` and `timestamp` as types ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should consider `array` as a type ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should not return an error when a `number` is passed as a string ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should not return an error when a `boolean` is passed as a string ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should alias a string to `array` ... ●
Schemas #validate() [default] should set default values if those are variables or functions specified in the validator ... ●
Schemas #validate() [default] should override default values if specified ... ●
Schemas #validate() [regex] should validate a field against a regex ... ●
Schemas #validate() [enum] should validate a field against an enum ... ●
Schemas #validate() [func] should validate a field against a custom function ... ●
Schemas #validate() [immutable] should prevent immutable properties to be changed if validating a schema that will be updated ... ●
Schemas #validate() [immutable] should ignore required properties if they are immutable and we are updating ... ●
Schemas #validate() should return error when unexpected values are included in the schema ... ●
Schemas #validate() should be able to return multiple errors at once ... ●
Schemas #validate() should not check a custom function if a `required` condition is false already ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should validate a property with a sub-schema ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should validate a property with a sub-schema from a function ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should call the schema function with the actual parent t table of the subschema ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should retrieve errors when cannot load schema from function ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should instanciate a sub-value if sub-schema has a `default` value and do that before `required` ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should mark a value required if sub-schema has a `required` ... ●
Static files Constants version set in constants should match the one in the rockspec ... ●
Static files Configuration should equal to this template to make sure no errors are pushed in the default config ... ●
Database cache should return a valid API cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid PLUGIN cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid KeyAuthCredential cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid BasicAuthCredential cache key ... ●
http_client GET should send a valid GET request ... ●
http_client GET should return a valid GET response under SSL ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST request with form encoded parameters ... ●
http_client POST should return a valid POST response under SSL ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST request with a JSON body ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST multipart request ... ●
http_client POST should return a valid POST multipart response under SSL ... ●
http_client PUT should send a valid PUT request ... ●
http_client PATCH should send a valid PUT request ... ●
http_client PATCH should send a valid PUT request under SSL ... ●
http_client DELETE should send a valid DELETE request ... ●
http_client DELETE should return a valid DELETE response under SSL ... ●
http_client OPTIONS should send a valid OPTIONS request ... ●
http_client OPTIONS should return a valid OPTIONS response under SSL ... ●
IO should detect existing commands ... ●
IO should write and read from files ... ●
IO should detect existing files ... ●
IO should execute an OS command ... ●
Responses should have a list of the main http status codes used in Kong ... ●
Responses should be callable via `send_HTTP_STATUS_CODE` ... ●
Responses should set the correct ngx values and call ngx.say and ngx.exit ... ●
Responses should send the content as a JSON string with a `message` property if given a string ... ●
Responses should send the content as a JSON string if given a table ... ●
Responses should send the content as passed if `raw` is given ... ●
Responses should call `ngx.exit` with the corresponding status_code ... ●
Responses should call `ngx.log` and set `stop_phases` if and only if a 500 status code range was given ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses #send() should send a custom status code ... ●
Syslog should log ... ●
Timestamp should get UTC time ... ●
Timestamp should get timestamps table when no timestamp is provided ... ●
Timestamp should get timestamps table when no timestamp is provided ... ●
Timestamp should give the same timestamps table for the same time ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in ascending order by its keys without order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in ascending order by its keys with ascending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in descending order by its keys with descending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in ascending order by its keys without order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in ascending order by its keys with ascending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in descending order by its keys with descending order set ... ●
Utils tables #is_empty() should return true for empty table, false otherwise ... ●
Utils tables #table_size() should return the size of a table ... ●
Utils tables #reverse_table() should reverse an array ... ●
Utils tables #table_contains() should return true is a value is contained in a table ... ●
Utils tables #table_contains() should return true is a value is not contained in a table ... ●
Utils tables #is_array() should know when an array ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should create a table if given `errors` is nil ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should add a key/value when given `errors` already exists ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should create a list if the same key is given twice ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should return false if the module does not exist ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should throw an error if the module is invalid ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should load a module if it was found and valid ... ●
Admin API / should return Kong's version and a welcome message ... ●
Admin API / should have a Server header ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not create with an invalid application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/x-www-form-urlencoded should create an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should respond 400 to malformed body ... ●
Admin API POST application/json should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should not create with invalid body ... ●
Admin API POST multipart/form-data should create an entity with a valid body ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET all should retrieve all entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API GET one should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API GET one should retrieve one entity ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API PATCH should respond 404 to non existing entities ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update an entity with an application/x-www-form-urlencoded body ... ●
