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Created October 3, 2016 01:55
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public with sharing class DynamicSOSLPractice {
This method will prepare SOSL statement to search for the keyword in all the fields for the objects
Account, Lead, Contact, sudipta__Book__c
public static void testDynamicSOSL(){
String soslString = '';
String searchKeyword = 'Salesforce';
List<String> requiredsObjects = new List<String>{'Account', 'Lead', 'Contact','sudipta__Book__c'};
List<Schema.DescribeSObjectResult> results = Schema.describeSObjects(requiredsObjects);
for(Schema.DescribeSObjectResult res : results){
soslString += res.getName() + '(';
for(Schema.SObjectField singleField : res.fields.getMap().values()){
soslString = soslString + singleField.getDescribe().getName() + ',';
soslString = soslString.subString(0,soslString.length()-1);
soslString += '),';
soslString = soslString.subString(0,soslString.length()-1);
System.Debug('-- soslString: ' + soslString);
soslString = 'FIND \'*' + searchKeyword + '*\' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING ' + soslString;
System.Debug('-- Final SOSLQueryString: ' + soslString);
//Execute the sosl query
List<List<sObject>> searchResult = search.query(soslString);
//Iterate the sosl result
for(List<sObject> sObjectSearchResult : searchResult){
//Print the values
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