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Created June 19, 2024 22:36
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function filter_until_hung() {
local match_string="$1"
local cmd=("$@")
local tmpfifo=$(mktemp -u)
mkfifo "$tmpfifo"
"${cmd[@]}" >"$tmpfifo" 2>&1 &
local cmd_pid=$!
echo "Monitoring for '$match_string'. Command PID: $cmd_pid"
grep --line-buffered -m 1 "$match_string" <"$tmpfifo" && {
echo "Match found! Terminating command process (PID: $cmd_pid)..."
kill -SIGTERM "$cmd_pid" #>/dev/null 2>&1
echo "Waiting for command process (PID: $cmd_pid) to complete..."
wait "$cmd_pid"
echo "Command process (PID: $cmd_pid) terminated."
rm "$tmpfifo"
echo "Exiting with status 0."
return 0
echo "Match not found. Waiting for command process (PID: $cmd_pid) to complete..."
wait "$cmd_pid"
local cmd_status=$?
rm "$tmpfifo"
return "$cmd_status"
# Example usage
echo "Starting the yarn command..."
filter_until_hung "Seeded test users." yarn --frozen-lockfile --non-interactive --silent || exit 125
echo "Yarn command completed or interrupted."
# Your remaining script
cd "$(dirname "$0")/.."
cd frontend
bun relay
cd -
git co -f >/dev/null 2>&1
exit $STATUS
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