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Last active April 27, 2024 13:50
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  • Save subrotoice/b27f7d20617bb3da04827a223faf6450 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save subrotoice/b27f7d20617bb3da04827a223faf6450 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# Run For the first time
git config --global "subrotoice"
git config --global ""
# Upload a new project
git init // Basically 3 steps, 1. add, 2. Commit, 3. Push;
git add . // added to staged area, and ready for commmit; git add -A // same, all files; git add index.html // only index.html file
git commit -m "first commit" // Save as a snapshot what remain in staged area
git remote add origin // ("origin Userdifine", origin=url.git, variable e value assign korar moto)
git push -u origin master // push, origin user define name like variable contain url. (master default brunch name, you can create brunch like,
# Work on an existing Project
First you have to download project otherwise it will not work
git clone // Pull
cd folder_name // Need to change to inside folder
git add . For all new file and folder (git add file_names.exten it is for single file)
git commit -m "committed message" For asingle file(git commit -m "committed message" file_names.exten)
git push -u origin master // First time pushing the branch or if you've made changes that conflict with the remote repository, you might need to use the '-u'
git pull origin master // Change in github, it take effect in local reprository. 'Synchronization'
# Work on existing Project - Delete Some files and add new files | It is possible to rename reposiotry
1. Delete files manually using mouse keyboard
2. git add .
3. git commit -m "Deleted Files"
4. git push -u origin master
// Another way
1. git rm file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt // remove files and here not need to stage(git add)
2. git commit -m "Remove files: file1.txt, file2.txt, file3.txt"
3. git push -u origin master
# Miscellaneous (Code WIth harry)
4 state of git: GitBash:
git add . // added files to stage area (stage area te gelei green hoy, unstated red)
git commit // Store what content in last stage area
git add a.html // Added to stage arae if we now again modify file not run git add a.html and commit then it will save content before second modification
git status -s // short
git commit -a -m "add & commit" // Skeeping staging area. add+commit
git checkout index.html // Back to last commit
git checkout -f // Back to last commit all files
git log -p -1 // See one commit; q to exit from git log
git diff // stage area and working tree difference
git diff --staged // stage and last commit difference
git rm --cached waste.html // remove from stage area, but file reamain as untrack file
git rm --f waste.html // Remove stage area + Delete File; --f to force removal
git remote set-url origin https://<[token][user_name]/[repo_name].git // Asking pass again & again
git remote set-url origin
# Commit: goto a commit number
git checkout 736259f3b3fc9404ec7f8104dc3df98ab84e6b7e // commit number
git log --oneline // in One Line;
git log // in details
# Remove top commit from github
git reset --hard HEAD~1 // to remove top 2: git reset --hard HEAD~2
git log --oneline
git push -f
# Branch Practice--- master(default)
git bracnh // show all branch and current branch in green; (for details) git branch -v / git branch -a
git branch main // Create main new branch; git checkout -b newBranch // create+Switch to newBranch
git checkout main // switch to main branch
git merge main // first go to master using git checkout master then run merge command; it also brings all commit histor; Merge er pore abar commit kora lagte pare
git branch -d newBranch // delete branch
# Remote(GitHub)
git add remote <UrlName> <URL-www.>
git remote -v // See URL; git remote aslo work but show only git name
git remote set-url secondURL // Change URL for second identifier
git push -u third master // you can push without switching branch, ie. from master branch you can push to other branch;
git push -f second main // Forch Push
git clone -b <branchName> <remote-repo-url> // Clone a Specic Branch from remote repo; ie. git clone -b main9 // Working, Here brunch name main9
# Basic Windows command like cd
cd\ = back to root directory c drive does not metter where its current postion
cd .. = One step back
cd /d D: = C Drive to D drive
dir or ls(LS) = List all file and folder of current directory. "ls" is more clear to read
mkdir mynewfolder = Create New Folder
echo tailwind-landing >> // Create file and put content Best* shor: echo > asdfwe.txt (Create file only no content)
cd "folderName" = To enter Folder for doing some task
cls = Clear Screen // "clear" in git bash
# Rename Commit
git commit --amend -m "Modified Message"
git push origin main --force
# Committed changes to a repository and then made additional changes that you want to include in that same commit
git add <file(s)> // ie. git add
git commit --amend
git push --force // Need to force push to the remote repository if you've already pushed the previous commit.
************* VS Code ****************************************************** (Hindi)
1st time step: -----(Local: 1-3, Remote: a-d)--------------
1. Initialize Repository //
2. Commit // Visually Commit
3. COnfig Git(If ask)
a. Add Remote // Visually Commit
b. Push // Commit and push option ase vscode
c. Github Auth
d. Push Again (If required)
2nd Time (Old Project):
1. Pule (clone) //
2. Commit
a. Push
# or // Change in github, it take effect in local reprository
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