Admin API PATCH application/json should update an entity with an application/json body ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should send 404 when trying to delete a non existing entity ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete a plugin_configuration ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete an API ... ●
Admin API DELETE should delete a Consumer ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/x-www-form-urlencoded should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should not insert an entity if invalid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should insert an entity if valid ... ●
Admin API PUT application/json should update the entity if a full body is given ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [SUCCESS] should create an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [FAILURE] should notify of malformed body ... ●
Admin API /apis/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /apis/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /apis/ GET should retrieve a paginated set ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api GET should retrieve by name ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api PATCH [SUCCESS] should update an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete an API ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a plugin configuration ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin GET should retrieve by name ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a plugin ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /apis/:api /apis/:api/plugins/ /apis/:api/plugins/:plugin DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete an API ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a Consumer ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ GET should retrieve a paginated set ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer GET should retrieve by username ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a Consumer ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Admin API /consumers/ /consumers/:consumer DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a Consumer ... ●
Admin API Kong routes / should return Kong's version and a welcome message ... ●
Admin API Kong routes / should have a Server header ... ●
CLI should not quit kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should quit kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should not reload kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should reload kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should not reload kong when it's crashed ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's not running ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's running ... ●
CLI should restart kong when it's crashed ... sh: line 0: kill: (91913) - No such process
CLI should return the right version ... ●
Database cache should expire cache after five seconds ... ●
DNS DNS should work when calling local IP ... ●
DNS DNS should work when calling local hostname ... ●
Real IP should parse the correct IP ... ●
Resolver Inexistent API should return Not Found when the API is not in Kong ... ●
Resolver SSL should work when calling SSL port ... ●
Resolver SSL should work when manually triggering the handshake on default route ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the Host header is not trimmed ... ●
Resolver Existing API should return the correct Server and Via headers when the request was proxied ... ●
Resolver Existing API should return the correct Server and no Via header when the request was NOT proxied ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong and one Host header is being sent via plain TCP ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the API is in Kong and multiple Host headers are being sent via plain TCP ... ●
Resolver Existing API should proxy when the request has no Host header but the X-Host-Override header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential value is wrong ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should not pass when passing only the password ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should not pass when passing only the username ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should pass with GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Basic Authentication should pass with POST ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a basicauth credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/basicauth/:id DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a credential ... ●
CORS Plugin OPTIONS should give appropriate defaults when no options are passed ... ●
CORS Plugin OPTIONS should reflect what is specified in options ... ●
CORS Plugin GET,PUT,POST,ETC should give appropriate defaults when no options are passed ... ●
CORS Plugin GET,PUT,POST,ETC should reflect some of what is specified in options ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential value is wrong ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should pass with GET ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should pass with POST ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in GET header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should return invalid credentials when the credential parameter name is wrong in POST header ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication should set right headers ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with POST and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with POST multipart and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials and another param ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should not pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials and another param ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should not pass with GET and hide credentials ... ●
Authentication Plugin Query Authentication Hide credentials should pass with GET and hide credentials in querystring ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ POST [SUCCESS] should create a keyauth credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ POST [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ PUT [SUCCESS] should create and update ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ PUT [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/ GET should retrieve all ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id GET should retrieve by id ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id PATCH [SUCCESS] should update a credential ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id PATCH [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id DELETE [FAILURE] should return proper errors ... ●
Basic Auth Credentials API /consumers/:consumer/keyauth/:id DELETE [SUCCESS] should delete a credential ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to TCP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to UDP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to HTTP ... ●
Logging Plugins should log to file ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin Without authentication (IP address) should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin With authentication Default plugin should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
