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Last active February 22, 2024 10:03
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  • Save subrotoice/cfff9df73f201252dd1ba46aa5c2ec3e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Persona +
Context: Need to limit the endless possiblilities
Task: Always start the Task sentence with an Action Verb. e.g. Generate, Give, Write, Analyze, etc
Exemplar +
Format +
- What does ".join()” do in this piece of code?
- Write a python function for generating a random password
- What are the top 3 books for learning Java?
- What are the key takeaways from "Head first Java"?
- Write a bash command to find the name of all jpeg files in a directory and write them all to a text file.
- How do I know how many lines of code I've committed to a Git repository
- I wanna make a revolutionary online shopping app. Give me some good app names.
- I wanna hire a graphic designer to design my website. We've agreed that they will deliver the first draft in two weeks and offer 3 iterations free of charge. Any iteration after will be charged at $50/hour. Write a contract for us.
- I have 3 years of experience coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Write a resume for me.
- I'm applying for a front-end engineer role at [SomeCompany]. Write a cover letter for me.
- Act as a technical interviewer and ask me 5 questions about JavaScript
- What is the answer to the first question?
- Write an email to my boss asking for a raise. I've worked at this company for 2 years and successfully delivered several projects on time.
- Write a python function for generating a random password
- What does "for in i range(length)" do in this code?
- What is the time complexity of this function?
- Write unit tests for this function
- How can I improve this code?
- Convert this Python code to JavaScript.
- Generate dummy data for a table called customers. Each customer should - have an ID, first name, last name and city.
- I don't need a Python script. Just give me the data!
- Create a Python class for storing these objects.
- Write the HTML and CSS code for displaying a card
- Add a button below the card content
- When I hover my mouse over the card, I want the card to slightly slide up
- Can you rewrite this code using TailwindCSS?
- When I click on the button, send an HTTP request to /api/products
- Instead of the fetch API, use axios
- Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'bar' of undefined
- Create a React component for displaying a card
- Destructure the props parameter
- I need an API built with Express.js to return the list of products. Each product should have attributes like ID, title, description, price and imageURL
- Modify the code and retrieve the products from a MongoDB database
- Use TypeScript in this code
- Generate this API using Python and FastAPI
- Write a SQL query to generate a table called products with 4 columns.
- Write a SQL query to generate a table called products with these columns:
id (int)
title (string)
category (int)
unitPrice (float)
imageUrl (string)
- Write a query to retrieve the top 5 customers in Manhattan.
- Revise this query and join the customers table with the orders table to find out how much each customer has spent. Then pick the top 5 who have spent the most. ----------------------
- I would like to learn the fetch api. What are the steps that I should take?
- What are some good resources to learn the fetch API?
- Let's start with the first step
- Can you give me some feedback on this code?
<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="/profile">Profile</a>
<a href="/search">Search</a>
function handleClick(e) {
history.pushState(null, null, this.href);
for (let link of document.querySelectorAll('a[href]')) {
link.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
// ...listen for added/removed links using MutationObserver...
- How can I build a web scraper in Python that extracts data from a - website and saves it to a CSV file?
- I need some ideas for a web app that uses the geolocation API
- I like the idea of a weather app
- I need some sample data for a project. I need a JSON array of coding bootcamp objects with at least 10 fields.
- Can you generate the documentation for this project -
- Can you generate the documentation for this project in markdown?
- I'm getting this error when I try to run my app. Can you explain it to me? main.js:10 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'filter')
at searchStates (main.js:10:24)
Create Tests:
- Can you generate a Jest test for this code?
Natural Language Processing:
- I need a REST API written in Rust. It should have products with an id, name, description and category_id. The category_id should have a relationship with another resource called categories that has an id and name. Let's use SQLite as a database. Use any frameworks and libraries that you see fit.
Creating UIs:
- I need the html and css for the homepage of a blog with a navbar that has a logo area with the text "My Blog", a hero area with some dummy text and a background image from unsplash and 3 cards with some sample posts. Make the color scheme have some light blues and greens
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