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Created August 8, 2008 01:00
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Save subtleGradient/4529 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
class File
def self.svn? path
File.exists?(path + '/.svn/')
def self.git? path
File.exists?(path + '/.git/')
def self.hg? path
File.exists?(path + '/.hg/')
def git_init!(path)
puts 'Not a Subversion or Git repo already.'
puts 'Gitting...'
command = %`cd '#{path}'; git init; git add ./; git ci -m 'First Commit'`
puts command
system command unless TESTING
def convert_svn_to_git!(path)
puts "Is a Subversion repo."
# abort if dirty
abort "Working copy is dirty. Clean up and try again :P \n or use the --force" unless `cd '#{path}'; svn st`.chomp.empty? unless FORCE
puts "Converting to git..."
# Get subversion info
svn_info = `cd '#{path}'; svn info`
# Parse out the url
svn_url = svn_info.scan(/URL: (.*?)\n/).first.first
require 'cgi'
svn_url = CGI.unescape svn_url
git_path = $path + '.gitting'
svn_path = $path + '.svn'
abort "#{git_path} exists!" if File.exists? git_path
abort "#{svn_path} exists!" if File.exists? svn_path
command = %`\ngit-svn clone '#{svn_url}' \\\n '#{git_path}'\n`
puts command;system command unless TESTING
# Swap the out with the new
command = %`mv '#$path' \\\n '#{svn_path}'`
puts command;system command unless TESTING
command = %`mv '#{git_path}' \\\n '#$path'`
puts command;system command unless TESTING
command = %`cd '#$path'`
puts command;system command unless TESTING
# Get rid of the original
puts "\n# You'll need to manually remove the original Subversion folder\n rm -rf '#{svn_path}'"
TESTING = true
# Setup
$path = File.expand_path(ARGV[0] || ENV['PWD'])
$path = ENV['PWD'] if ARGV[0] == '--force'
FORCE = ARGV[0] == '--force'
# Help
abort %`Bad path :(\nUsage: #{File.basename __FILE__} [PATH] [--force]` unless File.exists? $path
# Fail if this is already a git repo
abort 'Alteady a git repo :-/' if File.git? $path
# If an hg repo
abort "Doesn't support Mercruial yet :'(" if File.hg? $path
# If this isn't a subversion repo...
if File.svn? $path
# then just git init.
git_init! $path unless File.svn? $path
# Otherwise, convert!
convert_svn_to_git! $path
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