RateLimiting Plugin With authentication Plugin customized for specific consumer should get blocked if exceeding limit ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new headers ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on POST when existing params exist ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on multipart POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on multipart POST when existing params exist ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test adding parameters should add new parameters on GET ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove a header ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on multipart POST ... ●
Request Transformer Plugin Test removing parameters should remove parameters on GET ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should not convert an invalid cert to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should convert a valid cert to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should not convert an invalid key to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Util should convert a valid key to DER ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Resolution should return default CERTIFICATE when requesting other APIs ... ●
SSL Plugin SSL Resolution should work when requesting a specific API ... ●
SSL Plugin only_https should block request without https ... ●
SSL Plugin only_https should not block request with https ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize nested properties for parsed form-encoded parameters ... ●
App #parse_params() should parse a JSON body ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize sub-nested properties for parsed form-encoded parameters ... ●
App #parse_params() should normalize nested properties when they are plain arrays ... ●
CLI Utils should check if a port is open ... ●
Cassandra DAO Collections schemas consumers should have statements for all unique and foreign schema fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO Collections schemas apis should have statements for all unique and foreign schema fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO Factory :prepare() should prepare all queries in collection's _queries ... ●
Cassandra DAO Factory :prepare() should raise an error if cannot connect to Cassandra ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should insert in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should use the public_dns as the name if none is specified ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() APIs should not insert an invalid api ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() Consumers should insert an consumer in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert in DB if invalid ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should insert a plugin configuration in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert twice a plugin with same api_id, consumer_id and name ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should not insert a plugin if this plugin doesn't exist (not installed) ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :insert() plugin_configurations should validate a plugin value schema ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() consumers should return nil if no entity was found to update in DB ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() apis should return nil if no entity was found to update in DB ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() APIs should update in DB without setting to NULL unset fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() APIs should prevent the update if the UNIQUE check fails ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() Consumers should update in DB if entity can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :update() plugin_configurations should update in DB if entity can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() consumers should return false if there was nothing to delete ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() consumers should delete an entity if it can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() apis should return false if there was nothing to delete ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() apis should delete an entity if it can be found ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() APIs should delete all related plugins_configurations when deleting an API ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :delete() Consumers should delete all related plugins_configurations when deleting an API ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() consumers should find entities ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() consumers should allow pagination ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() apis should find entities ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find() apis should allow pagination ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() consumers should find one entity by id ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() consumers should handle an invalid uuid value ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() apis should find one entity by id ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() apis should handle an invalid uuid value ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_one() plugin_configurations should deserialize the table property ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should refuse non queryable keys ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should handle empty search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should handle nil search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() consumers should query an entity by its queryable fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should refuse non queryable keys ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should handle empty search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should handle nil search fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections :find_by_keys() apis should query an entity by its queryable fields ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should find distinct plugins configurations ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should insert a plugin and set the consumer_id to a 'null' uuid if none is specified ... ●
Cassandra DAO DAO Collections plugin_configurations should select a plugin configuration by 'null' uuid consumer_id and remove the column ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should not insert in DB if consumer does not exist ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should insert in DB and add generated values ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should find an KeyAuth Credential by public_key ... ●
Cassandra DAO KeyAuthCredentials should handle empty strings ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should return nil when ratelimiting metrics are not existing ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should increment ratelimiting metrics with the given period ... ●
Cassandra DAO Rate Limiting Metrics should throw errors for non supported methods of the base_dao ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should return error with wrong target_url ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should return error with wrong target_url protocol ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should work without a path ... ●
Entities Schemas APIs should work without upper case protocol ... ●
DaoError should be instanciable with a message and a type ... ●
