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Created July 11, 2021 12:56
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syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
option go_package = "./rpc/stats";
package stats;
service StatsService {
rpc AddStats(AddStatsRequest) returns (AddStatsResponse);
rpc GetStats(GetStatsRequest) returns (GetStatsResponse);
message Stats {
string player_name = 1;
float minutes = 2;
int32 field_goals = 3;
int32 field_goal_attempts = 4;
int32 three_pointers_made = 5;
int32 three_pointer_attempts = 6;
int32 free_throws_made = 7;
int32 free_throw_attempts = 8;
int32 offensive_rebounds = 9;
int32 defensive_rebounds = 10;
int32 assists = 11;
int32 steals = 12;
int32 blocks = 13;
int32 turnovers = 14;
int32 personal_fouls = 15;
int32 points = 16;
string team = 17;
string opponent = 18;
google.protobuf.Timestamp game_date = 19;
message AddStatsRequest {
repeated Stats stats = 1;
message GetStatsRequest {
string player_name = 1;
message AddStatsResponse {
string status = 1;
message GetStatsResponse {
repeated Stats stats = 1;
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