DaoError should have an error code if the error comes from the database driver ... ●
DaoError should return nil if trying to instanciate with an empty error message ... ●
DaoError should print its message property if printed ... ●
DaoError should print its message property if concatenated ... ●
DaoError should handle a table as an error message ... ●
Schemas #validate() should confirm a valid entity is valid ... ●
Schemas #validate() [required] should invalidate entity if required property is missing ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should validate the type of a property if it has a type field ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should return error when an invalid boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should not return an error when a true boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should not return an error when a false boolean value is passed ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should consider `id` and `timestamp` as types ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] should consider `array` as a type ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should not return an error when a `number` is passed as a string ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should not return an error when a `boolean` is passed as a string ... ●
Schemas #validate() [type] [aliases] should alias a string to `array` ... ●
Schemas #validate() [default] should set default values if those are variables or functions specified in the validator ... ●
Schemas #validate() [default] should override default values if specified ... ●
Schemas #validate() [regex] should validate a field against a regex ... ●
Schemas #validate() [enum] should validate a field against an enum ... ●
Schemas #validate() [func] should validate a field against a custom function ... ●
Schemas #validate() [immutable] should prevent immutable properties to be changed if validating a schema that will be updated ... ●
Schemas #validate() [immutable] should ignore required properties if they are immutable and we are updating ... ●
Schemas #validate() should return error when unexpected values are included in the schema ... ●
Schemas #validate() should be able to return multiple errors at once ... ●
Schemas #validate() should not check a custom function if a `required` condition is false already ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should validate a property with a sub-schema ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should validate a property with a sub-schema from a function ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should call the schema function with the actual parent t table of the subschema ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should retrieve errors when cannot load schema from function ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should instanciate a sub-value if sub-schema has a `default` value and do that before `required` ... ●
Schemas #validate() Sub-schemas should mark a value required if sub-schema has a `required` ... ●
Static files Constants version set in constants should match the one in the rockspec ... ●
Static files Configuration should equal to this template to make sure no errors are pushed in the default config ... ●
Database cache should return a valid API cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid PLUGIN cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid KeyAuthCredential cache key ... ●
Database cache should return a valid BasicAuthCredential cache key ... ●
http_client GET should send a valid GET request ... ●
http_client GET should return a valid GET response under SSL ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST request with form encoded parameters ... ●
http_client POST should return a valid POST response under SSL ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST request with a JSON body ... ●
http_client POST should send a valid POST multipart request ... ●
http_client POST should return a valid POST multipart response under SSL ... ●
http_client PUT should send a valid PUT request ... ●
http_client PATCH should send a valid PUT request ... ●
http_client PATCH should send a valid PUT request under SSL ... ●
http_client DELETE should send a valid DELETE request ... ●
http_client DELETE should return a valid DELETE response under SSL ... ●
http_client OPTIONS should send a valid OPTIONS request ... ●
http_client OPTIONS should return a valid OPTIONS response under SSL ... ●
IO should detect existing commands ... ●
IO should write and read from files ... ●
IO should detect existing files ... ●
IO should execute an OS command ... ●
Responses should have a list of the main http status codes used in Kong ... ●
Responses should be callable via `send_HTTP_STATUS_CODE` ... ●
Responses should set the correct ngx values and call ngx.say and ngx.exit ... ●
Responses should send the content as a JSON string with a `message` property if given a string ... ●
Responses should send the content as a JSON string if given a table ... ●
Responses should send the content as passed if `raw` is given ... ●
Responses should call `ngx.exit` with the corresponding status_code ... ●
Responses should call `ngx.log` and set `stop_phases` if and only if a 500 status code range was given ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses default content rules for some status codes should apply default content rules for some status codes ... ●
Responses #send() should send a custom status code ... ●
Syslog should log ... ●
Timestamp should get UTC time ... ●
Timestamp should get timestamps table when no timestamp is provided ... ●
Timestamp should get timestamps table when no timestamp is provided ... ●
Timestamp should give the same timestamps table for the same time ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in ascending order by its keys without order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in ascending order by its keys with ascending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort a table in descending order by its keys with descending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in ascending order by its keys without order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in ascending order by its keys with ascending order set ... ●
Utils tables #sort_table_iter() should sort an array in descending order by its keys with descending order set ... ●
Utils tables #is_empty() should return true for empty table, false otherwise ... ●
Utils tables #table_size() should return the size of a table ... ●
Utils tables #reverse_table() should reverse an array ... ●
Utils tables #table_contains() should return true is a value is contained in a table ... ●
Utils tables #table_contains() should return true is a value is not contained in a table ... ●
Utils tables #is_array() should know when an array ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should create a table if given `errors` is nil ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should add a key/value when given `errors` already exists ... ●
Utils tables #add_error() should create a list if the same key is given twice ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should return false if the module does not exist ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should throw an error if the module is invalid ... ●
Utils tables #load_module_if_exists() should load a module if it was found and valid ... ●
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